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Dark Chocolate Cravings

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In preparing for my Whole30, I have given up most non-compliant whole30 foods. The only thing is I switched to dark chocolate for sugar cravings, and I'm having a hard time giving it up!

In order to fully commit to the program and follow the guidelines, I just need some advice on what to do when the dark chocolate craving comes up....

If anyone has struggled with chocolate of any sort and was able to successfully give it up, what did you do? And what do you do in that moment where you think that "some chocolate would be really nice right now"?


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I love sugar so when I would start fantasizing about it, I would try to distract myself and find another way to self-sooth rather than focus on the craving.

When do you want chocolate the most? Is it after a stressful day at work? Lonely? (That is my case) Look at those situations and be prepared for when they happen.

IF I am feeling stressed and want something to comfort me... THEN I will take a hot relaxing bath (maybe with a fancy bath bomb)

...THEN I will take a walk to the park

...THEN I will paint my nails my favorite color

....THEN I will soak my feet and watch an episode of my favorite guilty pleasure


The key I have learned is to NOT eat something in place of it. That is just reinforcing that same bad habit of going to food for comfort.


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10 minutes ago, LindsayO said:

In preparing for my Whole30, I have given up most non-compliant whole30 foods. The only thing is I switched to dark chocolate for sugar cravings, and I'm having a hard time giving it up!

In order to fully commit to the program and follow the guidelines, I just need some advice on what to do when the dark chocolate craving comes up....

If anyone has struggled with chocolate of any sort and was able to successfully give it up, what did you do? And what do you do in that moment where you think that "some chocolate would be really nice right now"?


Dang sugar, it can be so difficult! 

If ending sugar cravings (including dark chocolate) is a goal for the end of your Whole30, then you definitely don't want to be subbing in any fruit, nuts, nut butters etc. If you can't distract yourself/move past it, go for something fatty/briney. Olives or avocado or a piece of chicken with homemade mayo. The only way to kill off those cravings is to starve them out. 

You can also consider taking a magnesium supplement. Often our desire for chocolate (especially around our period) is as a result of magnesium deficiency. Due to over-farming, nearly all modern culture is deficient so a supplement wouldn't hurt. 

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Thank you Sam and LadyShanny!

Great suggestions here.

I think it's a very good strategy to do something else when the cravings hit, instead of doing nothing (or giving in).

So I will go for a walk, etc, or eat some olives and I think it's practical to expect the first few days to just kind of suck. I go to chocolate for comfort in times of stress. So it's about creating new stress relievers and being patient with myself during the transition....

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