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Day One (Second Try) Starts Today!


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So I just finished my breakfast, which consisted of all natural bacon and one scrambled egg. I have no problem with breakfast (except giving up my beloved Starbucks) but it is later in the day that I have the trouble! I am a very busy person who is constantly on the go and literally live off of protein fruit smoothies and Starbucks. I do not know what I am going to replace them with! I am already about 80% paleo because I cannot eat many processed foods due to stomach issues. However, I do always drink tall caramel frapp. lites from Starbucks...I have never seen the issue with them because they are only 90 calories. But now I can't have them :( However, I am determined to do this Whole30 right! I am going to need some of you guys' support on here to hold me accountable! Here's to Day One!

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Hey, MaddieLane! I think it's possible to do a Whole30 with a hectic schedule, but it really takes some planning ahead. If you don't already know what you're going to eat for lunch or dinner for most days, that might make things really difficult. So, if it's something you want to do, definitely buckle in and get ready, because it's a lot of work at first, but most of that work becomes routine, and it's a great program.

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Good morning!

If you want to do this right, here is some quick feedback:

Follow the food template for your meals. You need more than one egg and some bacon. When egg is your protein, you generally need to consume as many eggs as you can hold in your hand. Please check the ingredients on your bacon to confirm that it contains no sugar (in any form...cane, turbinado, maple syrup. etc)

Get in veggies too!

And pronouncing the chemicals in your frap at starbucks is likely harder than someone ordering a venti no whip 2% white chocolate mocha.

You can do this but make sure you eat enough!

Here is the template:


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So I just finished my breakfast, which consisted of all natural bacon and one scrambled egg. I have no problem with breakfast (except giving up my beloved Starbucks) but it is later in the day that I have the trouble! I am a very busy person who is constantly on the go and literally live off of protein fruit smoothies and Starbucks. I do not know what I am going to replace them with!

Replace them with food! ;)

One egg and bacon isn't really a W30 breakfast. You need some veg in there. More eggs. And probably a protein that's more satisfying than bacon. You are used to running on sugar and you want your body to run on fat. Also, is your bacon sugar-free? All "natural" and sugar-free, W30 compliant can be two different things.

Use this template to plan your meals. I have a copy taped to my fridge.


I also highly recommend checking out It Starts With Food. I have mine on my devices so I can check back when I want. It really helps explain why the W30 is structured the way it is and why eating one egg isn't going to power your through till lunch!

If you are looking for what to eat, going through people's logs can really help. And also all te blogs everyone likes. Nomnom, ClothesMakeTheGirl, EverydayPaleo, etc.

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I am on day two and I already miss my milk in my coffee, and my Starbuck's lattes. coconut milk in the coffee is NOT the same, but I will get used to it.

I had two eggs(cooked in coconut oil), half a banana, and roasted cauliflower for breakfast. Not sure if it "meets" the true template requirement but I am a work in progress as it is day 2.

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