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Jan 7 starters group

Stepford WASP

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1) What are you all planning to reintroduce first? Are you going to start with the things you think are safest or those you think are most likely to be a problem?

I plan on following the schedule but maybe in a few days time & start with wine (even though it's not technically a reintro category) on Friday night when I go out with the girls.

2) After Whole30, what foods do you feel indifferent toward? Is there something you feel like you could be fine without ever eating again?

peanut butter & legumes. I don't miss them at all. I miss hummus but I actually prefer baba ganoush so unless I'm going out for Lebanese / Arabic food (I believe most places use chickpeas in their baba ganoush), I think I can pretty much avoid legumes without feeling deprived.

3) Are there any foods that surprise you that you've missed?

Diet Coke. :( I didn't drink it very often but I do miss me some fountain Diet Coke. I am also feeling very attracted to something sweet / dessert like which means I haven't slayed my sugar dragon & probably need to continue my W30. I'm not a huge dessert girl so this is rather surprising.

I also miss popcorn for some reason.

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I put more detailed results and my future plan at the end of my original food log. Would anyone be interested in joining me for another Whole 30 from Feb. 15 to mid-March? Also, did you find it worth it to subscribe to the daily emails?

Yes, I would be very interested in joining you starting on the 15th. I totally blew it starting this past weekend, and need to start over. But I want a few days to regroup, so the 15th would be perfect. One of us can start a thread here.

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Day 30!! Wow, I really cant believe that I made it whole month with no grains, not dairy and no sugar. Astounded!! As for what I want to add back, I keep going back and forth between just continuing on with this until I come across something that I just HAVE to have and see how long that takes me.

As for things I missed, I am not sure, I think it is probably the dairy. I love CHEESE... I thought I would miss the sweets most, and although the smell of chocolate still kills me, I am not sure I miss all the other sweet things I used to love. I am thinking maybe just a little pure dark chocolate for Valentine's Day...

Great work everyone, I know they would say that it isnt "Hard", but some days it was kinda hard... :) I am really impressed with myself for making it, I wasnt sure I could when we started. I am really interested to see what the scale says tomorrow morning. I already told my husband that if it says only down 4 pounds, i will cry! lets hope for no tears tomorrow!

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I am really interested to see what the scale says tomorrow morning. I already told my husband that if it says only down 4 pounds, i will cry! lets hope for no tears tomorrow!

I told my husband anything less than 6 would bring me to tears. Please no tears for any of us!

I, too, am pretty shocked I made it this far. My husband & I have talked about continuing but the one reason I'd like to take a disciplined approach (uhhhh....haven't we been practicing discipline for 30 days?!) is to make sure that I reintroduce groups properly. Today's daily Whole30 email reminded me of that. If I wait until I just have to have something before I go off course, it'll likley be something like pizza. And if it makes me feel like crap, I won't know if it was the gluten or the cheese & the whole idea of the "self experiment" will be ruined.

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1) What are you all planning to reintroduce first? Are you going to start with the things you think are safest or those you think are most likely to be a problem?

2) After Whole30, what foods do you feel indifferent toward? Is there something you feel like you could be fine without ever eating again?

3) Are there any foods that surprise you that you've missed?

1. I intend to follow the schedule in the book starting Wednesday. Other than bloat, I'm not sure that I really have problems with any of the eliminated groups. I'll have to see.

2. Other than peanut butter, I could quite happily do without legumes most of the time. I occasionally want chili, but I rarely eat others.

3. I'm surprised that I didn't miss sugary things more. I've barely wanted them this week. Mentally, I think I am at the point where I know there is going to be a special occasion, I can have something then, and I'm okay with waiting.

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With the amount of stuff I just cut out of my diet for 30 days, it's a wonder I'm not so thin that I blow over in the wind. Body composition has changed, but scale moved only a tiny bit. I didn't cheat or want to cheat at all, but eating out a bit restrictive. So I will forge on and see what transpires on March 8 when my 60 days are up. Anyone else want to join me?

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I am extending for another couple of weeks. I haven't weighed myself. (I am kind of afraid to 'cause I know what head games I will play if I am up or even stayed the same.) However, I don't see much in the way of body composition changes so I have decided to wait until two more weeks is up. Coming from a strict carb timing diet previously, I liked that they aren't so restricted on here and went overboard on the carbs (can you say pumpkin "pie" anyone? Giving an extra two weeks without that should help, I hope.

I have learned some great things and I LOVE not being hungry all the time. With the way I was eating before, every two hours, I was constantly thinking about food.

What did you guys learn from this?

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@Melelina - I agree, not being hungry all the time has been such a welcomed change. I definitely thihnk about food a lot less. I also learned there is sugar in EVERYTHING!! I always thought I was a pretty good label reader but this W30 has taken me to a whole new level. I'm excited about that.

