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I'm feeling pretty good. I think the dark circles under my eyes look much improved and my sinus problems are better, but that could also be that it's been warmer and not so dry here.

I am finding that I have zero appetite in the evenings, and have to make myself eat. I've always been a bird-like eater with a very small appetite. But I'm taking Chantix to quit smoking and it can do weird things to you. Today is my last day of cigs! Next goal is to start doing some exercise after the kids go to bed, but motivating myself for that will be hard.

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I'm feeling pretty good. I think the dark circles under my eyes look much improved and my sinus problems are better, but that could also be that it's been warmer and not so dry here.

I am finding that I have zero appetite in the evenings, and have to make myself eat. I've always been a bird-like eater with a very small appetite. But I'm taking Chantix to quit smoking and it can do weird things to you. Today is my last day of cigs! Next goal is to start doing some exercise after the kids go to bed, but motivating myself for that will be hard.

Congrats melliemoo! Good for you for quitting smoking! The Whole30 AND quitting smoking are two pretty huge undertakings. I'm sure if you don't start exercising just yet, you'll be forgiven. I keep saying I will start exercising once the kids are in bed as well but no go so far. Once in a while I will do a 20 squats or so in the handicap stall while at work (and some dips on the bench) but that's about it.

BTW, I think being a single mom must be hands down, the hardest job in the world. Huge kudos to you for all you've accomplished over the past 3 weeks + all the while taking great care of your kiddies on your own. :D My girls are both sick & last night they were both up numerous times. I'm not sure how I would have handled it without my husbands help. :(

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Thanks, Telly. It is a very hard job to be a single mom, plus I work full time at a VERY demanding job. So I'm just plumb exhausted all the time! I decided when I started the W30 to focus on eating and quitting smoking, and the rest could come later. I am lucky to be thin by genetics but I'm not getting any younger and have two energetic boys to keep up with. I'm sorry your girls were sick - it's so hard to get woken up repeatedly! Thank G-d both my boys are solid sleepers unless something is wrong with them.

(I also cheated and got on the scale - I've lost 5 pounds!)

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Only 1 week left! Wahoo!!

Feeling kind of like nothing has really changed since I started the W30. I can tell I have lost a little weight because I notice a difference in my clothes. I haven't stepped on the scale yet... still waiting for day 31 to do that. :)

I was hoping to have better sleep, reduced pain, and better sinuses after this W30... maybe I will see more changes this week.

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My pilates instructor (who turned my onto W30) reminded me that the number on the scale isn't at all reflective of what's happening to our bodies. I have allowed her to weigh me, and take my measurements and she informs me that while the # on the scale may not make me do back flips, but my body fat % has dropped dramatically, and so have the inches. (2 inches per leg!) So I am happy for that. I feel better and have no cravings, and am just hoping to stay the course. I will do a Whole 45 as my clothes are looser, but I'm hoping to get out of them altogether. No matter what happens at the end; remember that you did your body a favor by laying off sugar and alcohol, if nothing else. It my also be a good idea to check your metabolic type. That would show you that you may need more carbs than another who might need more protein. Just a thought. Good luck in the last stretch, everyone.

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Thanks for the great advice!

Today is my first day not smoking. I'm on Chantix to quit, and it seriously suppresses my appetite. I posted a question about what to do if you aren't hungry. I also get severe nausea on the Chantix and threw up last night, which was not fun!

Otherwise feeling pretty good. I made egg muffins with broccoli and tomatoes last night to bring for breakfast, and they turned out yummy.

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I cant believe we are done in a week! I am interested to see what teh scale says, although I am kinda happy that we cant look throughout the month. It really is about getting healthier, not getting skinnier.

Last few days I have been grumpy and tired. Not sure whats going on, but I have noticed my workouts are feeling better. Yesterday I did a 5am body scuplting class that included 50 trips running up and down the stairway, then after work I got a 4 and half mile run in before my Kettlebell class. needless to say I was beat after that, but during my run I felt really strong...Progress at least!

