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Hi there Everyone,

With post NYE celebrations, got a SLOW start to the day, so wound up with only a Meal 1 & 2:


2 eggs, scrambled with mushrooms, onion and a handful of spinach

cup of black coffee (not as bad as I expected!)



Mashed avocado

Salad with balsamic vinegar

Fizzy water with lemon

Had a bit of Trader Joe's Red Chai tea tonight, too--because I thought I was feeling peckish--turns out I wasn't!

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M1: Egg (I know. Pathetic.--but I did EAT)

M2: Steak, Mashed avocado, cherry tomatoes, and a few beetroots and a pear.

So far to drink today I have had water, and a bit of black coffee. That was not as tasty today. Huh.

M3: Salad, Steak (just really had steak on the brain), spinach, mushrooms, onions and probably two pints of fizzy water with lemon.

I have leftovers, so I sense a steak, eggs and spinach kind of morning coming my way tomorrow. Tonight I will make some proper preparations though, as we finally got to the shops!

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What's up with brekky?

I know, it was a bit sad, really, but we had absolutely NOTHING in the house. I had a single egg left and no quick veggies, but we've got to the shops today, so hooray! More variety!

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Uh oh. RIght, so not quite the variety we might have hoped for the day, but I've been okay thus far. I will make a concerted effort to prepare after yoga this evening for tomorrow's food. Thus far today:

M1: 2 dippy eggs, a handful of carrots, a bit of black coffee (really not sure about this stuff)

M2: spring onions and parma ham (only salt and pork variety, nothing bad in there!), a few more carrots, some raw hazelnuts.

I've been drinking water, both hot and cold today.

I've got to do something with the turkey I pulled out last night for dinner. We'll see when I get back home for the day! And so here's what I did:

M3: turkey salsa guac concoction on lettuce tacos (a fave of the fam). After yoga, came home to a cup or so of homemade coconut milk with blackberries.

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You really need to eat more! Re-read the meal planning template for the quantities to aim for.

take care & eat up :)

I know, you are spot on, I was just living in denial that I would actually do the 30 starting on the 1st. I did it out of sheer stubbornness, for sure. I've got all the bits and pieces to make a variety of meals (and I think I pinned a post of yours on my W30 pinterest board, funnily enough!), I just need to carve out the time to cook, which is definitely easier on the weekend. I'll get there. After being paleo for so long (and loving it), I know I'm in my biggest pitfall area right now--not having cooked or planned ahead. At least that stubborn streak is coming in handy for something! Stay tuned...and don't forget I've still got M3 to be getting on with today! ;)

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I know, you are spot on, I was just living in denial that I would actually do the 30 starting on the 1st. I did it out of sheer stubbornness, for sure. I've got all the bits and pieces to make a variety of meals (and I think I pinned a post of yours on my W30 pinterest board, funnily enough!), I just need to carve out the time to cook, which is definitely easier on the weekend. I'll get there. After being paleo for so long (and loving it), I know I'm in my biggest pitfall area right now--not having cooked or planned ahead. At least that stubborn streak is coming in handy for something! Stay tuned...and don't forget I've still got M3 to be getting on with today!

Yes..more food!! Weekend cookathons are my favorite success methods. I steam saute a ton of veggies like nappa cabbage, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms etc. One whole chicken (then I take the meat off the bone and the carcass goes in the freezer for stock) and a spicy tri tip roast. Egg and tuna salad with homemade mayo. A big batch of chocolate chili. I'm happy and calm when my kitchen is well stocked. :) My favorite saying is "failing to plan is planning to fail". :)

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I know what you mean, but even if you don't have time to cook just put more of what's in your fridge & larder..in your belly :)

You are right but you made me laugh for that all the same :-)

Day 4 I have a bit better of a plan!

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Happy day 4 to all! Okay, thus far today:

M1: steak, a runny egg, spinach, mushrooms and onions, and a few cucumber slices as I prepared M2, coffee with homemade coconut milk (so much better than the black stuff on its own)

M2: leftover turkey salsa guac concoction, cucumbers, carrots, a little beetroot, a few slices of parma (because I could eat 20 slices), spring onions.

