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It's Day 11- Hello Sweet Potato Pancakes


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And I finally slept a full 5 hours last night! It seems that my sleep patterns have been off for a while - I go to bed and fall asleep immediately- but wake up every two hours or so. Its getting 'tiresome' so I was thrilled to wake this morning after 5 full hours - and several interesting dreams.

On to breakfast (M1) sweet potato pancakes - made with white sw. pots., red onion, cumin, chili powder, 1 beaten egg, a dash of S&P and almond meal - cooked in olive oil....and a 2 egg omelet with broccoli, red pepper and onion. A side of strawberries and blueberries and I am done for the time being.

Still thinking about food all the time - I love to cook - and this plan has my very creative juices going. I have boneless skinless chicken thighs in the fridge right now - and am trying to come up with something for dinner - any ideas?

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The Whole30 guidelines warn about Paleo pancakes: http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/5-the-official-whole30%C2%AE-program/ They can be tasty, but using your cooking skills to make traditional, off-plan foods with Whole30-compliant ingredients tends to undermine creating long-term healthy eating habits.We want you to use your cooking skills to create new recipes that take you beyond where you have been before. :)

As for chicken thighs, here is one of my recipes: http://www.wholelifeeating.com/2012/01/skillet-roasted-chicken-thighs-and-brussels-sprouts/

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Thanks Johnsona for the chicken idea - that might just work for me!

Tom, I am not sure I understand the concept behind the paleo pancake thing. The ingredients are the same as what I would use in sw potato hash - minus the teaspoon of almond meal. So I am not sure why this would not be considered whole 30 compliant. I did read ISWF - so I get that making 'brownies' or banana bread might be and issue - but for me, the sw potato pancakes were just another form of hash browns.....is this more about behaviour modification? (in which case I probably screwed up on Day 6 when I make blueberry, banana pancake with just those two ingredients plus one egg :wacko: ).

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I think "pancake" is the word that gets people in trouble whereas if you called it a fritter it might go unnoticed.

Also- the title of your post makes it seem like discovering the Sweet potato pancake is salvation to your w30 success. But sometimes the SWYPO debate is just semantics.

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To be clear- I'm not advocating fritters or pancakes- I DO agree with Tom and the ISWF theories about changing your attitude about sustenance- but, yeah, do what you gotta do to stay on course.

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I'm in agreement here - a major reason that I am doing this Whole30 is to prove to myself that I can.....I tend to take the easy way and make excuses. Starting the Whole30 was a quick decision - and I have no regrets - and no intention of failing this time! If my life was filled with pancakes of any sort - the attitude adjustment must come into play.

I actually do not love sweet potatoes - they are too sweet for me! but I am working them into my meals in an effort to follow the whole30 in its fullest.

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Day 13 recap

m1 2 poached eggs, sweet potato latke, and homemade pork apple sausage

m2 large green salad with beets, red peppers, carrots, olive oil, vinegar and topped with turkey/beef picadillo

snack - a lot of cashews and black coffee (was meeting with friends at a fabulous bakery - I ate my cashews while they indulged in some beautiful cookies - not even an inkling of craving for me!)

m3 Almond meal crusted pork tenderloin with sauteed green apple, steamed broccoli and carrots, baked sweet potato.

I made ghee tonight and topped my veggies with a little bit of that.....had a few green olives before dinner, and a glass of pellagrino with a squirt of fresh blood orange.

Now here's that bad news - about 10 minutes after eating dinner I experience pretty bad stomach pains - like a stabbing in my lower abdomen. the stabbing pain subsized to a more gassy feeling, that extended through my lower back - and remained so for the night. This morning there is still some stomach discomfort. Could it possibly be the ghee? its the first time on my whole30 that I used ghee...and it is the first time since starting that I have experience stomach discomfort.

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The cashews, coffe, and almond meal stand out as gut irritants- coupled with home-clarified butter (which could have some milk solids left IMO) could easily be a set up for stomach pains. For me it would be just the nuts and coffee. Wait a few days and try the ghee again maybe on an simple food day.

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thanks for the input Moluv - as I was talking this over with my husband, I realized I ate a substantial portion of cashews - and suspected that might have contributed. I am trying for a lighter food day today - some broth with chicken, spinach, lemon and ginger and another meal of zucchini noodles with eggs. I loved the ghee, but I do think I will hold off a few more days before using it again.

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Day 14 recap

First off, I believe I'm suffering from a slight stomach bug.....not as a result of my food intake. I will spare you the TMI!

M1 sautéed spinach, red pepper, onion and sausage 'nest' with fried egg and cantaloupe.

M2 soup made with chicken, spinach, zucchini, lemon, garlic and ginger. Topped with cubed avocado

A few cashews and a pear

M3 stewed beef and leeks in made in crockpot, and shredded, and scalloped turnips (thanks Tom Denham for a great recipe!) and zucchini noodles. Oh, and a kiwi.

Was feeling under the weather most of the day so no exercise. My head still feels like I am eating too much animal protein. But I absolutely LOVE the way each food I am eating tastes. I've always been a cook, but whole30 challenges me to really step up my game,mans the husband has not been disappointed!