Does anyone else have skin issues? I have exzema and I was kind of hoping the Whole30 woudl help with that. Unfortunately the opposite seems to have happened, and it has gotten worse since I started. Just curious if anyone else has that issue.

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So I'm getting a bit anxious about this whole30 ending... There is so much good, but so much unknown. Here are my thoughts:

The good: I feel good. More energetic. Much steadier energy levels throughout the day. No sugar highs/lows and the associated anxiety. I'm not as hungry all the time so not constantly worried about having a snack. Mentally and physically, I feel much more calm. I enjoy eating whole30. I have found lots of great new recipes, and I have learned to love certain vegetables that I would have never tried. I love that I've not had sugar for a month. I feel empowered that I CAN give up diary or sugar or grains and survive. That I can say no to a cookie at an event or eat healthy when meals are provided.

The bad: It's expensive. I don't particularly like cooking with meat. I've spent tons of time cooking. It is not conducive to my social lifestyle. I love to grab meals with people (but am always looking for healthy options), and I am also living near many international refugees. Food is a very important part of their culture, and it's hard to not let food get in the way of relationships. So whole30 is a bit isolating.

Also bad: I will admit, I have had two separate times where I did not eat compliant. Ok I started on Jan.1 but knew I would not eat compliant on the 4th, so officially re-started the 7th. I got really sick to my stomach the day after eating non-compliant. The second time, I knew ahead of time that I would have to go off plan (due to above cultural issues). I stayed as compliant as possible. For the two days afterward, I was an emotional, anxious mess!

The Scary: Now that I see how much food affects me (physically and emotionally), I'm afraid that I will have to choose between obsessing over food (but feeling great!) and being comfortable and sociable with my family and friends (but feeling less than great).

I have no answers yet. And it's not over. Obviously, I may learn some things during re-introduction, and my diet may not need to be as restrictive as whole30. But these are my current thoughts. Anyone relate?

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So I'm getting a bit anxious about this whole30 ending...

Anyone relate?

Yes; I can totally relate to all that you are feeling. I did not go off, which is just like me, but the after is always my problem. I don't have the cultural issues, but I understand about the feeling great and working hard to eat like this, or straying and being social. It's just going to be a fine balance. Haven't lost as much as I'd like, so I'll be continuing on. But you are right about the re-introduction, you may do fine on certain other things like beans and grains...good luck.

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I just got sort of anxious today! Until now I have been like "oh yeah. I got this." It's day 25 for me and so I've been thinking about how I want to handle things.

I do have this rash (I've mentioned somewhere but not sure on this thread) and my boss said that it is classic detoxification through the skin. I had originally planned on doing the whole reintroduction as outlined in the book just out of curiosity because this is my first W30, but now I am not going to add any foods back until the rash is gone but maybe just be a little more lenient on the SWYPO etc but I am oddly afraid of falling face-first into a plate of paleo pancakes. I do very well with clear cut rules like the Whole30 and not so great without them. I guess this is the next hurdle.

We can do this folks!

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Does anyone else have skin issues? I have exzema and I was kind of hoping the Whole30 woudl help with that. Unfortunately the opposite seems to have happened, and it has gotten worse since I started. Just curious if anyone else has that issue.

A little of both for me. I have absurdly dry feet, and that seems to have improved. Unfortunately, I've also had a major increase in acne.

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I'm feeling good in general. My digestion is pretty regular and I rarely fart (sorry if TMI) or get an upset tummy. So I consider that major goal accomplished. My stomach looks flatter and is not bloated. I can tell my clothes are looser. My skin looks good and the dark circles under my eyes are better. I do feel full all the time and my energy is good. Sleep has been great.

I also do not like meat very much, other than chicken. I was not 100% compliant but I intend to mostly stick with a Paleo diet, and I do want to trial adding things back so I can really pinpoint what bugs me. I suspect soy and sugar, so would be interested to check out that hypothesis. I want cheese!!!