I've snacked on a small handfull of cashews, and I have a pear that is looking so sorry for itself now that I am sure I will eat that, too (nope, though, I did not today--maybe tomorrow, poached!).

M3: hamburger with sundried tomatoes, and lots of mushrooms, onions and peppers on top, with a shmear of homemade ketchup (which was...just okay). Also fizzy water to drink.

About an hour before bed, too, I warmed up a cup of coconut milk and had that. V nice....

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M1: Omelette with salsa, celery, green peppers and onions, with black coffee (this coffee wasn't bad at all!). Had this at the local diner, where I grilled them on how they made the salsa, how they cooked the eggs, etc. They were making the salsa from scratch when I arrived, so it was good timing! How do they sweeten their sauce? With ground or shredded carrots! "There's too much sugar in things these days. You can get that naturally from fruit and veg", they said. Impressive! I will return here as they were so pleasant and totally accommodating.

M2: this was a bit of a split meal, as out with friends this eve. Made wings of all things which were absolutely brilliant. Then when out had a spinach salad with carrots and cucumbers, and a touch of balsamic which they said was compliant but I think I'm becoming paranoid...!

Due to how the day fell and our schedule, I only got 2 meals in. I have bone broth in the slow cooker for future meals on the go, and I've got plans in place already for next week. Onwards and upwards.

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This is cooking day for me, which is just great. So far this morning I have finished up bone broth, ghee, mushroom soup, there's beef shank stew in the slow cooker, and I'm about to finish up the salmon cakes. Boiled eggs next, and roasted brussel sprouts. There is more, but I can't think of it at the moment. Will be cooking through 3pm today, when we leave for a DINNER PARTY (gulp), where they are having sushi and teriyaki. I'm thinking if I bring coconut aminos I could have the sushi, but I'm really not sure on the teriyaki bit what I can do (other than just not eat). I'm going to have a big M2 before we leave I think--not exactly 4 or 5 hours between, but I don't want to get there and an hour in find that I am HUNGRY. Dunno.

M1: Mushroom soup made with bone broth and a few pieces of parma. Cup of coffe with coconut milk.

M2: a few salmon cakes (wow were these good with a bit of lemon squeezed on them), and subsequently a large salad with a hard boiled egg and balsamic vinegar. The salad I had at the dinner party, which everyone there was very supportive. Which was a good thing as I was surrounded by wine, teriyaki, profiteroles, fairy cakes, and more. I could actually smell the sugar! I actually do feel rather pleased with myself over this afternoon/evening, truth be told!

M3: smaller meal, but couldn't help it; things smelled so good when we came into the house tonight, and I am, in truth, hungry. So I've had a bit of the beef shank stew. Me oh my...

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Bring something compliant to eat, just in case! Then you won't be ravenous and want to eat 'bad' foods. You cook-a-thon sounds fabulous and it may be the kick in the rear I need to to get into the kitchen! I don't know what's in that stew, but it sounds delightful. Perhaps that's what will be gracing out plates tonight. I've also had a hankering for homemade tomato soup, which would keep and travel well to work.

Keep up the good work!!

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Bring something compliant to eat, just in case! Then you won't be ravenous and want to eat 'bad' foods. You cook-a-thon sounds fabulous and it may be the kick in the rear I need to to get into the kitchen! I don't know what's in that stew, but it sounds delightful. Perhaps that's what will be gracing out plates tonight. I've also had a hankering for homemade tomato soup, which would keep and travel well to work.

Keep up the good work!!

It comes from nomnompaleo, who I just love grabbing ideas from, even if it's just a jump off point. Here's the link:



you can hit my pinterest for all the other cook a thon items I've been getting up to:


I spent week 1 scrambling about so I was determined to be somewhat more engaged, shall we say, this week...!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just looking back to the last time I posted here and it was literally TWO weeks ago! It has been a ridiculously busy two weeks with work, but I do believe that in the past I would have been exhausted and not just a little snippy and snappish at this stage, whereas I have felt a level sense of energy and concentration, and working out has got better and better, too.

