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6 days in...

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So, I'm 6 days in and I'm feeling like a whole30 failure already. I'm switching to whole30 from a typical "body builders diet" (eating 5-6 small meals per day, high protein, low fat...40/40/20). I'm trying to heal from adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. I'm guessing I did some metabolic damage while attempting to lean out at the end of last year (heavy lifting, high amounts of cardio, low calories and diet pills). Since trying to heal and resting more and increasing my calories, I've gained almost 20 lbs in 2 1/2 months. Feeling discouraged and ashamed of my body, I have switched gyms and just want to hide from the world.

My naturopath recently discovered that I have a gluten sensitivity which could have been contributing to my health issues. So I discovered the whole30 lifestyle and haven't looked back. I was chewing a lot of sugar free gum, and eating/drinking a lot of protein powders...I threw them all out. Within a few days of whole30, I was feeling great and positive...I had a killer leg workout two days ago that I haven't been able to do in weeks...then about halfway through today, I lost all energy. Muscle soreness and I just want to sleep. I don't feel that hungry but I forced myself to finish dinner. That's when I lost it...I totally over ate and after dinner started hitting the carrots and extra coconut butter. I'm upset and feeling so guilty.

I think I'm just looking for some feedback on my self destructive behavior.

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I felt kind of sick for the first 2 weeks, so day 6 is often not a good time. It would help to know what you are eating, but whenever someone complains of low energy, the first consideration is whether you are eating enough starchy carbs like sweet potato, butternut squash, plantains, pumpkin, etc - energy food.

The Whole30 is set to 30 days because it usually takes about 30 days to get your body in a good rhythm, get new behaviors established, and to start feeling really good. Give yourself some time. It really does work, but you have to stay the course for a while. With a background of adrenal fatigue, you may take longer to get to a really good place, but you should have a good taste of it by day 30.

Coconut butter and nuts are dangerous foods. Some days I wish they were off limits during a Whole30 because so many people struggle with them. Of course, you can always vote them off your island any day you choose. :)

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I'm following the template pretty closely, and I have been incorporating a lot of squash and carrots. I used to eat sweet potatoes all the time but when I ate a small one a couple days ago, it made me feel bloated and sorta sick.

Today I feel like death. I feel like I could spend the entire day in the bathroom. The thought of food makes me wanna throw up (especially any kind of food "cooked in oil"). What should I do? Is this normal?

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Being gluten sensitive has done all sorts of damage to your digestive tract. It needs to heal first an foremost. Working out may not be in your best interest right now, while resting and sleeping should be high on the list of priorities. Continue to nourish yourself with the right foods, don't skimp on fat, incorporate bone broth for your gut and just rest through this unpleasant time as much as possible.

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