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A Whole New Chapter-Input needed!

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My husband and I completed our first Whole30 in January of this year and since then we've been on a Whole9-type Paleo diet (no 'cheating' just occasional treats, limited alcohol intake, ect). As our 'congrats' present, we signed up for CrossFit and we're in our sixth week. We've been bitten by the bug, drank the KoolAid, whatever! We can't stop, we love it so much. In May we signed up for a Warrior Dash, which is just for fun, but in December, we'll be competing in a 14 mile, 30+ obstacle Spartan Race in Texas. Every lift, every stride, every DUB is a step towards the Spartan Beast!

April 1st we're planning on doing another Whole30, but we'll be getting our box involved. I'm planning on bringing some food to share in the next week or so, to demonstrate what you GET to eat when doing a W30 and hopefully bring more people on board. Our box is brand new (started Jan 2013) and a lot of the people there are interested, but also intimidated by Paleo. Somehow we've become the ambassadors (or as I like to call it, W30 Spirit Guides). I'm trying to get back into the swing of things so I'm not guiding anyone astray. Our W30 was SO successful, I need to spread the Good Food Word.

I think I need more info on Pre-WO and Post-WO meals and the WHYS. Why we don't eat legumes, why we try to eat all grass-fed beef. Ultimately, I know, they are their best experiment, just like we were ours. My husband didn't real ISWF, but he tried to spread the Word relentlessly. I read it, studied it, and have been going back to it and The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf for my personal growth in Paleo and also to help guide others (I'm a teacher... can you tell?). I'm really excited to bring more people to the light!

In related, but crummier news, I injured my lower shoulder this week at CrossFit. It's been bugging me a bit for a week or two and I aggravated it on some box jumps this week (am I throwing my upper body into those too much?) and then REALLY aggravated it during the 13.1 WOD this week (snatches... ugh). On our 'off' days, I've been trying to get better at running, a mile and a half at a time, but today it was way too painful. The pain is located right below my left shoulder blade and hurts when I try and push myself off the couch, sit up after bending over to stretch, or deep chest breathing. Certain arm movements bug it too, but I think it's mostly a trunk issue.

Ideas to help? Injury recovery? Anything?!?! Thanks!

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I'm not a crossfitter, but I've had my share of injuries - both random and work out related - and I can tell you the best thing is to REST. I know that can be frustrating when you want to move, but trust me, you will heal faster and not have to deal with nagging problems if you just give your shoulder a solid break. That means not doing anything to aggravate it (snatches, box jumps, etc) until it starts to feel better. If you keep pushing yourself too hard it's going to take a lot longer to heal, and you may make it worse, or even permanently damage it. If it last too long, go to the Dr. and make sure you haven't torn anything. Icing it for about 20-30 min every day may help too.

Hope it gets better soon!

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As a stubborn runner who has has her share of injuries in the past year, I second that advice. Rest, ice and rest. If it's not feeling better in a week, see your doctor and get a referral to a sports med doc or PT. The longer you ignore it, the worse it will get.

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It's so hard to rest!! Even when I'm resting, I want to move furniture and clean and whatnot. But I'm trying. I need to work on lesson plans and work stuff, so this may be a good opportunity to ice it for 30 minutes AND get stuff done (without moving too much). I feel like I've been on such a good run, I don't want to ruin my momentum with an injury and I don't want to be the stubborn kid who injures it further by doing too much too soon.

I appreciate the advice!! It's a rainy day here, anyhow, so it's a good time to rest. I haven't taken two rest days in a row in five weeks. Could be time!

In Post-W30 news, I have a major addiction to almond butter. Thinking about giving it up this April is making me sad, but for that reason I know I'll need to. It's such a vice! I found some candy from my childhood, as well, stuff I didn't think I could get this far East (I'm from CA) and without hesitation I bought some and ate it. It was fabulous. But it made me SO homesick, I thought I might cry right in the middle of the mall. I immediately called my mom and told her about it. If a food is that special, I feel NO GUILT about eating it at all. and it made me call my mom, which is always good. I miss my family so much!

I'm also trying to put together a list of pre/post WO meals, if anyone has any good ideas. They'll mainly be for CrossFitters. My husband and I usually have some nuts and a bit of dried fruit an hour or so before. We usually eat breakfast or dinner after because of timing, so we never really need to worry about a post-WO meal. Ideas?

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Back to CrossFit today! It was an awesome WOD and my injury only prevented me from doing sit ups, which my trainer modified to knees to elbows. No harm no foul. Since we're training for a Spartan Beast, our friend challenged us to an extra 30 burpees after we finished. How could I resist? It's amazing how much better I've gotten at those. They still KILL but they kill everyone, and I've gotten faster and don't tire out as quickly. Hurrah!

In all my years, I never thought I would be training for a serious race or involved in something so physical. Part of my identity has always been that of a non-athlete. Whole30 and CrossFit have totally changed that. I had always WANTED this, but assumed I just couldn't do it. Butnim doing it. It's happening. I'm turning into a legitimate athlete. And I like it.

In other news, I totally just ate some chocolate covered almonds. Seems like we've fallen back into an old habit of sweets following dinner. Tsk tsk! But this treat is so sentimental, so Delish, that I don't really feel guilty. It's a small bag, they'll be gone tomorrow, and I've been savoring them. They're holding me over until my mom comes to visit for Spring Break! What a wonderful day to look forward to. Love it.

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I'm happy to report that my weird injury has almost healed up, I'm just paying attention to it and making sure I don't do any moves that I know will re-injure it. I was able to do sit-ups today AND I accomplished a goal-- completing box jumps on the 20" box!

My mom is in town for a few days from California AND it's Spring Break, so I've been doing some nutritional off-roading. Some fried pickles here, a cookie there, nothing terribly major. I just baked some soda bread, too. I've made sure I thought through each food item and I'm happy to report that I feel good and not guilty at all. It was fun to share some fried pickles with my mom and husband and a cookie and coffee after some shopping. I only get to see her a few times a year, so I feel really content with these off-road food items. Oh, and I had a few french fries at lunch. Yum!

In related news, my mom told me that I'm GLOWING (no, I'm not preggo). She hasn't seen us since New Years Eve-- the day before we started W30-- and told us we look fantastic, fit, and healthy. What an awesome feeling!!

I was proud of our accomplishments but it was REALLY nice to hear that from someone else, who's proud of me also. :)

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