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Hello you lovely people.

I'm after some advice. I'm back at crossfit after a 5 month absence and I'm really keen to ensure I'm optimising my recovery since being so sore all the time was what made me take a break the first time around.

I'm two-thirds of the way through my first W30 and feeling great, but I was still VERY sore after my first 3 sessions back last week and I wondered if there's anything I'm not doing that might help me to avoid this?

I did think perhaps it might be insufficient protein? As well as my crossfit sessions, I'm aiming to get in couple of short runs (3-5 kms) and a bikram class a week to keep the blood pumping and give me a good stretch out - though I didn't manage this last week. I'm finding though that I'm almost too sore for my daily bike commute!

Any advice would be much appreciated!

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I tend to have less issues with soreness, but certain muscles get tight to the point that I lose some range of motion. I think these are part of the same thing.

what helps me: more protein, more water, active recovery (not a a super intense class, but a slow flow class or a yin class), even just walking or a leisurly bike ride, alternating heat and cold, like making time to sit in the sauna and hot tub, cycling through with coldish showers in-between. I also do lots of foam rolling and rolling with a medicine ball pre-workout.

what I have not yet tried, but has been recommended by a couple different professionals: icing immediatly post workout (like you see those olympians sitting in a bathtub full of ice cubes). fun! but it is really supposed to help.

Oh, and when you can, get a massage, although I am now 5 hours out from my massage today and I'm much much more sore than I was going in....hopefully that will flush itself out before long.

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Thanks Mary. All great suggestions - but slightly worrying because I did try all of them last time around (minus the ice bath) and still had lots of soreness!

I'm doing more sessions a week this time around, so hoping the conditioning will come quicker and I'll be less sore and more fit in general. Failing that, I think massages are the go!

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