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I am one of those food scientists that develop all that processed food everyone (including me) is trying to avoid. I have to eat this food as part of my job. I am doing pretty well at spitting it out. I don't count that as failing at Paleo because it's out of my control. This is my Day 4 at Whole 30. Yesterday, I had to taste some honey buns. I did spit them out but, of course, sugar found it's way to my saliva and raced through my bloodstream. I felt like I had just taken a drug. It felt wonderful and scary at the same time. I got enough of a sugar high that I was able to ignore my cravings while I was cleaning up.

I was amazed that such a little bit of sugar could have such a huge effect on me so quickly!! Fortunately, I got through the rest of the day (was chewing bread and processed meat after that) without any problems.

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This reminds me if the Internet meme that shows the Monsanto cafeteria and states they serve organic food. Good for you spitting out the food. I had a strange experience walking down the sugar isle and having my heart race and anxiety feeling from just the SMELL of so much sugar. Powerful drug!

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Moluv, I can so relate.... I try to cut through the pet food aisle or the paper goods aisle when I'm moving to the front of the grocery store. Just walking past all those candies and cookies is enough to get me feeling nervous.

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I had a sample of something from Trader Joes (chocolate cake, I think) after spending two years in Japan eating very little in the way of sweets. A small bite of it was enough to make me dizzy and make my heart race.

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