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Can I do Whole30 with nut allergies?


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Hi, I would like to start Whole 30, but I am allergic to all nuts except peanuts (which are a legume, not a nut). I have had Nutella before, and it doesn't bother me (not sure why), but I have never tried cashew or almond butter.

Am I going to be able to do the program without any nuts/nut products?

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Absolutely. Many people on a W30 without allergies choose not to have nuts because they feel they eat too many. Personally i've never seen the appeal - I don't have nuts because I don't like them. If you look at the meal planning template http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf you'll see it's easy to follow without adding any nuts in. good luck

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You can also try substituting sunflower seed butter if you were to find a recipe that you were desperate to try but that called for almond butter.

A lot people seem talk about eating too many nuts (it's an easy snack food), so you might almost be lucky not being able to have them.

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