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Day 18 bloated as ever, haven't had a normal bowel movement since I started and wanting to give up

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Hey guys I'm on day 18 and all I'm feeling is worse than ever before. I've never been so bloated in my life. I can't go to the bathroom, my skin feels dry and brittle and breaking out ... I just feel so blah and considering just giving up because I'm not feeling even 1 positive side effect ...


meal 1: spinach frittata, berries, banana  

meal2: protien salad, baked sweet potato, apple

meal3: 3 cups spaghetti squash, 2 palm size of ground turkey, a pear


Meal1: 3 eggs, 2 huge handfuls of spinach, 1/2 avocado, grapefruit.

meal2: 2 palm size of tuna on a bed of spinach, 1 cup sliced carrot, 1 cup sliced celery, an apple

meal 3: 1 whole fillet of salmon .. OR 1 full chicken breast, 1 cup Brussels sprouts, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup cauliflower (all roasted) OR turkey meatloaf with 1/2 avocado, 2 cups sweet potato

*note that with every meal all my protien or veggies are cooked with 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil or ghee*

and literally drinking a gallon of water a day and I weigh 120 pounds 

What am I doing wrong?


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I am in the same boat and sending healing vibes to you. It's awful, the bloating and constipation. The only difference between your post and what I'm experiencing is my skin feels super soft, still splotchy though.  I'm on day 15 of my second W30 and just miserable. I'm doing lots of research and I'm wondering if I (we?) have a FODMAP sensitivity? I am going to keep a food diary to try and pinpoint what makes me feel the worst. I am taking Smooth Move tea tonight because I can't go on like this. I've also been having bumps and itchiness pop up all over me. Ughhhhhh

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Hi! I've experienced constipation, too, and it's because I'm eating sooo much more meat than I did before W30! Make sure you eat a ton of cooked veggies, brocc and cauliflower are my best friends, and chug water like your life depends on it :) Also, Magnesium supplement is a god send.

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Brocolli and cauliflower are cruciferous veggies and can cause bloating and discomfort when eaten in large quantities by some people.  It's great that they're your best friends @lwolford, roasted brocolli is my fave too and luckily it sits fine in my stomach but some people who are experiencing bloat may want to steer clear, especially of raw crucifers.

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