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Mistie and the Husband New Year, First Whole 30 and Ironman Training

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So Day 9 and I wish I would have started this sooner! I will start with a recap for my own records!!

Why am I doing this? In the past year I just can not seem to maintain my weight, I always feel hungry and I get very Hangry often. I have always had blood sugar issues and been the person to have to eat 6 times a day. I have been eating very clean for many years but like cheese, wine and beer a lot, my biggest downfall. I have been playing around with cutting dairy out and cutting gluten out for a few months but never fully do it to see if they are causing the issues.

I am also doing this because I am a personal trainer and our gym wants to maybe try this with our clients after a few of us have been through the process.

I am a triathlete and also want to improve my diet for better performance, I am doing an Ironman Lake Placid July 28, 2013!!

The great news is that I have gotten my husband to buy in in the process and that makes it so much easier. He is a skeptic and says, we feel great we perform great when we race why do we really need to do this. We will see what he thinks in 30 days he is still not a believer!

Quick Recap:

Pre Day 1 - So important, get educated, clean out the house, we have kids so this is a little hard but they eat very healthy already. Make your first weeks menu, go shopping, make sure you have what you need and have enough time to read labels at the store. This experience will be an eye opener!!

1 Day Until Go - 30 Week Ironman Training Starts

Day 1 January 1, 2013 - Excited to start! New Years Day New Year - the husband not so much but we started and read and learned

Day 2 - Wow only one day down... this is a lot of work and I have made a lot of food. Work Out - Still Good

Day 3 - Really back to the store I made all those veggies and ate them already, and the head ache sets in. We decided to go out of town Friday to go skiing, over night, lunch at a ski school, OMG how can we do this. I went crazy looking for recipes, looking at restaurants to see what our options were. Oh and the Run not so great, so slow!

Day 4. Friday - Get food ready for trip - so tired, head ache still - the husband found a steak house that had a specific Gluten Free Menu, score I don't have to pack dinner. Oh Whole Food had buy one get one free Kombucha, score we love this stuff! Steak House was a little dive but we got what we needed they were awesome, we just ordered the foot with no prep and they had a salad bar and tons of plain veggies to order, no butter no big deal. We felt like we got a little success plus enjoyed a Kombucha in the hot tub, that helped fill the void!

Day 5 - Packed eggs, bacon, fruit and sweet potato for hotel breakfast. great fuel for a day of skiing. I made up a Whole 30 Waldorf Chicken Salad with homemade mayo to pack for lunch plus lettuce to make wraps. Then took some dates and hazelnuts if we needed a snack on the trail. It is the kids new fav treat!! Made it home for dinner and whipped up a quick meal while the husband unpacked the car, done in 20 min for a family of 4. Oh BUT Packer football game, so hard ot not have cheese and a Miller!!! We both made it and they won. We drank Kombucha instead!

Day 6 - Sunday - Made a Slow Cooker of Chili - Awesome!! Wanted to snack today! Ran 45 minutes Yuck, Headache about gone, dinner guests - Time to Impress, Deviled Eggs, Planked Lemon Dill Salmon, Fruit and Veggie Kabobs, Date Cherry Coconut Balls for dessert. Our guest had beer we had Kombucha. I know the pattern is developing Kombucha in place of social drinking.

Day 7 - Monday - Wow really only day 7, again I feel like we have been doing this forever. We both have had some anger issues here and there but doing good. The husband is starting to feel more comfortable about cooking which is great. I ran at 5am and it went well, the whole 30 made it so we sat down at 6:30 had a full breakfast together and chatted before the kids even woke up. So good!!

Day 8 - Crazy busy day but no big deal, we got the hang of this. I ran I swam I felt strong I am starting to not need to snack and making it from meal to meal. Not as tired just tired from getting up so early and working out plus running around with the kids so much!

Day 9 Today!!! I Feel GREAT!!!!!! Good Bike this AM, Great Run this afternoon. Due to crazy schedule I ate breakfast at 8am and then made it all the way to 1:30 before I could have lunch and I was not even hungry. This is HUGE!!!!

OK, I will post more later but I am caught up and am excited to be able to track my progress for myself to be able to look back on in the future if I have clients or friends going through the same thing!!


