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W30 v2.1 - Day 23

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Well, well, well - time is flying on this W30 - third attempt and doing just fine. I think there are a couple of things that make W30 easy for me:

  • I don't suffer from food boredom - like, never. I can say I never get tired of eating the same thing with 100% confidence. I have a really adventurous palate and enjoy food a great deal but, if all I have on offer is 4 days of pulled pork with a side of kale hash, I'm down with that too. That's pretty lucky!
  • I like to cook and am both good and efficient at it. I thnk W30 must be difficult for those who don't cook or aren't confident in their kitchen skills.
  • I have access to the financial resources to buy the best food and ensure W30 compliance. I appreciate that very much. @Jihanna wrote a great post the other day as to how she does W30 on a budget (check it out here - it's great!) and, while I was grateful of Jihanna for sharing her time and expertise with us, I was more grateful that I didn't have to think about these cost saving measures or the time they take to manage/implement them.
  • Hubs is 100% supportive. He had great success on his own W30 in January and has maintained what we call the W30 lifestyle (and his 5 pound weight loss) since. He likes tortilla chips with salsa and a cold beer and popcorn but he is 100% supportive of me and always asks if it's alright with me if he indulges in front of me. It generally is - I'm not tempted by anything anyone else is eating. Now, having said that, he did ask me what he could help me with while I was preparing a complicated dinner the other night and my response was "pour me a glass of wine and drink it for me"...
  • I'm super disciplined and love a good set of rules. Give me rules with a solid rationale behind them and I am a happy camper. I suspect W30 is really hard for those always looking for away around a rule :) I'm happiest when I know what I'm supposed to do and do it with commitment. I think that the fact that this particular set of rules leaves me so satisfied and not hungry plus I sleep soooo well and so long that I find it extra easy to commit to these rules. The so called Freedom in the WW plan was problematic for me - I'd eat 500mls of 0% Greek Yogurt - feel terrible afterwards, be hungry in an hour and not lose an ounce. This W30 thing is just easier

One more week of strict compliance then back to my between W30 life - no dairy, no legumes (soy especially), no sugar, very little wine, minimal grains. And, I think I will weigh in. I feel like I've lost more weight - it might be reasonable to have a benchmark. I dunno for sure yet...



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"Pour me a glass of wine and drink it for me" -- I'm going to have to remember that one!

Thanks for the mention, too! My mom and I are actually doing a round together starting in June (my 2nd, her 1st), and I think I might take special note of exactly how much I spend over the course of the month for 4 adults and 2 kids, with all the family meals being W30. We'll always have non-compliant stuff in the house because my girls tend to be super-picky, but I'm slowly working my way through more paleo recipes to see if I can find some good homemade (and healthier!) alternatives to some of what they will eat. :)

I'm glad to hear your current round is going well!

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Go you and the successful new round! Honestly, I could have written this post, I'm the same about not getting food boredom, and having the kitchen skills to not feel deprived! I'm the same with not needing to think about the budget, which I'm very, very grateful for. I'm also the same about having set rules, and I'm the same about having been a former WWer who stopped being able to lose on the program. 

I also really like living vicariously through my husband, though he's also going to be cutting down on the wine a lot!! 

I'm round 2 day 2, today. Food prepped yesterday, and thinking about doing some more today! 


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On 5/12/2019 at 9:03 PM, SchrodingersCat said:

Go you and the successful new round! Honestly, I could have written this post, I'm the same about not getting food boredom, and having the kitchen skills to not feel deprived! I'm the same with not needing to think about the budget, which I'm very, very grateful for. I'm also the same about having set rules, and I'm the same about having been a former WWer who stopped being able to lose on the program. 

I also really like living vicariously through my husband, though he's also going to be cutting down on the wine a lot!! 

I'm round 2 day 2, today. Food prepped yesterday, and thinking about doing some more today! 


I knew we were sisters from another mister Schrod! There's a reason I like you!! :)


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