Eating has been interesting in that I find myself reflecting often on pre W30 and what I am eating now. At my most strict paleo (and I always kept the cream in my coffee and the rice with my sushi) I felt great. But I had not been at my most strict in a Looooooooooong time. Too long. Tis has been a real re-set for me and best of all, I am back to enjoying making food again. Huzzah!

Interesting learning moment for me: I do not like making breakfast in the morning. In fact, I would be quite happy to give it up altogether, but I have faithfully had it each day--something I have made the night before that I simply need to heat up. I tend to eat about an hour and a half after I get up, and that has worked for me, and I feel eating this meal is making a difference overall.

I am drinking less coffee, too. That was a huge change. I tried black for a bit, then with coconut milk, but have switched over to bulletproof, with a teaspoon of ghee and a teaspoon of coconut oil blended up each morning. I have one cup that I top off maybe twice with black coffee and that is it. So probably in total 2 cups a day--trust me, that is huge. I know that I will not go back to cream in my coffee again.

As for food, it's been great. I will post more about food now that things are calming down (some), but in the meantime, here's a pic of dinner last night (and brekkie this morn!). It is rounds of aubergine (eggplant) dipped in egg then a garlic and raw cashew ground mixture, then cooked in a touch of ghee. That is topped with a sauce made from tomatoes, red onions, capers, artichoke hearts and ground beef, seasoned with garlic and ground red pepper. So. Good.

Anyway. More tomorrow...!


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That looks delish! But I HATE eggplant. It gives me the heebie-jeebies. Once, I was cutting into one and I made my husband come in and throw it away because I literally would NOT touch it again. BUT. That recipe might be really good with some zucchini this summer! Lunch is my worst meal. I work at a school and I have to eat with my kiddos, so I only get about 3 minutes to heat up my lunch and then I have to rush to the cafeteria to eat it with the kids, and they LOVE to make fun of me. I also don't like to eat much during the day. Big lunches tend to make me sick, so I stick to small meals made up of lots of weird things in containers (kraut, left overs, green beans, olives, it's weird).

Best thing we did for breakfast were sweet potato fritters. Fried 'em up Sunday, at 'em all week with eggs or sausage!

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I would LOVE to recommend that you make your life, and breakfast intake, so much easier by whipping up a batch of breakfast egg muffins. Seriously. I work 55 hour weeks in a really demanding job, plus commute of 45 mins each way, plus 3-4 days per week of commuting early so I can hit the gym for 30 minutes of strength training and/or swimming/running. Yeah. I have no time at all to make things for myself and the Whole30 has been tough due to a lack of convenience. Egg muffins have SAVED MY MORNINGS and my sanity.

Here's a link to give you an idea: http://everydaypaleo.com/egg-cupcakes/

I made last week's batch without cooking the veggies in advance and had to choke them down. So dense! This week's batch included some hot italian turkey sausage (yum!) with cooked peppers, onions, garlic, parsley, spinach cooked in the pan after the sausage (double yum!). Needless to say, this week's batch RULES. A cupcake pan of 12, 2 per serving for 2 people, means brekkie pre-made for 3 days. I had a bit extra so I made two larger egg muffins for an extra morning. I also have 4 hardboiled eggs leftover that I will save for the remaining morning's breakfast, unless I get the urge to fry two eggs in coconut oil with some baby kale before work on a non-gym day.

Really, be kind to yourself. To avoid headaches, be sure you're taking in enough healthy fat. Eat veggies with every. single. meal. Really. Even if it's a handful of baby carrots with your morning eggs/protein. If I can pre-cut veggies and make a few foods on my Sunday to make my INSANE work hour less filled with doom, anyone can do it. I believe in you!