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Day 9 Complete

A good day and this is getting easier!

5:30AM - 30 Minute Bike followed by a short (10min) lifting Sessions

8AM - Breakfast - I needed something different so i did - 1/2 Can Organic Sweet Potatoes, Mixed in a Bowl with two eggs, coconut flakes, and cooked in GHEE, wisk it up while cooking and it ends up kind of like a breakfast cereal. I served it over super greens and a topped it with a few walnuts. Coffee and Coconut Milk

11:30 - Ran 45 minutes

1:30 - Crazy busy day just had left over Chili and a half or Orange

3:30 - realized I did not get enough food with my workouts - ate a Paleo Pack on the way out the door to take kids to sports

6:00 - Oops did not really plan anything for dinner - but I had groud beef in the fridge and saw 3 ripe avocados and was inspired for a taco salad. So I googled Whole30 Taco Salad and this popped up yeah! http://whole9life.com/2010/01/mexi-salad/

Workouts felt great today, buy so tired, went to bed at 8:45 since I know I had a 5am swim. I am really working to get my sleep.

Biggest thing I have found is a I have been a better parent recently. More patient with the kids, less ups and downs in the day. This is great!!!!

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Wow, not a great morning...

Day 10 - Not the best day - maybe some old habits that don't work?

5:45 tried to eat something before my swim, 1TB Almond Butter wiht 1/2 bananna

6:00 - 45 min swim - yuck - sore tight, sluggish, slow,

7:30 - Breakfast - Left over veggi mix with 2 eggs and left over guacamole form last night, coffee w/coconut milk

9:00 - Not feeling great, feeling run down, tired, just a little off - decided to eat a half a Larabar did not help drank water and coffee(black)

11:30 - Still not feeling great and getting ready to go to a vinyasa yoga class so I decided to eat and small apple and 1T Sunflower butter

12:15-1:15 yoga - This felt sooooo good after a long week of training - but after class i felt low blood sugar, have not felt this yet in whole 30 but felt this all the time pre whole 30

2:00 - finally eating a salad - pesto chicken with carrot broccoli slaw, peppers, cucumbers, beets, olives, lemon juice, white wine vinegar, homemade pesto.

I am starting t feel better but am thinking maybe the fruit in the AM is really a bad idea for me....? Not sure. I little is ok but that may have been too much. Maybe won't do that again!!

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Day 10 - got even worse, just felt horrible, irritable, yuck!!

Went to get kids at 4 - Drank a Kombucha - made me feel worse

Got home - crazy night - did bad snacked had a few hand full of nuts and dried fruit, snacked on veggis and guac while I made dinner. Wanted a glass of wine to calm me down. Kids were driving me crazy! I did not give in!

Late Dinner since the Husband was late..

8:00 - Broiled Talapia with Lemon, Orange and Sale and pepper, Garlic Brussel sprouts, acorn squash with a little GHEE - still feel yuck!!

Just need to go to bed, just a bad day!!!! I stayed on plan but probably ate a little more

Highlight of my day - First CSA Shipment - 9 Bags of Local Organic Greens Plus a dozen Local Fresh Eggs!!! LOVE!!!!

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Hey Mistie, you're really low on carbs here. Your veggies choices are good and compliant...but they just aren't very carb dense. The squash is good (from yesterday), the beets are good (from the day before)...but I don't think you're getting enough of them to help fuel your training volume.

I'd really like to see you eating some dense starches with each meal.

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Day 11 - Trying to make better choices and it was a better day. I really feel like

Preworkout - 1 Hard Boiled Egg

5AM - 1.5 Hour Bike Ride

6:45 AM - 2 egg omelet, Beets, Onions, tomatos, Red Peppers, coffee w/coconut Milk

12:00 - Garbage Stir Fry cooked in coconut oil - Tilapia, Beets, Ground Beef, Snow Peas, Super Greens, Broccoli Carrot Slaw, Mushrooms, and an Orange

4:00 - Hand Full of Nuts, Date, Dried Apricot

8:00PM - Company over for dinner - zucchini roasted with home made ranch, burger topped with guac, pineapple, tomato and onions, roasted sweet potatoes, green salad with cucumber, red peppers, onions, carrots, date/cherrie/coconut/pecan ball and enjoyed a Kambucha with company.

