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Whole30 fruit & potatoes


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Hi Everyone & Happy New Year!!

I started Whole30 on January 2nd hoping that it will help with my anxiety. & addiction to sugar. I did Keto for several months & my anxiety disappeared, but I developed horrible reflux, so had to quit.

I'm training for an event that involves climbing 45 stories in mid-February- so I need some carbs to help with training. I must be super sensitive to carbs, because about 20 minutes after eating fruit or potatoes I'm hungry, no matter what I pair them with.

Any suggestions from a person who is active would be appreciated!


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It depends on what you're using the carbs for.  If part of your meal(s) have you tried pairing with a nut butter or other fat?  One of my favorites is a sweet potato with either Almond Butter or Coconut Oil.  Sometimes I'll add a few blueberries/blackberries/raspberries (and I mean only like 8-10 of them).  I've definitely noticed a difference for me when I have carby veggies without fat versus with.

If you mean for a workout the Whole30 guide recommends a combination of lean protein/fat before a workout, lean protein/carb dense vegetables after.  So if you're talking about pre-workout try to stick with lean protein/fat.  

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@Leed You might find this thread helpful: https://forum.whole30.com/topic/12058-fat-adaption-starchy-carbs/. In particular, check out ultrarunnergirl's advice. 

In general, I've seen moderators state that most people do well with at least one fist-sized serving of starchy vegetables (such as sweet potato, potato, carrots, beets, parsnip, etc.) per day. For an active person, this will likely be more. So eating carb-dense vegetables with more meals during your training periods (but not right before a workout) might be a good strategy. 

I'm not sure what to say about your potential sensitivity to potatoes. Perhaps try different varieties of starchy, carb-dense vegetables? Maybe squashes? Here's a link to one of my favorite recipes, featuring acorn squash: https://www.paleorunningmomma.com/stuffed-acorn-squash-paleo-whole30/

And for fruit, I wouldn't recommend relying on that for anything. If you do want to eat fruit, it should be eaten only with meals. But for Whole30 purposes, I don't think fruit really plays much of a role in the program. I tend to hardly eat any at all and I'm pretty active. 

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48 minutes ago, Leed said:

Thank you so much for the information.  I love squash, so will give it a try

Just remember the starchy squashes are the winter ones, like butternut, acorn, kabocha, or pumpkin. Not the summer squashes like yellow, crookneck, or patty pan, which are pretty low carb. Spaghetti squash is sort of in between.

Plantains and root vegetables also tend to be higher carb.

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