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Mom Gut Be Gone! My Post-Partum W26

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Hey wonderful women of this board! I've lurked and commented on and off since September last year when my husband and I did a Whole30 when I was in my second trimester.

Our second boy arrived in January and we attempted our second Whole30 together recently. I say attempted because we went busto on Day 26. I made myself a little gluten free dairy free mug cake and we ate popcorn with goat butter. Yes, that's nutritional off-roading for me right now.

Wanted to send some encouragement to all of you by sharing my results photos.

This isn't an easy share - I certainly didn't have model abs before getting pregnant - but I did see some good changes from my improved nutrition.

First photo is me 6 weeks after delivery and the other is about 12 weeks and I had done a Whole30 for the previous 4 weeks. I lost maybe 8-10 lbs between the two photos and I am 6ft tall. I also started working out again halfway through this Whole30 attempt.

Have to say, the Whole30 was a bit easier, and I saw better results with energy, while pregnant. :(

I'm breastfeeding and sleeping in 2-3 hour stretches at most overnight. We bed share which helps but I think the broken sleep kinda stole the energy high away from me.

Supply: never had any issues with milk supply but we did go through a growth spurt days 13-16. I was a bit concerned because my breasts felt really empty and while my son was happy and fine, he was nursing around the clock. We had some low key days at home, I ate LOTS and we got through it just fine.

That said, it was still well worth the extra planning and time to make Whole30 meals. My palette has been reset, cravings reduced and my mood is boosted (despite the bags under my eyes!). My husband and I talking about doing Whole 7s or 14s now when we need to get back on track in the future.


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Thanks for sharing and super results. Really impressed you did this with an infant. I could barely function as a human--never mind stick o a W30--when my daughter hit 12 weeks and went from sleeping for eight hours ("this is my good sleeper!" i thought) to waking up and screaming inconsolably every two hours. Bravo.

I think your belly in the Before shots looks pretty darn good for six weeks postpartum! I am willing to bet your abs were not bad at all before you got pregnant. :) And IME babies nurse all day and night anyway when they are going through growth spurts so I wouldn't necessarily attribute that to diet.

Nice work!

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I think your belly in the Before shots looks pretty darn good for six weeks postpartum!


It's definitely encouraging to read about other moms who are doing this. I am on day 2 right now and I won't jinx it by listing out what I have or have not experienced yet, but I can definitely tell this will be a bit more challenging with three small people in the house, including an 11 month-old who still nurses like an EBF 6 month-old (but also eats normal food like a 1 year-old).

I'm with you on the co-sleeping...our bed is so small and usually baby sleeps in her crib next to me, but I'm planning on being more relaxed about letting her sleep with me during the next 30 days, since it will help keep my supply up (just as a precaution).

Thanks for sharing your success!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the encouragement! I have a 7 week old and getting ready to start W30 day after tomorrow. I've already started implementing the W30 principles, though not 100% (but pretty darn close to it!.. Until husband's birthday tomorrow when I will enjoy some cake with him), to get my mindset and tastebuds closer to where they should be for W30 success.

Thanks again! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great work!!! It's super to read experiences like this, thx for sharing :)

I'm currently on Day 2 - had 2 restarts since beginning my W30 last week... With a newborn. Yes, my youngest (of 4) child is only 16 days old and I started my W30 when he was 4 days old. Crazy? Not in the least, as I completed a W30 slightly less than 2 weeks before he arrived.

Yes, I did admit to 2 restarts... My transgressions were small - not a full-on blowout or anything - but I had them nonetheless. Both times it was at night when everyone else went to bed. Verdict? I wasn't getting enough energy from my root veggies, and was choosing the 'deficient' ones a bit too often (celery, cukes). Gotta get that energy to feed the little guy!

So, needless to say, want others to know it can be done without losing your mind. And this is HUGE because I'm the one who totally lost her marbles in trimester 1, lol.

You can do it too!!

Btw, it has made a huge impact on my mood and ener levels to continue with the W30 approach. I'm still trying to limit fruit but honestly, I realize I've got to take my chill pill about that and just be the best mom I can on a daily basis. And if that means a bit more fruit than the protocol outlines, then imma gunna doit ;)

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  • 3 months later...

My saving snack when I need calories and a milk supply boost is a small cup of berries with a splash of coconut milk. It has been helpful at night when I'm hungry and want something light, but dense, for getting me through my baby's night nursing demands!

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