I felt good to today but just tired it was an early morning and a long ride. Hard when we hang with friends but they are all curious and making better choices.

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Day 12 - Another weekend to get through - I feel unsure of the whole process at this point to be honest. I woke up this morning feeling like crap! It feels like I drank a bottle of wine this morning. Big bummer and my husband felt the same way and we are both on Day 12. Busy day big run and lots of social events to get through.

7:30 AM - Coffee w/coconut milk, 1.5 eggs, guacamole, tomatoes, onions - then a warm apple sauce with almond butter, coconut milk, cinnamon topped with a few slivered almonds and coconut flakes serving was probable a 1/3 cup.

9:00 AM - 60 Minute Run - about 7.75 miles - ROCKED this run, felt amazing, tummy did not feel 100% with the breakfast but I felt strong and was fast.

10:30 - Recovered with a left over burger and some sweet potato strips then a small coconut water

12:30 - Birthday Party Time - Deviled Eggs, Carrots, Peppers, Cucumbers, Carrots, Grapes, Strawberries, Blueberries, 2 Hand Full of Nuts, maybe 1tsp of guac - did what I could to call it a meal with what was there. We bought the deviled eggs so know they were good to go. No cake, no sandwiches - not even tempted.

SooooTires this afternoon early evening! Headed to another friends for dinner we bought baked buffalo chicken to share and they has a fruit and green salad. Easy to stay on track but felt bad we could not eat the soup they made that we thought we could have. The chicken stock has soy;(

I have to say I am at the point that I am questioning the whole process. I am not feeling like I have more energy, I had a good run but I don't think any better than before, my skin does look amazing but it should I am sleeping more. I feel like I am eating too much fat, eating too much food, my pants feel tighter and I feel bloated really bad tonight. I am worn out. I have always eaten smart, healthy, clean and feel like I feel the same today as if I would if I would have a normal Sat evening where I would be drinking a beer watching the packers instead of hot tea.

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Like Renee noted earlier, you need more starchy carbs in your diet to fuel your volume of training and active life. Most people feel and perform better when they are eating starchy carbs like sweet potato, winter, squash, and other root vegetables.

I think you are not eating enough protein. I would like to see you increase your protein intake... as many eggs as you can hold in one hand when you are eating eggs. Slabs of meat as big as the palm of your hand at every meal.

I think you may be eating fat in place of protein. I am not sure I've ever told anyone they were eating too much fat, but I would like to see you back off on avocado, nuts, and nut butters and up your protein and carbs. I think you would feel better. It is probably too early to judge whether too much fat is to blame for feeling your pants are tighter.

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Day 13

Thanks Tom, I will try this. It does seem like a lot of Fat! Here is my day today and I did feel better. I really think I have to eliminate nuts and also fruit in the morning. What about sunflower seeds do they act the same as nuts?

7:30 AM - Oh Sunday the kids let us sleep yes!! Coffee w/light coconut milk


9:00AM - Little late but Breakfast of 2 Fried Eggs in GHEE, Broccoli Carrots Slaw, Snap Peas, Bacon Bits, Few Sweet Potatoes, Mixed Greens

Wow, that breakfast really made me feel great. I slaved away all morning packing my husband for a trip made an Egg and sausage casserole - http://www.marksdail.../#axzz1qyyOMJqB, Kale Chips - http://www.todayslet...kale-chips.html - hard Boiled some Eggs and washed and trimmed all my greens from my csa so I could use them this week.

We got really buys so lunch was very late but I actually was not hungry all day long!

2:00 - Out to lunch - this is a stress to find a place but we needed to get out of the house and we both were super sick of cooking

Grilled Salmon, Asparagus, Broccoli, Side Salad - all with lemon juice and salt and pepper. So good! Local fish market is a good choose! Oh, I had a few raw oysters is this ok?

