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Day 1: Feb 25th - Anyone want to join forces?


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Day 4 - Today my headache was manageable and I had significantly less afternoon sugar cravings. Once again, I was hungry between lunch and dinner and had a handful of walnuts. Dinner was a lovely salmon filet with a huge salad but I think I might need to try and eat earlier. I have been working on going to bed early (9-10 pm) however the morning person in me is causing me to be awake by 5 am when I don't need to get up until for another hour. Instead of waking the house, I decided to work on email from bed. :unsure: Tonight, I prepared ground chicken with breakfast sausage spices and now I'm excited for morning to get here!

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Day 5 and feeling good! First 2 days I had headache and nausea, which I was NOT expecting! I even had to second guess if I was pregnant again, but I'm not. :) The headache & nausea passed by afternoon on day 2 though and I haven't had them since.

Last night at a get-together the host served brownies and snack mix--not even an temptation! We have dinner at someone's house tonight but I pulled the hostess aside this week and said, "Hey, it's no big deal, but I'm on a "cleanse" for 30 days. I don't want you to be offended, but I'm just going to bring a little something for dinner. Is that okay?" She was totally great about it! Crisis averted!

My husband is already seeing my increase in energy and some weight loss. He asked me last night--"so, when do you want to start the kids on this?" How encouraging! He still isn't ready because of his work lifestyle. I told him I'd like to finish my 30 days first to see how the food budget could handle 3 more people jumping in. But I'd love to!

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Anyway have experience with this coconut milk thing? I can not figure out what everyone's saying about refrigerate the can and it "creams" on top. Mine still seems pretty milky.

I noticed, when I had to buy 2 different brands of coconut milk (didn't have enough of just 1 brand) that "GOYA" brand tends to be watery and separate, where "Thai Kitchen" is creamier and gets even more solid in the fridge.

I now prefer Thai Kitchen for it's awesome creaminess and flavor--even good in coffee! I also transfered it to a glass jar in the fridge to get it out of that metal can.

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The Thai Kitchen brand of coconut milk is the one I have too. I was reading on the forum yesterday about sneaky ingredients, even tea having soy in it. So that made me nervous and I went home to double check some of things I assumed were ok: tuna, olives, coconut milk. I was going to be really mad if my green tea had soy in it! It didn't but I noticed another brand of apple cinnamon tea we have at work did. Hard to believe.

I ran yesterday for the first time this week, and I felt terrible. I ran after work, before dinner. I had a larabar and a banana before hand, while I was running I felt nauseous and kind of faint. I think I didn't fuel correctly before I ran, so I need to get that figured out. Anyone else have that problem?

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I am on day 7, I started the 24th.

I am having craving issues. But I find they pass quickly. My energy level is improving, however I am still waking up at night. My DH is also doing this he is a day behind me. he wants to make this a semi pernament switch w/ occassional treats when we are done with the 30. Me? I think I could do it. :unsure:

Things I miss but can live with out:

- milk and sugar in my coffee - can not drink coconut milk. I drink my coffee black, it's ok.

- I miss bread, but I normally don't eat a lot of it anyway. We made burgers for dinner. Ours was on butter lettuce, kids on a bun.. I WANTED to taste that bun so bad. :ph34r:

- I wanted a sweet treat yesterday afternoon after a long, grueling day at work :blink: . I felt I had "earned" it. I wanted a soda, a sweet tea, a mocha... but I didn't. I got a plain iced tea. It worked for the "treat" aspect of the HABIT I have.

For me, is the change in the habit of what I do during the day. If I have a plan, then I am hoping my habit will change. B)

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A little late to the party but my husband and I started on the 25th as well!! Day 6 has proved to be our best yet! We made the most delicious dinner we have had so far. We were talking about how we miss that "dang that was a good meal" feeling and we got it tonight with a great recipe! Hope everyone else is doing great!

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Midway through day 7 - I'm interested in connecting with the FB group but I keep getting a error message. Anyone else have this issue?

I am enjoying reconnecting with simple foods and I've had some great meals including a grass-fed beef taco salad with avocado and sweet potatoes, chicken sausage scramble, and the roast cooking for dinner tonight smells amazing.

