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I know I can't have gum, so any MINTY alternatives?


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Okay, I'll just be up front about this...I have a gum addiction.

I chew gum a LOT (but I've stopped for my Whole30!). It's become a crutch for me when I am feeling anxious or nauseous. Only mint flavored and the mintier the better. I know it's the taste/flavor that helps me feel better and it would be nice if I could find something else that could help. I have ginger candies but they're just full of sugar and preservatives, so they're out too.

Fingers crossed doing a Whole30 helps me figure out my stomach problems. In the meantime, any suggestions for alternatives?

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Do you use chap stick/lip balm/whatever at all? I'm also a gum addict (although for me it's more about chewing than taste) and looking for something to help me fight that urge. Picked up some ESO 'Sweet Mint' lip balm today for my terribly chapped lips and was pleasantly surprised that the flavour/smell/sensation was similar to what I got from peppermint gum. Whenever I got the urge for a piece of gum I'd apply some of that instead. Not exactly great, but helpful! Especially if flavour is the bigger issue for you. Could be worth a shot.

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May just be a good time to kick the gum/mouth active.... pacifier to the curb and show yourself you really don't need any "crutch"... Great thing about W30 is it shows you how strong and powerful you really are!!! If anything I would try drinking some nice mint tea, that would be healthy for you and your digestion

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Agree with fenderbender--just noticing when I realize I simply want to put something in my mouth for comfort has been really illuminating, and noticing the feelings instead of soothing them has not been easy, but much, much easier than eating or chewing something as I've progressed along. In a huge pinch, a glass of water with a little lemon or lime juice might get you over the hump.

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I guess most of the herbal tea I drink is part of a soothing routine and not because I am thirsty or need to increase my water intake. So maybe I should think about that. That said, I recommend a cup of herbal tea to help let go of gum.

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I guess most of the herbal tea I drink is part of a soothing routine and not because I am thirsty or need to increase my water intake. So maybe I should think about that. That said, I recommend a cup of herbal tea to help let go of gum.

That being said..... Most of life is about setting up healthy " soothing routines". We live in a stressful world. Granted, we don't have the daily physical worries that our ancestors had " becoming prey, instead of predator" ... " Raiding Hunn hoardes coming of the hill at any moment", but we have our share of stressors.

Almost all,religious practice be it Hebrew/Christian derived, Budist.....ect., engage us with soothing rituals that are intended to calm us... " OMG...,the Hitites are coming". Lol.

Sooooo. IMO, the ritual of tea, like cooking, and even a good workout, are healthy soothing rituals..... Opposed to an all day obsession that left unchecked could develop into OCD... ( turn the light switch on/off three times for each of my kids upon entering a room)

Gum..... Well, the OP stated it was her crutch.... So in her case, maybe going without would be warranted in this case....

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I like to keep a little bit of peppermint oil near me. It is so powerful that I put it on a bit of cotton and put that in a little container. I pull it out for a pick-me-up or to relax or to clear my head. I haven't needed it much lately, althoug, now that you mention it...

Anyway, it gives me peppermint, but I don't have any sort of oral fixation response.

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I'm interested in this question too. I eat Altoids pretty often and am planning to start W30 in a few weeks (AFTER my trip to Vegas :-) ). I eat the Altoids because I'm very self-concious about having fresh breath. I brush my teeth all the time, but when I'm out and about, that's not always possible. So if there's something minty I could have on W30 that would help with this, I'd be really glad. Thanks!

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Since you only eat 3 times a day, I think you will find it easier to keep your mouth clean and fresh. Just hydrate and maybe put some mint leaves and cucumber in water if you are really worried about your breath in the first week or so. You may rely on it, but chance are you won't.

Oh, and the something minty that you can have is mint. :)

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