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PCOS and Whole30

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I’m on day ... wow! I made it a week and sort of even forgot. HAHA 

Anyways, my husband is doing this with me and for the most part we are smooth sailing, after some hardcore fatigue in the first few days. I want to talk a little about PCOS though. I was diagnosed with it this past December after not having regular cycles after having a baby in April of 2018. It was purely diagnosed off of hormone levels, and the doctor flat out said the levels were in the “early stage” and could reverse.

Upon receiving this diagnosis, my husband and I quickly adopted a paleo lifestyle, and I lost nearly 25lbs within 2 months. It was wonderful! Of course there were “slip-ups” but for the most part we maintained the same lifestyle at least 90% of the time. Gradually I’ve noticed my cycle extending a few days here and there (after going Paleo my cycle returned quickly with the aid of medication and was regulating). It seems to be too soon to tell if that is stress related or pcos related, but I’m a little nervous as this is a huge priority for me. We aren’t done have biological babies and I just never imagined fertility issues. 

I want to ask if anyone else here can share their experience with PCOS symptoms before and after doing Whole30. Since I’m only on day 7, it is really too soon for me to say whether this is helping address any of my symptoms, albeit few to begin with. 

Any advice or suggestions are appreciated! So loving this forum! 

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Well I spoke too soon. I just got my period. Could be the IUD, could be the Whole 30. Also this explains why I’ve been so emotional. I almost cried last night over being too poor to afford groceries. I’m always poor though, so my period coming explains why I was suddenly so emotional over it.

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I have PCOS. at the beginning of my first round I decided to quit taking hormonal birth control cold turkey. I finished a pack and then just didn’t take another one. After my first full round I got my period on about day 38 (so mid reintro) and it’s been consistently coming every month between the 18th-20th since then. It’s been 13 months of birth control free, regular periods. I attribute it to the whole30 100%, considering I lost 18 pounds in my first round and more since then. My doctor contributes it to “coincidence” and asked me to go back on the pill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Good luck! Healing your body through food is 100% possible.  

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