@kwg - my husband & I are in this for 15 more days for sure (although I may have one glass of wine on Friday which I know is totally cheating but it's girls night out & I've already made it through 2 other bday celebrations without any cheats).

Congrats to all!

I did weigh myself this morning and although i swore I would cry if I lost less than 6 lbs, my 5.6 lb weight loss did not elicit any tears. For the 1st hour I was pissed but then I reminded myself that I lost almost 1.5 lbs / week without really working out & rarely ever feeling hungry or deprived (besides of junk). That's pretty good stuff. I'm also at exactly my pre-pregnancy weight from Baby #2 (with whom I gained 45 lbs with!) and she only just turned one. I had been clinging to those last 6 lbs since I returned to work when she was 3 months so again...something to be proud of.

My goals for the next 15 days are to work out at least 8 times, lose another 3 lbs to get me down into the 140's (I can't get rid of the scale obsession, sorry) & to sleep better / more.

Looking forward to hearing how everyone else is feeling & future plans!

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Hey everyone! Congrats on completing 30 days, and for those of you continuing on, props to you!

I have learned SO much through this! I have probably mentioned this on this forum before, but the last 30 days have taught me a lot about vegetables and helped me learn to love them. Before, I was indifferent to them adn mostly ate them raw, in salads. Now I have a lot of recipes and ways to cook them that are delicious! So, I'll be eating a ton more veggies in the future! I'm also a bit less timid about cooking meat. I still don't love handling it, but I think I'll keep a bit more of it in my diet. And I'm not afraid of fat!

I have learned that I am very sensitive to sugar, even fruit. So I will be eating less of that. Also, even decaf coffee is too much. I've got pretty high anxiety levels, and even tiny amounts of sugar/caffeine affect it. I am interested to see how gluten affects that, since my sister has noticed a link for her (independent of whole30).

Benefits: More steady energy, fewer crashes, less hunger, more stable hormones, lower anxiety levels, less excessively thirsty

I also have lost ~ 5 pounds. My weight fluctuates greatly from day to day, but this morning, the scale actually read 8 lbs below my "average" previous weight, so I'm giving a conservative estimate of 5. I didn't need or want to lose weight, so my goal is now to build some muscle weight :)

Now, on to re-introduction. Actually, I probably won't reintroduce anything until the weekend because I already have all my meals prepared for the week, and won't have time to cook. After the rough first couple weeks, I am truly surprised at how non-urgent it feels. I'm very content with how I'm eating right now!

Those of you who are continuing--keep posting so we can cheer you on! And anyone who is reintroducing, keep us up to date on how that's going!

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I went to request Well Fed through interlibrary loan today and found out my local library's director is very interested in following a Paleo diet. (That might help explain why every single Paleo/primal book in the system is checked out. I had to wait a couple weeks to get one of the three copies of It Starts With Food. :) ) The director is going to look into it, and if he likes it, he will purchase a copy for our local branch. Yay!

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Actually, I probably won't reintroduce anything until the weekend because I already have all my meals prepared for the week, and won't have time to cook. After the rough first couple weeks, I am truly surprised at how non-urgent it feels. I'm very content with how I'm eating right now!

I'm the same way! I don't really feel the need for non-compliant foods right now. I did go ahead and reintroduce dairy yesterday (so far, seems surprisingly fine....) but I didn't need to. I figured I'll go ahead and do the reintroduction schedule so it's done and then just continue however the wind takes me.

I had a few random urges today, like when I saw a french fry commercial, but the funny thing is after I took a second I realized I didn't actually want french fries- and if I did they certainly wouldn't be from whatever fast food chain the commercial was for!- but it was a mental thing like I'm supposed to want fries now that I can. Weird. Anyway-- squashed that!

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I have been struggling through my entire W30 with drinking my Crio Bru with coconut crack instead of the almond milk and splenda I used prior to W30. I kept sticking to it, thinking that surely - after a month - I would get used to the taste of having it unsweetened. It hasn't happened yet so last night, I caved and added one single teaspoon of sugar to the entire large pot of my Crio. Guess what! I didn't like the sweetness. What I have been craving for a month just didn't taste very good. Who knew!

And I totally agree with what Katy said.

"After the rough first couple weeks, I am truly surprised at how non-urgent it feels. I'm very content with how I'm eating right now!"

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I am happy to see all the comments on either continuing on (I hope to make it to the end of the month) or easing into the reintrodiction of the foods. Who would have thought 30 days ago that we wouldnt be busting down the doors to get to add back the dairy and the like? Its great. I am happy for everybody. When I finally weighed myself on Wednesday morning (had some crazy dreams Tuesday night about it...) I was actually down nearly 14 pounds! I was Over the Moon excited with that. Now, I have been exercising reguarly (3-4 strength cardio classes per week plus 10 miles of running a week), but even still I am HAPPY with the results, not just those on the scale but also what my trainer likes to call "NSV" or Non-Scale Victories. I cant tell you the last time I went to a superbowl party and had no beer, no chips and no desserts!! YAY for us!