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So I walked by the kitchen at one of my jobs (it's a health and medical center, btw) and I think I have to restart my Whole30 just from the SMELL of deep-fried, breaded something-or-other. Whoa!

On a serious note-- Yay Day 27 for me! I'm so excited to be done but I am also so happy that I am not looking forward to (blank) food, just excited that the end means an accomplishment. I have purchased some new sassy boots that will remain in the box until tuesday so that's also exciting. ;)

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New boots--FUN! I cant believe tomorrow is Day 30. I completely can relate to the "What Now??" worries. I am considering stretching mine out for another 15-30 days. I, too, work well with specific rules, but fear I will fall completely "off the wagon" when left to my own devices. I feel like I have learned a lot in the past month, but 36 years of unhealthy choices and relationships with food make me anxious... I did go to a Superbowl party last night, and thankfully there was another couple doing Paleo there, so there were several compliant options, which I enjoyed. But there was also a lot of non-compliant food which I managed to stay away from. Including homemade Whoopie Pies. Strangfely it wasnt that hard to not have one, but I fear when I dont have the rules to fall back on, I will eat one every time.

I have really bad eczema right now, so I am also hoping if I stay on a bit longer, that will clear up. Fingers crossed!

Great job everybody, we almost are done!!

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I will echo what a lot of you are saying...

Day 29 & here's how I'm feeling today - worse than I had been for the few days prior but I'm wondering if it's just the anxiety of being "done".


- my pants are looser fitting...I'm currently wearing my pre pregnancy pants & my daughter just turned one. :)

- my skin is clearer

- no bloat

Ummm...is that it? :( I'm not sure why that isn't enough for me but it just isn't right now (just being honest). I felt so much better a few days ago...

The BAD:

- I spend WAY too much time cooking & cleaning. WAY too much. And with a 2 year old & a 1 year old...it's taking it's toll on me.

- I'm not sleeping well. I don't know what's going on but the last couple nights I've been waking up numerous times (just as my little one is actually sleeping through the night for a change!)

- I'm craving sweet stuff like never before on this W30 :( I just caved and ate a Larabar & some nuts because my lunch was WAY too small. Bad, I know.

- Realistically, I know I'm going to be disappointed if the scale doesn't show I've lost AT LEAST 6 lbs, and even that would be just "OK". I know I shouldn't be saying this but hey...I'm just being honest.

A week ago I was all set to extend to 45 days. I'm not so sure anymore but my husband plans to so I likely will too.

I really could use some tiger blood right about now. Sorry for the downbeat attitude. :(

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Have you checked out Well Fed? She has her recipe for the weekly cook-up. I am sort of slowing coming up with my own weekly cook-up and it helps a ton to spend like 2 hours one day and have all those building blocks ready.

For your cravings and such, you might need to eat more. The past few days (4-5) I have been SUUUPER lazy and grumpy. And I just realized today its because I'm hungry. My laziness has translated to me skipping the avocado on top of my eggs, or the second veggie with dinner and those little things have resulted in me being hungry and then ignoring it out of laziness. I think the weekly cook-up helps and I'm starting a menu spreadsheet so I can see- wait, where's my added fat? and don't accidentally forget it. For you this would probably be busyness not lazyness. :)

I will echo what a lot of you are saying...

Day 29 & here's how I'm feeling today - worse than I had been for the few days prior but I'm wondering if it's just the anxiety of being "done".


- my pants are looser fitting...I'm currently wearing my pre pregnancy pants & my daughter just turned one. :)

- my skin is clearer

- no bloat

Ummm...is that it? :( I'm not sure why that isn't enough for me but it just isn't right now (just being honest). I felt so much better a few days ago...

The BAD:

- I spend WAY too much time cooking & cleaning. WAY too much. And with a 2 year old & a 1 year old...it's taking it's toll on me.

