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Is there a section on Whole100's


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I am finishing up my first 30 tomorrow and am kinda interested in going much longer-in my heart I am an endurance athlete:). Is there a section specifically for folks wanting to extend their Whole 30 to a Whole 60/90/100?

Thanks for directing me?


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No, a W100 is not something official or even sanctioned. A bunch of us crazy people just did it. I have to tell you that something like 40 of us started it and only 7 of us finished. I would suggest you just add another 30 and see how that goes.

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There's no section for it because we really don't recommend it. Now that's not to say you can't live a W30 way of life, many people do, but to actually commit to doing a W100 is not a good idea.

It's 30 days for a reason, that's how long it takes most people's bodies to recover from any irritation or negative effects from the foods they've eliminated. Reintroduction will let you know how your body reacts. Now some people, for different health reasons need longer on a W30 and that's fine but the aim is to be able to ride your own bike, be responsible for making your own choices.

Personally I eat W30 about 99% of the time but if I was to be offered a square of my favourite, ridiculously expensive raw chocolate, If I chose, I could have it guilt free or I could choose to ignore it, the choice would be mine. That way, I never feel deprived or guilty or that I've failed or need to start over.

I've seen a lot of people commit to doing a W100 and end up bitterly resenting it. 30 days is a reset, after that believe me it is so much more pleasant to take responsibility to eat good food because you choose to eat it than to be looking another 2 months ahead before you can make any choices. If you feel you stray too far, you can always do another W30 in the future. So well done on your W30 and good luck with the rest of your healthy life.

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It's funny, I did a Whole30, which then turned into a Whole60, and now I'm heading for a W100 more or less, depending on what kind of things pop up before the "end." And my reasons aren't that I'm putting off things I want to have again, it's that I feel so darned good eating like this and it's so simple for me. I do well with structure, apparently, and it's working.

My husband did a W30 and is slowly reintroducing things. And for some reason, as I buy a little milk and a loaf of good bread, I resent having to make room in my fridge and my food budget! (That's a whole 'nother issue, I'm sure, lol.) But even he says it's to be able to add in only the things he wants to eventually (cheese) and to make being out of town easier. We both really like the food we've been having.

I did have the very first "craving" at the grocery the other day, and not so much in my body but my mind -- there were some chocolate donut holes with drizzled icing that looked really tasty. I didn't start salivating but I did think "those look good". Then I walked away, because that's the first time since starting that I've even looked twice at something noncompliant. (And I know from experience that those aren't as good as they look, lol.) But I very much fear that having one would lead to eating the whole thing, which is how I got where I was at the start of all this. So... I think for me, remaining compliant another few weeks will enable me to watch what my husband does and then ease myself into it too.

Then I'll probably remain 98% compliant most of the time -- the only thing I really want to be able to have is steamed milk in my espresso. Hope that works out for me!

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Well, I think I will do the same. Today is day 31 and I really don't have the strong desire to go off esp with grains, sugar which I know are like crack to me. I would like a good piece of cheese and maybe a glass of red wine. But I, for the first time in a long while, I feel like I have a modest grip on what I put in my mouth so to even try something that wasn't worth it sounds crazy to me. I have lost about 6 pounds this month, not huge but good for a post menopausal female! I would love to lose another 9-10 pounds this summer over the next 2+ months. I like the fact my energy levels seems stable, not as moody. I did not know calcium is stimulating......I take my calcium supplements at night. Could this be a source of insomnia???

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