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Hi Sara C--Ah yes, I know the egg muffins of which you speak. Sarah Fragoso has been a go-to of mine since I started down the paleo road a few years ago. I don't really suffer from headaches, and I love veggies at any point in the day, so no problem there!

Breakfast three weeks in is going well. I don't like making it in the morning, but as long as I have a plan at night, and food in the house, I am fine. Week 1 was a success due to my stubbornness and not my forward planning! All has been well since. As for mealtimes, including brekkie, veggies are the easiest part of that. Be wary of your italian sausage--it's hard to come by many brands with no sugar! If you have a specific brand you buy, share! :-)

For you and your no time issues, why not look at the magic of the slow cooker? We always have something going in there--and that way when you come home there's something nice and warm to greet you--with always enough for leftovers. I do bone broth in mine with marrow bones--which I roast before tossing them in the slow cooker so I can enjoy the marrow over a field salad with capers and onion. SO. GOOD.

I've got two pinterest boards you can look at, one is specifically W30, the other is from my paleo days (with some naughtiness thrown in), and I'm part of an awesome group board for avocados, of all things! Have a look, if you get a chance, and rock on for the rest of your W30 (what day are you on?)



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GAH. What is this bulletproof coffee I keep seeing?! Coconut oil and ghee in COFFEE?? I guess I shouldn't knock it till I try it. I haven't tried bone marrow yet either, I have a hard time wrapping my head around that and beef tallow for cooking. But it's only been 22 days, so I digress...

Planning has been the biggest help in all of this. Yesterday we made some chicken soup with coconut milk, homemade bone broth, and some other goodies. Half I froze, half is in the fridge for lunches (because I hate packing lunches). Hoorah!

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I mocked bulletproof coffee, and now I will never use cream again. The secret is in the blending. It will actually look like there is cream in it--not like an oil slick! Marrow just out of the oven is the way to go. I had some reheated with a salad for M2 today, but the buttery taste was lost in heated translation some; too bad.

Very little planning happened today but luckily there were leftovers to keep me going just fine. Did not get to the gym either; it's SO cold here, and I feel a little like I want to hibernate. Sigh....

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Did I mention anywhere that I BROKE my VITAMIX?

Yes, I broke it. Making bone broth. The bones had been simmering away in the crockpot, I remembered reading SOMEWHERE online that if you ground the bones up or hammered them to pieces, you'd have a better gelled version of bone broth. So I put a few of the bones in the vitamix. I mean, that thing can grind anything!

And here's where you get the voice of reason and common sense telling you "no. I don't think this is a good idea. best leave it." I recall that voice at the time. But the me in charge of, well, ME, looked at the bones in the vitamix and figured "just a quick whiz. I mean, it was mentioned somewhere on the internet after all...". One whiz, at variable 4. Terrible clatter. Another whiz at variable 5. Earth shattering cacophony. Final whiz at 6, and...vitamix explodes. Well, no not exactly, but the container cracked outwards, so I suppose that is a sort of exploding. I actually sat down and cried.

Pulled myself together and rang Vitamix customer service, who were actually....LOVELY. The person I spoke with tried very hard not to laugh outright at my kitchen antics, and explained to me that yes, he'd heard about hammering the bones somewhere, too, but that no, the Vitamix, it turns out, cannot grind beef bones, or indeed, rocks. In case I got any ideas. In any event, after a lovely chat, the company is sending me out a new container (no charge!), and it should be here within a week or two. How fantastic is that? Thank you Vitamix.

All this to say, I really miss my coconut milk. I can't make it until the container arrives--at least, not the way that I typically make it, which is so fast and just so good...so it's a shame!

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AHHH! I can't believe that happened with the Vitamix! So nice to hear how accommodating they were though! Good to know they really do stand by their product! I'm sorry it happened though... no fun at all! I too have been a little weirded out by the bulletproof coffee and bone marrow broth... but it may be worth a try. I like your humor... you seem to be enjoying this adventure which is always good to see!

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