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Low FODMAPs for a Whole30 High


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Day 15: Sad

I was feeling a certain hopelessness creeping in about my sleep situation. I told hubby, and I think it brought to mind the "D" word (depression) and he offered to start sleeping with the baby at night and only calling me in every 3 hours to nurse. We did that strategy with our first kid when he was a bit older, and it was an effective way to cut back the night nursing without too many tears.

So we started last night and I only woke up 4 times, which is an improvement. Things were going well until this afternoon, when I found out my husband lied to me about my kid having quiet time today. It wasn't a particularly big lie, but I was livid, because honesty is important to me and because he did it in front of my son who has been experimenting with lying lately himself. And as we were arguing, he said something to the effect that I've barely been parenting my older son anyway, so I should only play an advisory role at best.


Things aren't very happy around here.

I did discover one useful thing, though. I was sobbing from the sting of the implication that I've been a neglectful parent, and then I asked myself, "Do I think that's true?" And I didn't. And the tears stopped. It was surprising. And a nice reminder that I'm doing this because it's important to me, and that's where the gratification comes from. It would be great to be recognized and appreciated, but that's just secondary. I'm parenting this way out of the love of my boys, and the process is the payoff. (The snuggles help, too.)


Meal 1: Cottage pie, peppermint tea gelatin, green smoothie (kale, coconut milk, cinnamon)

Meal 2: roast beef, roast broccoli, butternut squash

Meal 3: Cottage pie, coconut water

Meal 4: shrimp and tomatoes in tapenade, roast beef, roast broccoli, butternut squash, frozen banana slice, frozen strawberries

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Day 17: Almost Human

Well, things are certainly starting to look up. I'm finally getting a little more sleep (down to 3 wake ups, and I even slept in 2 days!) and yesterday I went to hot yoga for the first time since getting pregnant. It was glorious! I did get overwhelmed by the heat at one point, but I got such an endorphin high from it! And I felt almost like my old self again. It's been a loooooong time.

Today I'm feeling up to tracking my food so I can get started with the nutritionist. So my food log will be a little more detailed.

A whole day without coconut manna (except for the little bit on my leftover green beans) or nut butter! Sadly, a whole day spent tempted by them! Baby steps. Update: I put my food intake into MyFitnessPal, and saw that my calories were under 1600. (I aim for over 2000 because I have a 21 lb baby who mostly lives on my milk.) So I had a couple of tablespoons of coconut manna over some fruit to get my calories up. I did it for the baby, honest!

I'm really surprised that that volume of food doesn't add up to much calories.


7:40am 2 tsp glutamine powder, 2 Dr Ohhira's probiotics, 2 peppermint/oregano oil capsules

8:00 - 2.5 cups hash (grass-fed ground beef, spinach, sweet potatoes, gelatin, chinese 5 spice, salt), 1 frozen strawberry

8:15 - green smoothie (2 cups frozen kale, 1/2 cup coconut milk, tbsp cinnamon)

11:15 - mustard-glazed chicken leg/thigh (dijon mustard, coconut oil), 3 cups salad greens, 1 small tomato (I was still hungry, but had to go pick up the kid)


1:15 - another chicken leg/thigh, 2 cups green beans with 1 tsp coconut manna, 10 small frozen blueberries

3:00 - a little burpy/gassy

4:00 - 1 tsp green pastures fermented cod liver oil/butter oil in cinnamon tingle

5:00 - a little burpy/gassy

5:45 - 3 oz basa with ghee and tapenade, roast spaghetti squash fried in ghee (2 cups), 10 blueberries


6:30 - "Bone-up" Calcium supplement, D3

7:00 - a little burpy/gassy

8:15 - 2 tbsp coconut manna, 4 frozen banana slices, 2 frozen strawberries, 5 frozen blueberries

8:30 - Dreamwell tea (sultana raisins, fennel, valerian, lemon balm, lemongrass, sage, chamomile, peppermint, cardamom)

9:00 - 1 tsp natural calm magnesium

Totals Calories: 1,909 Carbs: 67g Fat: 130g Protein: 114 g

Ok, I had no idea my carbs were that low. And nearly 67% of my calories come from fat? Wow, this is more interesting than I expected.


I'm grateful for how quickly a bit of sleep can give me my life back.

I'm grateful that I still have my health.

I'm grateful for my new smartphone!

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WOW! That is a lot of exercise! Sounds like it's working well for you.

I wouldn't know where to get my calories if it wasn't from fat. I ate around 9 cups of veggies yesterday, and I wouldn't want to eat much more meat than I did. I've got to think of something to take the place of the nut butters and coconut manna.

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I think the reason I love Whole30, besides how great I felt, was eating all the fat!