Boy am I tired in the evenings! This is certainly helping me get the recommended amount of sleep. The headaches have cleared but at times I can't say my stomach has been the happiest. I imagine it may be linked to the large increase in vegetables and therefore fibre I've been consuming. Happy to say the cravings are also diminishing but there are still times in the day when all I can think about is how good some chocolate would taste. Staying strong!

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Hey guys, I'm Kat, 31 year old female. :) I'm getting ready to start the Whole30 next week! Our anniversary is this weekend and I wanted to start after that. Anyway, I'm doing the Whole30 for health purposes. I have chronic pain throughout my body and I want to try this before I got back to the doctor. Reading everyone's posts has helped to know what to prepare for. I have a few questions. I'm not a huge meat eater. :/ I keep finding mixed reviews on smoothies. Can we have them or not? If I make my own almond milk and throw in a bunch of kale and a little bit of fruit is that okay? Or the canned coconut milk? Thanks in advance! Oh, and do I have to have meat at most meals? Or can I just do meat at dinner time?

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Hi, I'm late also but started on Feb. 25 as well. I'm 37 and this is my first Whole30. My husband is doing it with me. The kids are not doing it-- I have 4 boys, ages 9, 7, 5 and 3. I'm hoping to lose some weight. Nothing else I have tried seems to work. I can cut calories and exercise but no results. My husband does not need to lose weight but he had bad heartburn so he agreed to try this. I have felt the same since the beginning and today is day 8. I've had no headaches and I don't feel any slimmer. I wish my clothes were getting loose... I really hope I am not in that 5% of people who don't lose weight!!!!

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Hi everyone! So, I didn't officially start on the 25th but close so I'm going to hop on board anyways :) You all just seem so great!

This is my 2nd Whole30 - sort of. I started my first at the end of January, but ran into some major road blocks. Now, I understand that the Whole30 can be full of road blocks, but these ones turned out to be very hard to overcome. I had 4...count them...4 out of town work conferences to attend, where my only food choices were hotel catered food (no fridge in the room, no other restaurant choices within walking distance). I did really well considering, but during one "brown bag lunch" (sandwich, cookie, potato chips, apple) I found my self so starving I thought I could die and decided that I chose the wrong month to start this. I'd say I was about 90% during that time but I'd really like to do this 100%

Here is a very interesting situation I'm dealing with. I took a couple day break from the program the last few days - and I either have a nasty stomach bug or my body is reacting horribly to reintroduction. And, I didn't reintroduce smart - which was a bad idea. I was honestly just taking a break and waiting for my clean start. I'm actually at another work conference right now which I couldn't even attend because of some MAJOR gastrointestinal issues. Maybe I am just sick, but honestly I think that this is my body reacting so poorly to these noncompliant food. I have always been a healthy eater and didn't think this program could really change my body internally. I was WRONG!

Sorry for the long post. Looking forward to chatting with you all!

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I just started on Feb. 25th too. I'm 33 and am a runner and will be joining an adult soccer league soon. I'm the only Whole30 in my family--husband and 3 kids. There is a lot of "non-approved" food around but so far I've not been tempted at all. Mostly just noticing how many times, when preparing food for the family, I (out of habit!) almost put a cheerio or extra piece of cheese in my mouth. Working on intentionality.

Good part of the being the only one: I make the meals, so dinner every night is Whole30 approved! The family would be more than willing to join me, but I'd like to put myself through it first to see if they could handle it. (Kids ages: 9, 5, and almost 1.) My husband wished he could join but has a steady stream of breakfast and lunch meetings where he meets at restaurants--too stressful for him. Maybe over the summer on vacation? He loves bad food (not fast food, but pastas and cheese), so it would be hard for him.

Anyone else have a non-Whole30 family they are working with?

I've also started blogging about this, as a sort of accountability: http://thewholegirl.wordpress.com/#

Looking forward to keeping up with my fellow Feb. 25th-ers! :)

I have a non-whole30 family I'm working with - a husband and a 14 month old. They eat what I fix for dinner, and my son eats what I fix for breakfast. But they still eat a number of non-compliant foods, especially dairy and grain.

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Hey Everyone!

I created a Facebook group for those who would like to join- search "Whole30 Support- February 25th 2013 Starters" on Facebook. Let me know if there are any issues joining it.

When i search this nothing comes up??

