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Emotional eating...


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So I'm upset. First I just wanted nothing... Then I ate a Lara bar, then left over hash, then fried eggs and bacon... Also a big glass of wine. When I was on the w30 I just ate what I planned, but now? Well... This is the moment when wheels off happens. What do you do when you want to eat instead of cry?

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Allow yourself to cry, journal, call a friend, take a walk or jog around the block, watch a funny movie or TV show or online clip, take a hot bath or a cold shower, do some jumping jacks, hug someone who cares about you, meditate, take a few slow deep breaths, read a book or magazine, pull out some paper or kids coloring books and go to town with pencils & crayons, buy a punching bag & use it, spend time with animals or children (hard to stay sad around them), make a cup of hot tea and slowly sip it, clean your house, write or do an internet search for some mantras to repeat to yourself (such as: this too shall pass, I am beautiful and worthy of love, the serenity prayer)

make up your own list. :-)

I think that acknowledging the feelings and realizing that you're not eating because you're hungry but instead are trying to comfort an emotion is a good first step, so congrats for realizing it for what it is!

The next step is making the decision & following through to NOT eat when you're feeling this way.

I hope you're feeling better soon and are able to find peace & joy even in the difficult things may be happening in your life.

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I think you've described a universally understandable situation. It happens and it sucks. Melody gave tons of great alternatives. I think identifying it at the start and stopping before the snowball starts rolling is so important. I know for me once I go down that binge path I have a hard time stopping. Personally the hot bath is my #1 go to when I'm stressed, worried or frustrated which I have been a lot lately. #2 is reading a magazine with a cup of tea. I think you need to identify what you will do when this happens again-and it will-and have a plan in place, if you decide to go the hot bath route pick up some new bath minerals and have them ready. Do you have a friend you can call to talk to when your emotions run high?

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Thanks Kirsteen. So given the last few days this is what I decided to do starting today.... And so far.... So good.

Back on whole30-ish. So I am giving my self a framework.... But since this is not a whole 30 but figuring out how to ride my own bike. I am marketing two exceptions. Dairy is in. I can have no more than a glass of wine a day... But not every day. And an occasional piece of dark chocolate. I feel better already, just taking back that little bit of control. Hopefully this will be good for the next month or so. After I started to go wheels off, I was in this cycle of worry that I would lose all this ground I have gained by sticking with the plan. Next up. I think I'm getting a fitbit... I need the exercise discipline. That should help my mood tremendously!

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