6:00 PM Dinner - Made Butternut Squash Soup so good (ingredients Butternut Squash, Leeks, Chicken Broth, so good), Side Salad, I missed the protein here I was just not hungry from such a late lunch- Here is the recipe http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/browse-all-recipes/butternut-squash-soup-10000001140427/index.html

Oh boy headed to a Golden Globes Party - I can do this! Decided to make a few Date Balls (Dates, Cherries, Coconut Flakes, little macadamia nuts) Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries. It looked pretty and I had a go to just in case I needed to eat something. i brought my cup of tea so I was set. There were amazing treats and wine and I just never once thought about cheating!! It was the hardest event so far!!

I do feel better but I am not going to lie I have eaten do healthy and everything in balance for so many years that I am not sure that restricting all the joys of a treat , a glass of wine, my favorite cheese, bread, crackers, chocolate and wine is that bad. I don't know we will see I feel about the same energy wise but I will tell you I am able to go way longer between eating and my blood sugar does seem to be more on track. Almost half way, we will see.

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Day 14 -

Been busy, trying to get at least 8 hours but it has been more like 7 the last few nights. I need more!!! Writing this now and then to sleep!

6:30 AM Wake Up - Coffee w/light coconut milk

7:30 - Breakfast - Egg, Kale and Ground Pork Casserole with 1 Sweet Potato with ghee and cinnamon

9:15 - 45 Min Run in HR Zone 2 - Felt great

10:10 - Recovery Snack - 1/2 Cup Butternut Squash Soup with 3 Pieces of Turkey Lunch Meat (Applegate Farms so Sugar added)

12:30 - Lunch - Chicken Breast, Snow Peas, Broccoli Slaw, Kale, Beets - Stir Fry cooked in coconut oil and seasoned with coconut aminos

Really tired this afternoon Mid Day Snack Pre Work Out - Made a black tea with coconut milk, 3 Apricot Coconut Almond Ball , 2 pieces of Turkey Lunch Meat, 1 Date/Coconut/Cherry/Macadamia Ball, Not the best choices...also did not feel great when I got to the pool to swim at 6:15pm - felt jittery prob form sugar in dried fruit.

6:15 - tried to swim - but somebody threw up in the pool - got to love cold and flu season. I was doing do good with time management I was going to get training in while my kids were at swim practice. Ugh, now now workout, 500 meter does not count. Got home put kids to bed then on the bike.

7:45pm - 30 minute Bike Ride

8:20 Dinner - Butternut Squash Soup with Ground Turkey - Bowl of Berries

I feel really bloated and kind of like I have heart burt. I love the food I am eating but something is giving me this bloating feeling. I think it might be nuts, I did not really have much today, probably a tablespoon in the date and apricot roll and a few licks of the knife. Tomorrow no nuts at all is the plan.

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Good Day 15 - Half Way!

6:30 Rise and shine - Slept in again so nice!!

7:30 AM - Coffee/w coconut milk, 3 Eggs, green salad with cucumber, red peppers, onions, carrots, broccoli slaw, beet

9:30 AM - 45 Minute Swim

10:45 - Sweet Potato and a Piece of egg, Kale and Ground Pork Casserole

1:00 - Butternut Squash Soup with ground pork, raw carrots, snap peas, radishes and 1/2 small pear

6:00 - Tilapia, Beets, Red Peppers, Cucumbers, Roasted Sweet potatoes, Stir Fry (Broccoli, Snap Peas, Carrots, Peppers)

It was a VERY hard day with stress, phone got stollen had to rearrange my whole afternoon to go to the Apple Store so the stress was high. When it was all over I really wanted a beer or a glass of wine. I did not but I have to say it is probably the one thing I am having the hardest time with!! Feel good today, no nuts, still a little bloated by the end of the day. Maybe the raw veggies. Tonight I want to eat more just to relax and have a yummy treat but I am not going to give in, I just made Tea and am getting some work done and then off to bed.

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Day 16 - It is becoming second nature!!!

5:30AM - 45 Min on the Bike

7:30 - Coffee with Coconut Milk, 2 Eggs, Kale and a Sweet Potato w/ghee, cinnamon and a drizzal of coconut milk

9:30 - Taught Boot Camp - Decided to join in on the fun for 45 min of strength and conditioning not originally planned but it felt good

10:45 - in the car to do a 45 min swim - OMG I am going to bonk if I do not eat something - I had a Larabar on the way to the gym - I would normally not do this but something is better than nothing!!