- I'm not sleeping well. I don't know what's going on but the last couple nights I've been waking up numerous times (just as my little one is actually sleeping through the night for a change!)

- I'm craving sweet stuff like never before on this W30 :( I just caved and ate a Larabar & some nuts because my lunch was WAY too small. Bad, I know.

- Realistically, I know I'm going to be disappointed if the scale doesn't show I've lost AT LEAST 6 lbs, and even that would be just "OK". I know I shouldn't be saying this but hey...I'm just being honest.

A week ago I was all set to extend to 45 days. I'm not so sure anymore but my husband plans to so I likely will too.

I really could use some tiger blood right about now. Sorry for the downbeat attitude. :(

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I gave in and ate peanut butter yesterday. I didn't buy any compliant nut butters because I knew I would abuse them but didn't get rid of the little bit of PB left in the house. I think my main problems were being hungrier than usual despite having multiple template-worthy meals, and I was out and about more and somewhat stressed. I associate PB with being full, warm, and happy.

While I'm not suffering any ill effects, I don't think I'll reintroduce PB to my household unless my husband specifically asks for it. He rarely eats it, and it is definitely a food with no brakes for me.

I put more detailed results and my future plan at the end of my original food log. Would anyone be interested in joining me for another Whole 30 from Feb. 15 to mid-March? Also, did you find it worth it to subscribe to the daily emails?

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Have you checked out Well Fed? She has her recipe for the weekly cook-up. I am sort of slowing coming up with my own weekly cook-up and it helps a ton to spend like 2 hours one day and have all those building blocks ready.

For your cravings and such, you might need to eat more. The past few days (4-5) I have been SUUUPER lazy and grumpy. And I just realized today its because I'm hungry. My laziness has translated to me skipping the avocado on top of my eggs, or the second veggie with dinner and those little things have resulted in me being hungry and then ignoring it out of laziness. I think the weekly cook-up helps and I'm starting a menu spreadsheet so I can see- wait, where's my added fat? and don't accidentally forget it. For you this would probably be busyness not lazyness. :)

Thanks for the tips Brianna! Yes, I own "Well Fed" & LOVE it. My husband & I do weekly cookups (usually two as I'm not comfortable eating 6 or 7 day old meats) but I guess we just don't prepare enough food on those days because I still find myself cooking after the kids are in bed. I'm also the world's slowest chopper so what the author gets done in 2 hours takes me like 3+. :wacko: I also try to add some grains / rice pasta for the girls once in awhile as I think they need them so it adds a bit of extra cooking time.

As much as I love the hot plates, I think they get a bit boring for both myself & my 2 year old (my husband & the little one don't seem to mind). It's kind of like eating stir fry every night. Boring...

Or maybe it's just my bad attitude right now. I just want to go home after work tonight, order a pizza & eat it on paper plates damn it! :P I do have some Moroccan Meatballs that need a little more cooking time for dinner tonight that I'm excited about.

I like your advice about needing to eat more (why wouldn't I? :)). I find myself so bored of options in the morning that I'm not even really hungry...so breakfast tends to be light & thus the hunger begins & lasts throughout the day. I need to work on making more interesting & filling breakfasts.

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It's day 29! I thought I'd post a few questions I'm pondering, and it would be fun if you all would like to chime in with your answers!

1) What are you all planning to reintroduce first? Are you going to start with the things you think are safest or those you think are most likely to be a problem?

2) After Whole30, what foods do you feel indifferent toward? Is there something you feel like you could be fine without ever eating again?

3) Are there any foods that surprise you that you've missed?

My answers to these questions:

1. I want to introduce non-gluten grains first...basically, rice. The reason is purely psychological. I want to know as soon as possible, that I will be able to expand my diet eventually (I guess I have to wait until reintroduction period is over though). Not that Whole30 seems restrictive anymore. I just want to know that I don't have to always eat like this, mainly from a social perspective.

