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Whole30 with little exercise

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Hi everyone!

I started my Whole 30 two days ago and I am really excited. The basic reason for eating clean is that I have a rare allergy. My body can't process starch and it accumulates on my uterus, ovaries, kidneys and liver. In October 2010 I stopped eating starch and in January 2011 I got pregnant. After having my baby I started eating starch again and huge amounts of aspartame...I feel ill, I am bloated, I get severe PMS and my belly looks as if I am 6 months pregnant.

I was desparate, but fortunately I found out about Whole 30. I know it will help me and I also hope to lose those 10 pounds I gained during pregnancy.

I just need to ask two questions:

1. My baby is 81/2 months old and I have noone to babysit him, so there are times that I can't workout. Will this affect my efforts?

2. Is it okay if I eat no fruit at all? I really hate them.

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Following your baby around and picking him up and putting him down all day is exercise. If you need to sweat more to prove it to yourself, carry your baby around the house a few times and hold him on your chest while you sit down and stand up a few times. Maybe a set of 5 or 10. :)

Veggies are essential, but fruit is optional. There is no nutrient or vitamin in fruit that you can't get more of from vegetables, so you do not have to eat fruit.

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Following your baby around and picking him up and putting him down all day is exercise. If you need to sweat more to prove it to yourself, carry your baby around the house a few times and hold him on your chest while you sit down and stand up a few times. Maybe a set of 5 or 10. :)

This is so true!

For an extra heavy body weight workout, my daughter (a Montessori toddler teacher) says to follow a small child around and imitate every motion they make for as long as you can. Plus, it's progressive. And random.

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You can exercise with a small baby, you just need to become creative about this and learn that less can be more. Lay your kid on the floor or put them in a seat and do 10 burpees. Bear crawl across the floor with your kid (if they can crawl, this is especially neat). My two year old LOVES this one, and I end up bear crawling way more than I ever wanted to. Walk to as many places as you can, pushing the stroller. Add some sprints in there sometimes, too, and you'll get there faster.

Likely, you can find a 15 minute chunk, in which case do something like bodyrock (bodyrock.tv). You don't have to go somewhere to get in shape, or even own tons of equipment. There are always options, they just may require changing your mind about what working out means to you.

BTW, for the first year of my daughter's life, we lived in a tiny shotgun apartment with no doors, so I had to be silent during her naps. If I was able to pull off exercising, I think anyone can! ;)

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I love the ideas above, and this also seems like a place where the perfect is the enemy of the good -- a little workout that fits into your schedule isn't perfect, but it's good, and it's leaps and bounds better than no working out at all.

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Thank you all for your answers!

I do play a lot with my son, but I've never thought this was excersise. I also walk with the stroller about 1 - 1.30 hour everyday. But I thought I should do crossfit in order for the whole 30 to work...wow now I'm even more excited! :D

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I've literally never done Crossfit (zero hate for it, but it's not the type of workout I tend to enjoy/stick to most). I just posted my results from the Whole30 over in the results forum, but I'm REALLY pleased, and my workouts for the past month have been Zumba 2-3 times a week and a 2-mile walk 1-2 times a week. Walking an hour or more a day pushing a stroller is pretty solid!

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