11:00 - 45 Minute Swim

1:00 - Lunch - I am STARVING!!!! Butternut Squash Soup with ground pork, raw carrots, snap peas, few Stawberries and Black Berries. SOOOOOO Tired - I made myself a Tea - I have to admit I don't feel like I have endless energy but I also do a ton of working out this am, who won't be tired!

Had a Kombucha this afternoon on the way to kids sports - I needed a pick me up it did the trick and I also needed some good probiotics.

Starving when home but had to make dinner - it was ready to go in the over but I needed something. Had a few dries apricots and cherries. '

Dinner - I had a version of this apple baked chicken - apples, sweet potatoes, onion, chicken - was not that hungry so had a small serving. After kids went to bed I had an orange - I just needed something that cold that made me feel healthy like oranges make me feel!! s


Today I am tired, I also feel bloated again at night. I did no nuts except the ones that were in my emergency larabar.

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The volume of exercise you are doing and your overall activity level may be enough to keep you chronically tired. Especially considering that you don't always get enough sleep. Your diet looks good most days, but I am concerned that on day 16 you doubled your exercise, were very hungry on two occasions, but did not seem to eat a full amount for the day. When you are very active, it is critical to eat to satisfaction regularly or you "run out of gas."

I don't understand the bloating, but like the idea of avoiding nuts.

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Lol, Chronically tired! Yes that's how I feel!!!!

Week 3 of 30 of Ironman training, it is only going to get tuffer so I need to make sure I am fueling the best I can!

I am recovering better than ever and performance is good!

Working out the tweaks I guess, I am also crazy about this stuff and tend to over analyze if you have not noticed.

Ok bed time so I can get my 8 hours!

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I'd like to suggest chronic stress as the cause for your bloating. Unfortunately, unless you can find a way to slow down your life or training, or get more sleep (which is WAY HARD with kids - I'm there, too) I don't know that it's going anywhere. My suggestion would be to back off on training for awhile, but I understand that might not be the popular option.

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Hmm chronic stress with bloating...something to think about. I think stress is probably the root of being tired in the afternoon for sure. I never had the bloating before starting the Whole30 so I think maybe it is something I am eating that is different. I am trying nut free for the last 13 days!

I do think I have high stress and it is an issue especially since the stress is both with training and stress of being a full time mom, part time consultant, part time personal trainer, military wife, plus I never say no so there are not enough hours in the day!! I think the Triathlon training just takes me over the edge, but.....that is going to continue until July 28th so I have to find other ways to reduce stress. Triathlons are the one thing I do for me, it is my stress burner everyday! This is why I decided to try and get my food and eating in a perfect situation. I also had blood sugar issues ALL the time and that has gotten so much better!

I am going to work on more sleep, I am getting 7.5-8 every nigth right now but I am going to shoot for more like 8-8.5. We will see how this helps.

Day 17 -

Tom I am going to try and eat more in the first half of the day! I did better so far today:

5:30 AM - Rise and Shine 7.5 Hours of Sleep

6:00AM - Coffee w/coconut milk

7:30 - Breakfast - Egg, Kale and Ground Pork Casserole with 1 Sweet Potato with ghee and cinnamon

10:30 -Pre workout Meal of 1 Hard Boiled Egg, 1 tsp cocnut oil - I had tummy issues on run so this did not work

10:45 - 60 Min Run - Z2 - Great run - could have ran all day, energy levels great!

12:00 - Recovery Snack - 1/2 Cup Butternut Squash Soup with Ground Turkey and Three Beets

Normally I would have just eaten lunch but I am going to let this settle and eat again about 1:30 based on how I feel.

I like how I am feeling with the Whole30, I am feeling good and can really see some changed in my body, no scale just how clothes fit and I look leaner!

Oh, my husband has a rash on his chest since he started the whole30 any ideas? I would say coconut is the one thing that is a newer addition to his diet, oil, milk, flakes.

