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Hi everyone!

I just finished my 5th day/starting my 6th day of my first Whole30! So far, I've been feeling pretty good. I'm at least satisfied knowing that what I'm putting into my body isn't complete crap, and also my hunger pangs that used to come every 2-3 hours are completely gone! I can't wait to see how I feel in 2-3 weeks and compare to how I feel now.

I haven't really experienced any of the symptoms the timeline describes, so no hangover, no kill all the things, nor extreme tiredness. Before my Whole30, I ate relatively decent, lots of veggies, lean meats, fruit, nuts, although I had dairy (I LOVE Chobani, milk, etc..), peanut butter was definitely a 'food with no brakes' food, and ate 1-2 servings a day of a whole grain bread/english muffins or things of that nature. Has anyone experienced anything similar?

Finally, and I know this is the ultimate anti-Whole30 question, what were people's experiences with reintroducing alcohol? I somewhat purposely, somewhat coincidentally am doing my Whole30 the 30 days preceding my 21st birthday, and I'm getting a scared how my body will react to my first (legal) drink! Any input?

Overall I'm loving my first Whole30! Experimenting with new recipes and exploring the forums has made me want to continue with this 'diet' even after the 30 days are up! Except finding new recipes and reading these forums is way more exciting that studying for finals :unsure: . Not quite sure how I am going to combat that one...

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Hi Kristan, welcome to the W30, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I've never actually reintroduced alcohol but there have been several posts on it possibly in the reintro section? I know several people have said it hits them far more than ever before and some have said they felt really lousy for a couple of days after it :( If you check the reintro section, you'll probably find the posts there. Good luck and keep studying :P

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