You seem to be able to source some pretty great meats, what about upping your fatty meat intake? I love keeping the pork fat and cooking with it. I've been known to actually drizzle it over cooked veggies. I'm planning on being the primary test subject that shows fat doesn't cause heart disease ;)

Pretty rough day a few days ago. Oh, how we can wound the ones we love. I can take criticism from just about anyone on any subject except my spouse. I appreciate and respect his criticism (though he rarely shares any), but when he does, I do not handle it well (picture ugly crying, oh how I wish I was an pretty cryer). I also know that when someone's criticism does upset me, its often because I was worried about that thing anyway. It's like I'm more hurt that they said it out loud, or confirmed my worry? But in your case, it's so freeeing when you realize that something that was upsetting, isn't. Because you've thought it through and moved on. Done.

Hope things keep getting better.

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LOL - yeah, I'm not so pretty when I cry either!

I'm trying to stay "moved on." Right now, it's purely an act of will! He's suddenly sleep-deprived as well, so it's not really an ideal time to work through our issues. So I'll just be happy that I'm finally getting some sleep!

Interesting idea about using more animal fat in my cooking. I sure hope they're right about it not being bad for you!

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Day 19: First Restaurant Dinner

I got my first 3.5 hour stretch of sleep in I don't know how long. I partially woke up and decided I must be in Uganda because of the middle of the night cooking smells. (I haven't been to Uganda in 5 years; don't know what that was about!) Then my 4 year old woke up and wanted his back stroked. Then the baby woke and hubby and I had a chat. What will I do when my nights get boring again? Oh yeah, sleep!

Going out to dinner for a friend's birthday tonight. I'm looking forward to the fun with friends aspect, but dreading the ordering part. It seems near impossible to find a main in a fancy restaurant with no alcohol, butter, dairy, or high FODMAPs. And is it wrong that I sometimes think of how much quality meat that money would have bought? :P

Baby is projectile vomiting. Bummer.


7:45 - 1 tsp gluatmine

8:00 - 3 cups hash (grass-fed ground beef, spinach, sweet potatoes, gelatin, chinese 5 spice, salt)

8:15 - green smoothie (2.5 cups frozen kale, 1/4 cup coconut milk, tbsp cinnamon)

1:15 - mustard-glazed chicken leg/thigh (dijon mustard, coconut oil), 3 cups salad greens. 2 tbsp coconut manna, 3 slices frozen banana, 2 frozen strawberries, 15 frozen blueberries

5:00 - 135g basa in ghee and tapenade, 1 cup spaghetti squash in ghee

8:30 - fried calamari with tapenade and microgreens, roasted carrots, 200 g sable fish with nori and pickled ginger.

9:20 - 1/4 cup lemon sorbet, 1/4 mango sorbet

Was gassy all night!!!! I think it was the sugar.

The sorbet was a total Whole30 fail. Still managed to avoid gluten and dairy so I don't think I need to restart my day count.

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I also struggle with what to replace nuts and coconut with given avocado is excluded.

Gin I made a big pot of chicken soup last night from roast chook leftovers and there was an inch of fat on top this morning so I decided to scoop it off and use it for cooking veg in (might also give me a chance to have a few days off ghee since I am wondering if that is causing my stomach pains).

What are your favourite veg to cook in meat fat???

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I'm not low FODMAP, so I'm not sure which veggies are an issue. I'll cook pretty much any vegetable in lard.

My personal faves are carrots or Brussels sprouts in lard. I love cabbage with lard or tallow. But I'm thinking you avoid the cabbage family.

Peppers are great sautéed in lard too.

I'm curious, do you eat mayo?

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I'm mostly avoiding broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, asparagus, onions, garlic, cabbage, and scallions, and trying to recognize the last few items that are still giving me trouble.

Yes, I usually eat mayo. I've just been trying to do a couple of weeks without eggs and nuts to see if the rashes on my face improve. But I've got a lovely bottle of avocado oil on my shelf, just begging to be made into mayo!

Edit: Oops! I just realized you were addressing Juzbo!

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I'm addressing anybody who is kind of enough to read what I said ;)

I've followed you, Janette. Okay, that sounds creepy as I wrote it. I followed your low FODMAP journey without any education but some interest. I always enjoy learning from everyone here. I would be very sad without the veggies you've listed. But hey, feeling great is better than not feeling great, so I'd learn to live without if I had to.

Eggs are interesting to me. I love them. I eat them a lot. And I've never had any problems with them. But I do have an auto-immune disease. So it's interesting how everything is so much trial and error. Ever just stop to ponder how amazing the human body is?

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Hi Janette-

I stumbled upon your log because I am just beginning a low FODMAPS scheme and I have a question-- what is the purpose/benefit of adding gelatin to your morning hash? What kind is it- powdered?

Thanks for indulging my curiousity!!