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Away for the weekend skiing and honestly not thinking about the Whole30 process at all and not over analyzing how I feel. With friends at a condo from Day 18 - Day 21 and to be honest we had NO issues staying on track. We volunteered to do the group shopping so we knew we had good food to eat, all of our friends loved the meals we made and they were good for you! It is fun to show people how yummy veggies can be for breakfast lunch and dinner!! Packed ski lunches in backpack, made chili, taco salad, steaks and sweet potatoes, great breakfast hashes. There were a few moments when a Beer would have been REALLY nice and to be honest, I think post the 30 days it is a weekend I will have one or two beers but in the past I would have had prob 4 a day because that is what you do when you ski! I have decided that I am not going to stress for these last 9 days, I am going to just try and live and be less consumed with the process. I will say I have a better relationship with food because I am eating a lot more than I have in many years and that is probably a good thing, I don't have the guilt of eating the bad things at the end of the day and that is a good thing, I don't really feel hungry very often also good plus I don't feel like I am missing on on much. I think I have developed some good habits and new ones, introduced some new foods to our house and overall feel good about how I am eating.

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Jumped right back into the week and I know how to get in and out of Trader Joes in my normal 30 minutes, my weekly bill was under $200 for a family of 4. My workouts seems good, I still want to snack after dinner, this is my biggest issue. I make tea, tonight I had a handful of raisins and of course feel guilty. I think the only thing that is going to be a bummer form me at the end of this 30 days is that I will have not lost the weight I had hoped but....maybe this is telling me I am the weight I should be. I am very lean, athletic and just have to come to terms that I will never look like a model but that is ok because I have muscles and I am a great triathlete. I just like to be thin but thin does not always mean fast. This is really hard for me to come to terms with and I am not quite there, I keep wanting to tweek my Whole 30, eat less, count calories etc but for the first time I feel like I am eating good food and feeling good. I do feel like the only things I will want to add back on special occasions is Wine, Cheese, Bread and Chocolate Date Night (This is our favorite)! Maybe a Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookie once and awhile and some beer on occasions. I think my husband had no intentions of sticking to the Whole30, I don't think he feels any better, he has gotten really thin, he has not seen any increase in performance and like the food he likes. He also got a rash from the Whole30, he thinks maybe coconut. Bummer because I love coconut!!!

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Good day, lots of energy, strong workouts but dealing with sick kids and huband traveling. Plus Inthink I am coming down with something so I caved to nuts today and I have to tell you when I start I just can not stop. Nuts are my bad habit!

6am: 30 min bike ride

Breakfast 7:30 egg, beef, spinach sweet potato casserole, black berries and pinepple coffee with coconut milk

8:30 ate my daughters hard boiled egg that she did not eat just because it was there

11:15 Banana with cashew butter - oh so good, was really needing food this am

12:30 - coconut sweet potato soup with ground turkey, raw red peppers and carrots,

2:00- it started a few handful of hazelnuts and raisins

3:00 - 45 min swim

5:30 - another handful of hazelnuts and raisins, carrots while I made dinner

7:00 finally eating dinner after got kids tucked in - sweet potato, chicken, cauliflower, broccoli Moroccan mush over spinach plus an orange, feel like I am getting sick and it sounded so yummy

8:15- a few more handful of hazelnuts and raisins - the nuts are gone thank god!

Not my best day and it is making me realize that nuts are just my go to feel good snack even if not hungry so I need to STOP!!!

No bloating today I really feel good except the headache I have that is a sign I am getting sick.

Tomorrow is a NUT free day!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow we did it, amazing experience. I lost 4 pounds and over 1% body fat. For me this is really good, I did not have much to lose so super happy. I feel amazing with how I am eating and plan to the the reintro schedule just so I can see how they all make me feel one at at time but plan to keep at the Whole30 eating for the most part.

So Feb 1st Day 31 my husband and I are trying Dairy. I feel very nerves about this since I actually think Dairy is one of my issues but I love yogurt and cheese. The plan is yogurt in the AM, cheese tonight, maybe a bit of ice cream but we will see.

I have eaten plain greek yogurt for breakfast with berries and almonds almost 5 times a week for the past 5 plus years. So that is what I am going to start with today. It actually does not even sound good anymore. I am half way into a bowl and not sure if I even want to finish. It does not taste as good as I remember. We will see how my 60 minute run goes and 45 min swim with this type of fuel. More to come.......

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