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Ashley Hobar

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Ok I'm going to warn you, this is a little TMI. But I have to ask. I am on day 17, and the last couple days I have been extremely itchy in my "southern regions". More specifically my behind. I am wondering if anyone else has had this experience? Is this a kind of candida inflammation? My mom is also doing the whole30 and we were talking about it and she said she felt slightly itchy as well. It doesn't really make sense that it would be an over growth of yeast, because we are cutting out so much sugar and carbs. But who knows. Does anybody have any advice or experience with this??

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I think this can happen with the yeast die off. An increase in itching and yeast symptoms even without eating sugar and such. There are parasites that cause that problem but that is pretty unlikely and you would have had it before Whole30. I know some people put coconut oil on their parts that have yeast overgrowth because it is anti fungal.

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I also had this. I did some research and found it ws related to Candida. Apparently when you stop feeding the Candida, it goes crazy looking for food. My mouth got a little pasty too. So I bought a bottle of Candida killer from the health food store and added a strong probiotic. I also gargled with coconut oil and applied it topically. Two days later it was gone! Good luck....

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This is also happening to both me and my BF (right above the crack) and I was googling around. Found some information about a balance between our intake of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids - AKA grass fed meat vs lots of nuts. I guess I'll try to reduce my intake of nuts and nut butter (They are one of my go to's for a snack mixed with a protein/veggie).

I'm always hesitant to go to the doc about these types of things as they'll probably just say it's Eczema or a rash, and give me some bottle of chemically ointment.

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I had that happen to me last night. I had itching in my backside (really hurt to wipe after using the restroom) and it was very red looking, plus I had a random itchy super dry patch on one of my legs. Now, I haven't seen the higher side of freezing here in a while, and I did go shopping yesterday at three different stores. But I've never had random itchy dry skin suddenly appear like that before. I put on a Burt's Bees lotion before bed (wore leggings to keep it from rubbing off on my blankets, etc.) and was fine this morning. I think part of my problem to help the Candida along in the back was that I've been using pads for the spotting I've had since going off the pill instead of a panty liner and maybe it was keeping the air flow less than optimal, allowing the yeast to grow? That's my theory, but I've been fine since this morning, after having switched to a panty liner...

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  • 11 months later...

Omigosh, I'm so glad I did a search and found this thread.  I'm on day 12, and yesterday, started developing ferocious itching 'down there', even in back. :-(     I was really baffled, because I haven't had sugar for days, and didn't know the part about yeasties going crazy looking for food!


I've been eating a lot of nuts as a 'go to' snack, will try to cut down.  And will go apply coconut oil RIGHT NOW.  

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for this post! I have the coconut oil on hand and will start applyin it now. I also plan to shop later this week for a probiotic. This is my 3rd whole 30 and I have tried to be mostly compliant the rest of the time, but perhaps the few sugars and grains that I have consumed have continuted to exacerbate the problem. Will apply this tips and keep looking forward.

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