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week 1 meals...am i compliant?


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So today was my first day of the w30. This is also what I have eaten today. I went ahead and prepared a weeks worth of breakfast/lunch/dinner/"snack".

For breakfast I will be having scrambled eggs, diced tomatoes, turnip greens, and ground turkey. - I have a dilemma with the ground turkey though. I reread the ingredients and it has dextrose in it because it is seasoned. It is the Jennie-O Lean brand. Is it totally wrong to be eating this ground turkey ?

For lunch/dinner I've had ground beef with onions, squash, cucumbers, and broccoli. I dont think eating the food i made twice a day will last the rest of the week though.

A sort of snack that I prepared is a little sandwich bag with strawberries, pineapples, kiwi, and organic blueberries. I know it say to limit fruit but is eating that tiny amount an issue?

Also, so far the only thing I have been drinking is water.

And for some strange reason my throat is extremely dry!!!

Any advice and input is greatly appreciated.

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I definitely wouldn't eat the turkey with dextrose. Anything -ose is sugar. For fruit I follow the same rule as nuts, more like a condiment. So berries sprinkled in a salad would be ok. You haven't listed any good fats there. Definitely work in coconut, avocado, etc. The good fats are key to feeling satisfied!!

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The ground turkey is a problem. I would probably finish what you have prepared, but find another brand without added sugar the next time you go shopping.

You probably should not be preparing snacks in advance. You should only eat a snack if you get hungry between meals. If you get hungry between meals, you should eat more at your meals to stop that from happening. And, as mentioned, the ideal Whole30 snack includes protein and fat, not just fruit.

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Kt, if sugar is your weak area, the last thing you want to do is feed the sugar dragon by eating fruit. The "have to nibble" urge will also disappear if you starve that dragon too.

When you have the urge to snack, ask yourself if you are hungry enough for steamed fish and broccoli. If the answer is yes, then have a proper mini meal. So much of this is changing your relationship with food.

You can do this! :)

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I definitely wouldn't eat the turkey with dextrose. Anything -ose is sugar. For fruit I follow the same rule as nuts, more like a condiment. So berries sprinkled in a salad would be ok. You haven't listed any good fats there. Definitely work in coconut, avocado, etc. The good fats are key to feeling satisfied!!

Ok so I had 2 avocado I brought from the store. I decided to slice them up and put them in with the fruit. Yuck! What a mistake that was. I almost puked. lol. No more for me.

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