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Day 15 recap

I am in awe of myself! I made it to Day 15 and actually told my husband that I plan to just keep on with it. Truth be told, he would like to share a bottle of wine with me soon - but I am not missing that anymore. I am not missing anything anymore! In 5 decades of dieting, counting calories, eating in moderation.....this has never happened. I have turned a big corner in my life long struggle with food. AND I am eating!

M1 Frittata with 2 eggs, sauteed spinach, zucchini, red pepper, onion and sausage and a kiwi on the side

M2 leftover beef, turnip and zucchini noodles

M21/2 leftover chicken spinach lemon ginger soup with avocado

(i ate my lunch in two stages, as I was under a bit of a time crunch and could not do it all in one)

M3 ground lamb topped with carmelized leeks and mashed sweet white potatoes - with ghee

and a huge bowl of greens, carrots, avocado, olive oil and balsamic, and beets.

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I am not missing anything anymore! In 5 decades of dieting, counting calories, eating in moderation.....this has never happened. I have turned a big corner in my life long struggle with food. AND I am eating!

I know exactly what you mean! Congrats on clearing out all the noise and learning to listen to your body. It's a wonderful place to be!

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Day 16 Recap

M1 sauteed spinach, red pepper, onion and sausage with nested egg (this is becoming my go to am meal - so much more satisfyng than my usual banana oatmeal!) 2 cups black coffee

M2 leftover lamb pie with carmelized leeks and mashed white sweet potatoes and lots of salad greens.

snack - a few cashews and green olives marinated in lemon and garlic while cooking M3

M3 roast chicken, steamed kale, sweet potatoes shredded, tossed with onion and egg, and pan fried in olive and coconut oil

I left Ghee out today to see if that might have caused my upset stomach. jury is still out on what is causing that.

Today, I also checked the calendar to see when my Whole30 official end date it - and realized that I miscalculated this one. I will still be following whole30 when I will be away on 'business'.

Im meeting up with 5 friends for 2 days - and in the past these have been beautiful food and wine adventures with a lot of laughter and tears thrown in for good measure. I am nervous about two days away from the comfort of my own kitchen and food. will do my best to stay compliant - i think the only problem I will have is with the glass of wine - 50+ years of conditioning makes it hard for me to think I wont cave - BUT! i am hoping to realized that I am stronger than my history.

Wish me well!

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DAY 17 Recap

M1 2 egg frittata with spinach, red pepper, onion, sausage and avocado

M2 hamburger patty on salad greens, olive oil and balsamic

snack - cashews and olives

M3 chicken coconut curry with sweet potato, carrot, red pepper, kale and yellow curry paste on a bed of wilted baby spinach

Had lunch out today and I made my best, safest choice - hamburger was cooked on grill with no oil...and they were nice enough to substitute the homemade chips for salad greens. When I go to a restaurant, I really enjoy the possibility of getting something yummy that i wont make at home. This meal did not do that for me - so I focused more on the conversation I was having with my friend. I left feeling satisfied - but my M2 time was actually about 1.5 hours earlier than I would have liked it to be. So early M2 means early M3....

Not being particularly hungry for either of those meals, I think I ate much less than i would other wise....satisfied, but not enough to keep me going for more than 12 overnight hours. So this morning I woke early with a vicious headache. And a strong urge to quite on Day 18.

Lets see how I handle the rest of today......

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DAY 18 Recap

M1 bowl of leftover coconut chicken curry (didnt want it - but had really bad headache)

M2 sweet potatoe and sausage hash with a couple of eggs fried in ghee, and a pear

Lara bar - carrot cake - to stave off cravings before grocery shopping!

M3 pan seared pork chop marinated in homemade mayo and mustard

red cabbage sauteed with onion and green apple

steamed carrots

snack - handful of cashews.

pretty easy day, after the headache subsided. I still need to work on making more than one meal at a time - because I am spending too much time in my kitchen. After a wallet busting trip to Whole Foods I have a fridge full of food that is crying out to be prepped!

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Day 25 - Where did the Time GO?

In the beginning 30 days seemed like a long time - and today, well, I am actually sweating about the nearness of day 30! There have been so many positive changes in my attitude towards food. Prior to Whole30 I 'thought' I was a clean eater - but now I know I am. I cannot say that I feel terrific and full of energy. I am sleeping only mildly better. But I did not enter into this thinking there was a miracle cure involved. I entered being an overweight 56 year old women who wanted to get more comfortable with food. That I am accomplishing!

Has it been hard? Truly, my answer is no. There has been a lot of work - shopping, prepping, cooking - but I have not had one moment when I thought I would die because I could not have a brownie, or a martini. For me, the hardest part has been checking all the ingredients on a label to determine what I will eat.

I have not been posting my meals here lately - in an effort to cut down how much 'obsessing' I do. But I am writing my meals in a journal everyday at home - as well as my thoughts on where to go from here.

I will check back in again after my 30 is over.

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Day 29......,..

I went to a social event yesterday. Ther was a dining room full of food, snack food......dips, chips, cheese, gooey looking things. And a cake platter piled high with clementines. I had a clementine- and it was the sweetest thing I ever ate. Thank you Whole30!

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