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Whole 30 Down Under


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Day 30, not the end of the day but I have some time so logging now.

Feeling quite emotional about it all today, I think because I am still feeling really bloated, I suspect the culprit is the salt in the parma ham/prosciutto or whatever it was from Aldi that I ate that is just pork and salt.


B sweet potato spinach and eggs, coconut oil

L leftover chicken stew and spinach

D? Possibly steak and veggies of some sort

So on reflection (and trying to be positive)

The whole30 has shown me

1. It's ok to eat when hungry as long as its nutritious food

2. That I can be in control of my food, rather than the other way Round

3. That good sleep is great

4.thwt I can maintain my weight without obsessively tracking calories

I will admit I would have liked to have dropped some scale weight, that hasn't happened, however I suspect I have dropped some fat and added some muscle as I am starting to see a bit more definition in some areas.

I think I will put the scales away again because I don't like them

Would I do this agains? Yes, but I would take more care in tracking my portion sizes as I do tend towards gluttony. Lol

Oh and coconut milk would be off the menu.

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No gain, still at my stuck point weight..

Might try a nut free coconut free whole 30 in march.

I have loved the food and will keep lots of what I have learnt in my plan, although I am hanging to not have meat and eggs for breakfast, although that may bite me in the bum tomorrow as I have a heavy lifting day and this food is good fuel for that.

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