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Gin, I never thought I had a problem with eggs either, but I read a post by PaleoMom which talks about the lysozyme in egg whites that actually escorts both proteins and bacteria across the gut barrier. I read that and thought, "Yikes! I should probably test my sensitivity to eggs just to be sure." I've been off them for 2 weeks now. My skin isn't any better. I do feel better but I think that's just from getting more sleep. But I've developed a bit of an aversion to them since reading that article! I think my approach going forward is to only use them as glue (fried chicken, sweet potato fritters) or condiment (mayo, hollandaise).

Emily, I started using gelatin because my nails were getting weak. The more I read about it, the more it sounded like an awesome addition to my diet. It helps heal your gut, builds your bones and nails, gives you healthy joints, keeps your skin supple, speeds wound healing, and can even help your sleep. I use it in my hash to make the meat juicier, the way I used to use arrowroot, or corn starch before I was Paleo. Once the ground meat is mostly cooked, I push it all to one side of the pan so that the juices pool in the other side. I sprinkle the gelatin on to the juices and mix it a bit, then mix it back into the meat. I learned this technique from making Shepherd's pie. It really makes a difference in how tasty the meat is.

I also like to make my own "tea jello" by mixing gelatin with rooibos tea. (You first dissolve 1 - 2 Tbsp of gelatin into 1/2cup cold water, then mix with tepid tea and let "set" in the fridge.)

Yes, it's powdered. I use this 1lb bag of gelatin powder from iherb.

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Gelatin... That's good... I have agar and guar gum which I haven't used for awhile, and gelatin somewhere in the cupboard

Gin I have never really used mayo much in my diet (maybe due to gallbladder issues) so I haven't been sure whether to add it now..... It's a good idea if I find I can tolerate olive oil better than meat fat.... I haven't thought to sauté carrots, I most often eat them raw, baked or steamed. I am struggling with something at the moment, I think it is fat but it may also be worth testing eggs. I am chuffing enzymes to see if that helps.

This forum is great for ideas! Thanks everyone!

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Day 20: Dragging

Really dragging today. I don't know if it's just that I was out late, or if it's from the sorbet fail last night.

I'm also wanting EXCITING! things to eat today. Last night's meal was really delicious and creative; it's hard to go back to my rut. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel creatively energized.


3am - 2 L. Reuteri capsules

6am - 1 iron, 1 folate

8:30 am - 1 tsp glutamine

9 am - 3 cups hash (ground beef, sweet potato, green beans, spinach, gelatin, boullion, chinese five spice)

11am - 1 cup rooibos gelatin

12pm - 1 cup pate, 3 medium carrots

2pm - 3 pieces bacon, green smoothie (mixed leafy greens, cinnamon, 1 tsp chia seeds)

2:15 pm - green pastures fermented cod liver oil, sublingual B12

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I wish I knew. Had my gall bladder out in 1990 and been low fat ever since until this year. Fodmap issues mean nuts, avocado and coconut flesh are a moderate problem. I have heard that coconut oil is easier for people without gall bladders to digest.... Maybe because they are medium chain? I have protein problems with dairy, tried cream and butter only earlier this year as they are lower protein but couldn't manage them. Then found ghee and I thought that seemed okay but I am not so sure now. This last couple of weeks I have increased my meat fat content re bone broth and chicken skin and fattier cuts... But also eggs too.... So who knows if it is protein, fat or fodmaps!

I think I just need to pull my finger out and do a week without ghee, eggs, then nuts, then all coconut, then add just coconut oil in etc and keep off all fodmap veges and fruit at the same time... But it takes a lot of organizing!

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Day 21: I QUIT!!!!!

I've been Whole30 compliant for 118 of the past 121 days, and frankly, I'VE HAD ENOUGH! I'm grateful for the stamina that eating this way gave me, but the restrictions are doing my head in now. Especially with the FODMAPs stuff on top. And add to that all the things that I CAN'T do right now because I have a breastfeeding baby who barely naps anyway and certainly won't nap without me around. (And is refusing a bottle at bedtime when I'm out.)


And I'm tired of trying to have a good attitude and playing the long game and looking at the bright side and all that. I'm crabby, darnit, and I feel like I have a right to be!!!!

I do realize that I chose all this - I chose to have a baby, and I'm actively choosing not to sleep train or night wean him. I get that. And I get that I'm very lucky that I don't have any serious or lasting health issues.

But, at least for tonight, I'm going to stop thinking that I have to say, "No" to so many, many things. I'm going to pretend that tomorrow I can eat take out, go snowboarding all day, and have a cold Winter Ale in the hot tub at the end. And then eat chocolate and stay up late and sleep all night and late into the morning. And then, maybe, see a matinee. Or lay on the couch all day and finish a novel. And take it all for granted and not feel like I have to be deeply grateful to whomever is looking after my kids.

Sigh. I really need a break.

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