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Okay checking in on Day 8. Days 3 thru 5 I was in no mood to check in with anyone. Just didn't feel good overall and was ready to bite someone's head off so, I hibernated. Well, it's paid off. My boyfriend is doing Whole30 with me and we both felt great on Day 6th. That night we went for a massage as a pre-cursor reward for completing a week. Then on Day 7, we got up early, went to church, followed by going to an exercise class, followed by a full on pedicure with parafin dip and all. It was luxury for sure!!!

We ended the evening with a sparkling water toast after cooking up goodies for the week.

The best part of this is we believe we can maintain this as a lifestyle (I am even getting used to black coffee). The meal preparation has been fun as I want everything to look "pretty". Trying the Whole30 recipes that we've been find has been quite a treat.

Overall, it's been a good experience and we can't wait to see what's next.

Oh, the sleep email was so dead on! I generally slept about 4 hours and ran on M&Ms, Coffee, Oatmeal and Terra Chips (yes, quite a diet huh). I didn't even realize how sleep deprived I was but, turning the television off and having the room dark, I've been passing out each night and getting a minimum of 7 hours. I'm aiming for 9 but that's really hard!

Until we meet again -- Whole30 onward!

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Day 9 - I finally am starting to feel good! I felt kind of horrible over the weekend and my daughter and I were both in the "kill all the things" phase. But we got through it together and didn't give up. I am really loving cooking as a family and enjoying delicious food that I wouldn't normally eat. One of my goals was to get up early enough to SIT DOWN to breakfast everyday. What a difference that has made since my usual breakfast was a zone bar or english muffin in the car on the way to work. This morning I was really proud of myself, after I ate breakfast, I had time to make a delicious curry turkey salad to eat for lunch. And still made it on time.

One down side I am seeing, all the special cooking supplies are pretty expensive. Not so much the veggies and meat but coconut oil, almond meal, spices are pricey. I wasn't much of a cook before so only had the very basics. Some stuff I had to order off Amazon because I don't have a Whole Food or health food store where I live. I know it's a good investment, and I am trying to tell myself that costs will be a trade off for the beer, cheezits, popcorn, cereal, mac-n-cheese... all the stuff I am not buying now.

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Just finishing Day 9. This has been pretty painful. My stomach has been killing most of the time, it wakes me up some days. I also feel like I am choking down most meals. This morning I had a sweet potato with broccoli, 1/4 avocado and 2 eggs. By the third bite, I was chewing and then swigging water to get it down. I'm having a tough time, anyone else struggling with either of these? I read that the second week can bring on stomach distress, but I'm feeling discouraged by it.

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I felt like i was choking down some of the meals we cooked. I already cooked every night but like i explained to my husband, we usually tried a new recipe once a week or once every two weeks and now it is every day. I think it will take a while to figure out a repertoire of really good recipes. My stomach was upset for the first 4-5 days. I figured out that if I eat a lot of nuts it def doesn't help.

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I've had some stomach discomfort & bloating on days 8-10...thought maybe it was the ghee (clarified butter) I recently started using. But I guess this is par for the course? I'll certainly wait it out.

Also am enjoying all the cooking & creativity. Ditto on the cost of some items like coconut products & ghee ($12). I'm saving up for almond flour... ;)

Major positive: ran my 3 miles at the gym and could feel all the healthy veggies and proteins giving strength to my muscles--didn't feel like quitting at all! Certainly a happy side-effect.

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Glad I'm not the only one whose stomach is adjusting to all this!!! Hopefully soon we will all feel better and also see our jeans fitting looser!!!! Fingers crossed, right??

My grocery bill is through the roof too. Two of us doing whole30 and four boys not doing it who all eat ridiculous amounts of food. And they are not even teenagers yet!

I noticed that I'm not as focused on food all day as I used to be. I eat my three meals and I'm not always thinking about whether I have 100 calories for a snack or what else I can eat or if I should eat, etc. I really try not to snack. I did on Monday because of one son's karate I knew I would not eat dinner til 8. But I followed the guidelines of having a mini meal w protein veg and fat and I felt good until dinner.

I hope all the stomach discomfort ends for all of us today!

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Oh and I wanted to say for the people having trouble eating their meals- can you make something that you like better? If you don't like what you're eating it would be easy to get discouraged. I tried to eat meat a couple of times because it seemed like a good choice but it just grossed me out. This week I decided eggs, fish and shrimp only and I feel much happier.

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