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scared about peer pressure!


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well my best friend and I always use Fridays as our cheat days (cheat as in cheating from okayish eating but still poor eating) where we eat dinner and dessert together. I feel okay about dinner this friday because I can get steak without the seasonings, salad, and sweet potatoes. I am terrified of the dessert part though. I want to continue our tradition of seeing each other and hanging out on Friday nights, but I don't want to mess up my whole30 (it'll be day 2). Would it be considered "sex with pants on" if i pack along strawberries in coconut milk or something so I can eat that while she eats the dessert? I could just pack strawberries and apples without coconut milk if that is more compliant :/

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My understanding is that part of the Whole30 is breaking the emotional connection with food. Your need to eat dessert with your friend seems like an emotional connection with food to me. I would just go and enjoy your friends company and if she questions your not getting dessert just tell her you didn't feel like you needed to have it to enjoy your time with her.

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I get what you are saying. She might be hurt. She might not. If she expresses hurt assure her that your desire to not eat dessert has nothing to do with her or your friendship with her. People have very strong connections to food and unfortunately other people do react to how we choose to eat.

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I've had this too where a friend and I would hang out with a lot and we would go get cupcakes together after every meal! I told her I didn't want to cupcakes anymore and she was a little put off but in the end she didn't get any either and we still enjoyed our time together! It's hard to break a habit but I always think

a) if the person REALLY wants the certain food, me not getting it won't stop her, so why am I going to go down with her? or

B) if our friendship was based just on eating crap together...that's a bigger problem right?

It is really hard though! Good luck to you!

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Most of the time when I eat out with friends, I drink a cup of decaf coffee while they eat cheese cake. I don't think it matters to anybody, but I can be insensitive to things like that and not notice.

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