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I too, have lost the urgency to go out and eat all sorts of non-compliant foods. However, like katyroq, I decided to go ahead and do the reintroduction now. My initial goal of this journey was to discover how the different foods affect my body. I don't care as much now, but I know I'll regret not doing the experiment when I eventually cave to a wonderful restaurant dinner with dairy, gluten and grains in it, feel horrible, and don't know what made me feel that way.

I introduced sugarless dairy on Wednesday and had very little side effects. I feel like I was a little more stuffed up and had slight brain fog, but nothing too crazy. I guess gluten is next. I don't really miss gluten, but do want to see what happens when I try it. I don't plan on adding anything back into my diet on a regular basis, just as an occasional off-roading special occasion.

After 30 days of no sugar, I lost 7 pounds. However, with all the strength I've gained, I'm assuming I added some muscle to that equation. I am now firmly in what I consider my 'ideal' weight range (for me, it's more of a feeling than a specific number on the scale) and I lost a completely awesome 2" off each thigh. . . which is the place my body love to store and hold on to fat with a impressive stubbornness I feel like even if I didn't have any major 'life changing, dramatic changes', the 30 days were a great success and have changed my outlook on fueling myself forever. I feel happier, less stressed, and more confident in my choices than ever. All worth way more than what the scale says!

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My initial goal of this journey was to discover how the different foods affect my body. I don't care as much now, but I know I'll regret not doing the experiment when I eventually cave to a wonderful restaurant dinner with dairy, gluten and grains in it, feel horrible, and don't know what made me feel that way.

Totally right there with you! Wouldn't want to miss the things I can learn from systematic reintroduction. And I'm not gonna lie, the scientist in me has been really looking forward to the "experimental" phase of whole30...

Good luck with the reintroduction. And congrats on all your positive changes!

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Totally right there with you! Wouldn't want to miss the things I can learn from systematic reintroduction. And I'm not gonna lie, the scientist in me has been really looking forward to the "experimental" phase of whole30...

Haha! I'm an engineer, so I doubt I'll ever be able to kick the need for a 'controlled experiment'. It's what made me decide on the Whole30 in the first place.

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My intent was to continue on with this W30 for an extra couple of weeks. I do mostly enjoy this way of eating. However, after adding on a few more days, I have decided to call it "quits". I am not a binge-eater but the last few days have made me think that one might be on the way if I don't stop being so strict. I have been feeling very deprived for some reason, although I didn't feel that way for the first four weeks. It is time to expand my horizons before I have a meltdown with food.

I have been feeling this way over the last half-week, about the time I reached the official 30 days. I think there must be a reason why the program is 30 days long. I have done well with dinner because we have tried quite a few new recipes. Breakfast and lunch...well, let's just say when I got up this morning, I thought I was going to revolt if I had to have another egg or open another can of salmon. So I made up my mind at that point that it is time.

I am not going to follow the typical re-introduction, but instead find my own path by introducing foods that I actually eat, very slowly. Today was some almond milk and protein powder, a typical morning meal meal for me. In keeping with this way of eating, I added half an avocado and a pear w coconut milk.

I will weigh myself tomorrow just to see where I am at. I really really really hope I have lost at least a few pounds, but I am honestly not expecting much.

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I am not going to follow the typical re-introduction, but instead find my own path by introducing foods that I actually eat, very slowly.

Melenina, good luck with your journey!! It's amazing how much things change mentally at the end of 30 days. I'm working on finding the right balance myself. It's definitely a process. Learning to ride my bike without the Whole30 training wheels is much harder than I thought!

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Haha! I'm an engineer, so I doubt I'll ever be able to kick the need for a 'controlled experiment'. It's what made me decide on the Whole30 in the first place.

I had to laugh because, I too, was totally in it for the experiment aspect 1st & foremost. And ironically, I'm also an engineer. :)

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I hope that those of you that are doing the reintroduction will come back & tell us how it's going.

So far I've only reintroduced wine (one glass on day33) & it was splendid. :) No bad reactions or major sugar cravings.

However, I know I still haven't slayed the sugar dragon. I'm dying to have some Stevia in my morning coffee.

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I hope that those of you that are doing the reintroduction will come back & tell us how it's going.

I've done a bit of reintroduction. The long story short, I added back grains (a few containing gluten) this weekend, along with some sugar. I had mild stomach cramping and terrible anxiety the next day. Monday I tried gluten grains alone, and had stomach cramping, but didn't notice an increase in anxiety. It's not definitive whether it was the sugar, grains, or gluten that caused the anxiety. I have a very stressful next week or so coming up, so I don't want to mess with anything that might increase anxiety. So I'm probably going to eat compliant until that's over, then try introducing diary/legumes...

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