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Dairy reintroduction.. different taste

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So I am currently drinking my very first flat white on dairy reintroduction day. I'm so confused, the way I remember coffee with milk tasting and the way it seems to taste to me now are so different!

Anyone else experience this type of thing? Not just with dairy, but any of your other reintroductions?

I haven't experienced any affects yet but it's early.. I'll see how I go this afternoon.

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Absolutley! All I taste is cardboard when I intro'd milk. It coated my tongue and made everything else taste off. When I have tried other items all I can taste is the fakeness of the item. I posted a while back about WANTING to revert - but can't because everything tastes aweful. Wine too sweet, bread making me break out, ect.

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I used to drink no-fat cappuccinos but once my W30 ended, I tried full-fat capps and I love the richness of it and one does me fine...it's a treat when I travel for the caffeine. I used to drink at least one Diet Coke a day and I have tried it 3 different times and they all tasted nasty! I could taste the aspartame and I definitely do not like it! :blink: Lots of foods taste different to me now...strawberries are much sweeter, bread is too dry...Unfortunately, beer still tastes good! :rolleyes:

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Yes! I was just marveling at my newfound desire to drink coffee black. I gave up my cream when I did my first Whole30 over a year ago and I've never gone back. Dairy in coffee just tastes icky to me now!

I am also having a hard time finding a wine that I still like. So many that are 'dry' are still entirely too sweet for me. I ordered a glass at a restaurant last week precisely because it was described as 'super dry'. It was delicious...but I could still taste the sweetness. Whole30 ruined me! ;)

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Sounds like it's a good thing I'm not a milk drinker! I do look forward to a touch of shredded cheese and a bit of Greek yogurt. I'll see how they affect me, though. I don't want to start gaining weight after all my hard work.

Maybe I'll try a smidgen of milk to see what I think, but then again, why bother ;)

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