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Hair falling out


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Hi, first post here... ;)

I did my first Whole30 in March - it actually turned into a Whole45ish because I didn't really start to feel better until the last couple days so I decided to extend it. Up until about 3 weeks ago I pretty much ate Whole30 with the exception of a glass of wine here and there and a Norcal Margarita... or 3.

BUT the past month I have had a few huge derailing episodes - was out of town on two occasions and indulged whole heartedly in some local bakery goods and amazing chocolate.

Last night I noticed that my hair is really falling out! To the point where I have a near bald spot on one side. Do you think this could be related? I know I cannot come here for medical advice, and I suppose I will try to see a medical provider but I hate the idea of it because I have not been able to find one that looks at a health from a nutritional standpoint. I have tried a ND and they are good for some things but so focused on avoiding food intolerance that they don't seem to look at anything else.

My other issues with seeing a doctor is they look at me and my weight (5'7", 113lbs) and find out that I avoid grains and immediately think that is the problem.

I'm concerned that perhaps this is a thyroid issue.

Is it possible that suddenly eating sugar and a few scones could cause such a strong reaction.


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Coupled with your cycle issue I'd be getting a doc to check out your hormone levels for sure. I wonder if your low body weight is causing it? Just gaining 7lbs would put you in the healthy bmi range and might make a difference.

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Have you checked the paleo physicians network for a different healthcare provider?

It could be a lot of things, thyroid being one of them. Are you very low-carb, because that generally screams thyroid to me. It could also be related to xeno-estrogens, or it could be something more serious.

I'd definitely get to a doctor to get checked out. if they express concerns over not eating grains, try challenging them a little: "What micronutrient do you think I'm missing by excluding grains?" and show them how you're getting that by eating paleo. It might make them slightly more receptive. Or just avoid mentioning you diet and have them focus on the symptom that's actually a concern.

Good luck!

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My hair was shedding big time and my periods had completely dried up. Going on estrogen stopped my hair loss. Something is clearly screwy with my hormones, sounds like yours are being affected also!

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Thanks everyone for your thoughts.

Dervalc - I would LOVE to gain 7 lbs. and it is often a goal of mine to get my weight up to 120ish. I day dream about having an athletes body instead of my uber slender look at times;) That being said, I have a hard time gaining weight if I'm eating this way (healthy). I do my best to add starches and I eat A LOT of food. I also lift weights and exercise regularly. I do have a small frame and have always been very slim.

Renee - I did not know there was a Paleo Physicians Network. I will check into this right away! I don't try to be overly low-carb but when I was doing my Whole30 (45ish) I was trying to stay away from a lot of fruit (not always successfully) because I am a sweet things addict and it really seems to cause my energy to fluctuate and cravings to take over. My thyroid is my main concern at this point too.

Candy - are you permanently taking estrogen? The idea of taking anything like that makes me nervous...! How do you feel on it?

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Thank you Summer. I just checked it and no one in my city :( The closest I could find is 4 hours away.

I did find a website of a doctor who's bio includes some encouraging information (her husband owns a crossfit gym) but she is not accepting new patients. I left a message asking if she could refer me on. We shall see...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this is an older thread, but I wanted to point out that one of the results of eating an extremely low fat diet is excessive hair loss. Are you getting enough fat? It seems that with your extremely low weight and the hair issues, you might be shorting yourself of some needed nutrients.

I have a friend who has a hard time getting enough fat in her regular eating, so she actually "doses" herself with 1T of olive oil every morning. She just treats it as a vitamin and swallows it down in one lump. She has said in the past that when she skips her olive oil, her hair and nails get bad, her hair falls out, and she has "bathroom issues".

Just something to think about.

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