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RA Flare-Ups

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Well, it appears that 14 days following Whole30 is not enough to keep the flare-ups away. :( Both of my hands have flare-up so bad that I haven't been able to sleep or do a lot of cooking (luckily, I had a cook-up on Sunday so I just had to reheat). This has also made it difficult to gauge my progress in other areas of the program since I have been angry at the world for not being able to write my name, close my fist, or turn on the faucet (had to wake the husband this morning to do it for me). I saw my rheumatologist this morning and it looks like I am going back on Celebrex and low-dose prednisone. Hopefully it will be low enough that it doesn't affect my eating.

On a positive note, I had to get on the scale at the office and I made it a point not to look at it since I am bound and determined to go the 30 days without the scale. However, the nurse appeared to be very proud of my current weightloss and said it out loud..."Down 6 pounds!" I did a little happy dance in my head since the last time I was there was 4 weeks ago! I still didn't look at the scale though! :D

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I tried to tell myseld that it was the sausage I ate over the weekend but it only had 4 ingredients and all were natural and on plan. I guess it's deinal that the RA is here to stay no matter what and will creep up on my every now and then. I saw my doctor and he put me back on some meds we thought I could do without...guess not. :(

The good thing is that I am sticking with Whole30 because I know it is making me healthier in so many other areas!

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Just because the ingredients are natural doesn't mean that one of them might not be the culprit - if you can stand to, experiment with each one of them individually - if you get a flare up, there's your answer.

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Thanks Krista! Just with anything, I take it one day at a time...some day days. Just have a littl more whining! ;)

Jinkse, I'm sorry you're in pain. I have RA too, in my fingers and hips. Best thing I can recommend on the ouchie days is a hot bath with Epsom salts, a good book, a cuppa tea (and some obligatory whining, Krista's totally right about that hehehe) :) Hope you're getting better and that the bad days are a minority rather than a majority!

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