2. I feel indifferent to most diary, bread, sugar/dessert foods. I can't decide if I should reintroduce foods that I don't desire anymore, just from the pure "scientific" perspective of knowing what they do to me.

3. I think I miss beans and/or rice the most. Luckily these are healthy foods that most people don't have issues with, so I'll probably be able to add them back into my diet. I guess I'm more surprised at what I don't miss.

In general, my strategy for life after Whole30 is this: I like eating healthily, and I feel great, so I don't really desire to stray too far from Whole30. That said, it can feel restrictive, especially when eating out. I hope that I am able to add back in rice, beans, soy (mainly tofu, soy sauce) and some non-compliant oils. Also, sugar in small amounts (such as in sauces, not really sweets/desserts). It would be nice to know that I can handle gluten and/or diary, but I really don't foresee myself eating much of those in the future. They just don't appeal to me.

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1) What are you all planning to reintroduce first? Are you going to start with the things you think are safest or those you think are most likely to be a problem?

I think I'm going to start with rice just because I would like to be able to eat it. I'm Native Hawaiian and rice is essential. I also want to have soy sauce and see how that works. I guess I'm going to introduce the foods I really miss first. I still want to eat pale 99% of the time.

2) After Whole30, what foods do you feel indifferent toward? Is there something you feel like you could be fine without ever eating again?

I will never drink another diet coke again-which is HUGE! I'm great without introducing the highly processed foods from the grocery store.

3) Are there any foods that surprise you that you've missed?

I've always described myself as a salty-rather-than-sweet cravings person but I would really like a small dessert or muffin. I found a great recipe for gluten-free carrot cake with almond icing that I'm going to make for my birthday at the end of the month. :)

Reintroduction Schedule:

31. Rice

34. Soy Sauce

37. Honey

40. Corn

43. Dairy

46. Wheat

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I do feel great and don't crave anything. I have 20 more lbs to lose, so I am going to stay on the whole 30 plan until it's a whole 60. or 90. I miss wine, but need to learn how to just drink a little bit once in a while which will be hard. I will give myself a small break when socializing, but will stick to it the other days at home (when I am through with my whole 60). I have to work on the general relationship I have with food, not exactly what it is. I eat like "sex with my pants on" too often. This needs to change. At any rate, we should all be proud. It sure did seem like longer that 30 days. RIGHT?

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On the chopping, I have a ninja which is like a super-simple food processer and JUST got a mandolin... MAGIC! Seriously. Do it. :)

On the options, I can't help you. I actually have the opposite problem. I'm in general a very simple eater and have during this process found myself getting obsessed with certain foods and wanting them for every meal. Acorn squash! Beets! Who gets obsessed with beets!? I actually had to FORCE myself to have other things to vary my intake! haha

Anyway- if you dont have, food processer and mandolin will help the chopping TONS!

Thanks for the tips Brianna! Yes, I own "Well Fed" & LOVE it. My husband & I do weekly cookups (usually two as I'm not comfortable eating 6 or 7 day old meats) but I guess we just don't prepare enough food on those days because I still find myself cooking after the kids are in bed. I'm also the world's slowest chopper so what the author gets done in 2 hours takes me like 3+. :wacko: I also try to add some grains / rice pasta for the girls once in awhile as I think they need them so it adds a bit of extra cooking time.

As much as I love the hot plates, I think they get a bit boring for both myself & my 2 year old (my husband & the little one don't seem to mind). It's kind of like eating stir fry every night. Boring...

Or maybe it's just my bad attitude right now. I just want to go home after work tonight, order a pizza & eat it on paper plates damn it! :P I do have some Moroccan Meatballs that need a little more cooking time for dinner tonight that I'm excited about.

I like your advice about needing to eat more (why wouldn't I? :)). I find myself so bored of options in the morning that I'm not even really hungry...so breakfast tends to be light & thus the hunger begins & lasts throughout the day. I need to work on making more interesting & filling breakfasts.

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