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Trying to give yourself a peptalk is like tickling yourself- it just doesn't work.


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I have 30 days today of whole30 eating, but I'm only on day 3 because I kept wanting to start over and get it "just right". Maybe I'm a little bummed about that- I'm in no danger of going off plan but I need a BOOST today.

Quick, hit me with your best 10 second peptalk. GO!

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a) NOBODY's W30 is perfect, lady! Don't fall into the trap of continuing to restart because you're seeking perfection. It's not a happy or healthy cycle.

B) You are _awesome_ for recognizing what's been less than ideal and not getting discouraged by "failure." Keep on keeping on!

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Yes it's fantastic that you want the best possible experience for yourself. You deserve the best but I don't know who it was said 'Perfection is the Enemy of Progress' but it's absolutely true. Something slightly less than ideal is a whole lot better than nothing. So just keep on keeping on and you'll get there :) I've read a lot of your posts - I know you can do this. good luck

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Seaglassgreen went over the 10 second time limit BUT THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME VIDEO.

Thanks ladies, this forum should win some kind of award for bringing support with the quickness.

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