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R1D31!!! I did it! My thoughts on how it went...


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So, I made it and I'm very proud of myself. Here are some quick thoughts on how it went. I will probably come back to update as I remember more things about my first round.
  1. I only had a couple days of high energy. That is probably because I still have VERY bad sleep, exercise, and water drinking habits. Towards the second half of W30 I felt like I needed to focus my willpower on JUST W30 and not exercise, or I'd snap and quit.
  2. My head has felt much clearer, like I've been in a fog before W30.
  3. When I was on a good sleep schedule, I slept MUCH sounder.
  4. I didn't stick to eating only 2 servings of fruit a day. My average was about 3. And I still had snacks once in a while. COMPLIANT snacks, mind you :) So maybe on a future round that's something else I can tighten up.
  5. I am not the ravenous food addict I was. I no longer feverishly go through the cupboards at 11pm, eat a bowl of potato chips, go right back to the cupboard just as ravenous as before, rinse and repeat, going to bed still feeling "hungry". Food with no brakes is a real thing. I think that what I THOUGHT was hunger was a junk food addiction, boredom, being tired, and my body being starved of good nutrients. About 10 days or so after starting W30, I would open the cupboard around 11pm, look at what's inside, and think "Eh, I'm not really hungry".
  6. I'm able to say no to bad foods in situations I never thought I'd be able to. I've been to a buffet, food at work, parties, and I've stayed strong every time. I hope this carries over into my post W30 days.
  7. NO migraines/headaches! My second day of W30 I had one of the worst ones ever, but since then I had ONE day of a very mild one, but that's it. Before W30 I would get debilitating migraine/headaches 2-3 times a month.
  8. I've had 8-9 dreams about messing up my W30 and having to start over. Hopefully these will stop now :) I'm glad none of them came true! :)
  9. I've lost 9.8 lbs!!! I've attached before/after pics. I don't really see a difference, but maybe others can.



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I completely relate to the food-with-no-brakes comment.
Beware, bad habits sort of want to creep back in - each day is a little victory in itself!

I notice a difference in the sideways picture. Your belly looks different, it's not the same curve. Slightly flatter, not as round.
Not a huge difference indeed, but there it is - those 10lbs have to show somewhere! :D 

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3 hours ago, TrustyMutsi said:

I think that what I THOUGHT was hunger was a junk food addiction, boredom, being tired, and my body being starved of good nutrients.

Love this!!  :D  Isn't it great and greatly freeing to FEEL the difference??!!  My day 30 was Sept. 10 and I'm continuing as close to W30 as reasonable for me.  (Ex: now I eat ketchup sometimes, breakfast sausage sometimes, I don't order anything with cheese but if cheese comes on it I don't made a big fuss, red wine now and again.)  And just now I'm starting to notice my portions have been too big.  I'm actually satisfied with about 75 - 80% of the amount of food I've been eating since mid-August.  During W30, I made my plate and ate the whole thing regardless.  It was A LOT of food!  Now I'm actually in touch enough to know I can stop before the plate is empty because I'm satisfied.  HUGE STRIDES!! 

Congratulations!  I can see a noticeable difference in both photos!!  :)

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2 hours ago, Angelia said:

Love this!!  :D  Isn't it great and greatly freeing to FEEL the difference??!!  My day 30 was Sept. 10 and I'm continuing as close to W30 as reasonable for me.  (Ex: now I eat ketchup sometimes, breakfast sausage sometimes, I don't order anything with cheese but if cheese comes on it I don't made a big fuss, red wine now and again.)  And just now I'm starting to notice my portions have been too big.  I'm actually satisfied with about 75 - 80% of the amount of food I've been eating since mid-August.  During W30, I made my plate and ate the whole thing regardless.  It was A LOT of food!  Now I'm actually in touch enough to know I can stop before the plate is empty because I'm satisfied.  HUGE STRIDES!! 

Congratulations!  I can see a noticeable difference in both photos!!  :)

I'm hoping that after reintroduction I listen to my body better than I did before, and will have more control without the sugar addiction.

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach
6 hours ago, TrustyMutsi said:

I'm hoping that after reintroduction I listen to my body better than I did before, and will have more control without the sugar addiction.

@TrustyMutsi, that's a great goal, listening to your body!  It's amazing what we notice when we actually slow down.  Congratulations on all of your results, way to go!

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