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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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Day 14!


I had a pretty good sleep last night and got up before my alarm went off at 5am to go to Crossfit. My energy level seemed at the normal range (pre-whole30) and I had a pretty good workout. I ate some sweet potatoes with sausage, brussel sprouts and onions all mixed together before my workout and ate an omelette with green/yellow/red peppers, onions, mushrooms and spinach for post-workout breakfast.


For supper last night, I had chicken soup. I made this from the whole chicken bones and juices that were left over from Monday's slow cooked meal. Added in some spinach, green beens, brussel sprouts, sausage and onions. It was delicious!


I hope everyone has a great day! 

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Hikerbrat: honest mistake....you'll be fine, but I agree...to do it "right" you need to start over if there was sugar...but you can call and ask about the sugar and the oil


GFChris zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz glad you slept! (:





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On day 16 and I feel like utter shit.  My knee is hurting, I'm having hot flashes (HA...and I thought they were over).  My stomach is feeling queezy.  I have been really good on this program...not cheating (except for a few over indulgences in nuts and seeds) or even tempted to eat anything that is off limits.  I have not really seen any changes in weight or clothes...maybe the tiniest bit.  It's weird.  My energy levels were soaring until yesterday and today.  I am feeling old and icky....However I AM old enough to know that "this too shall pass."

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Day 14!  I'm not sure if I have been doing this right.  I think I have been snacking too much...all complient foods, but more than two servings of fruit a day.  Snacking mostly on fruit.  Just found out I'm pregnant.  We have been trying.  Not sure if all the snacking is due to that.  Any advice?  Today is the first day I'm going to cut out all snacks and only have 3 meals a day.  Should I start over because of the snacking?

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Day 14!  I'm not sure if I have been doing this right.  I think I have been snacking too much...all complient foods, but more than two servings of fruit a day.  Snacking mostly on fruit.  Just found out I'm pregnant.  We have been trying.  Not sure if all the snacking is due to that.  Any advice?  Today is the first day I'm going to cut out all snacks and only have 3 meals a day.  Should I start over because of the snacking?


First off, congrats on your pregnancy!

I'm no expert (currently on day 17 of my first W30), but I'm thinking as long as your snacks are W30 compliant (and you're not having more than two snacks in 1 day), you don't have to start over.  Perhaps now that you have the awareness that you're snacking too much, just reel it in and follow the template?

Maybe try posting in the Whole30 While Pregnant or Breastfeeding section, and see if you can get any advice there on modifying your snacking? http://forum.whole9life.com/forum/15-whole30-while-pregnant-or-breastfeeding/

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Maybe a moderator would disagree, but I would say NO-especially since you are pregnant.  If you can manage to stay compliant with your food while you are pregnant, I think you will be doing the best thing possible for you and your baby.  If you are truly hungry, EAT.  I would stay away from snacking on fruit and nuts alone, however.  In my experience that can be more about "eating" and less about "nourishing" because let's face it...who doesn't like eating fruit and nuts?  Make it a mini meal if you can.  Or at least add protein.  Nuts count as fat, so you are missing an essential W30 food in your snacking choice.


I would focus on nourishing you and your baby (CONGRATULATIONS by the way!) the best way that you can.  If 3 meals works and feels good, great.  If you need a mini meal or two in there, go for it!  While I do believe that clean eating is the healthiest way to eat, pregnancy can certainly be a challenge to even the cleanest of eaters!

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However I AM old enough to know that "this too shall pass."



:D I hope you feel better soon!



Opt-out, congrats! There's a lot of stuff on the site now about pregnancy because of Melissa's, so you picked a good time to grow a baby :)


You guys know bullet proof coffee? I've been making it the past few days but with tea and using ghee instead of butter. Today I had the idea to make it with cocoa powder. A spoon full of cocoa, hot water, and two spoons of the ghee/coconut mix I bought after seeing it on this site. Blended with the stick blender. It turns out it's really good! The fat neutralizes the bitter of unsweetened cocoa a bit.

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Thanks everyone.  I think I will change up my snacks from fruit/fat(nuts or coconut cream) to a mini meal.  That sounds like the best option.  I love this way of eating!  It's so amazing that it's this challenging to give up processed food and sugar/sweetners.  Makes me wonder just how addictive those food additives really are.  And BTW the bulletproof cocoa powder sounds amazing!!!  I'm going to have it tomorrow.

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Day 14!  I'm not sure if I have been doing this right.  I think I have been snacking too much...all complient foods, but more than two servings of fruit a day.  Snacking mostly on fruit.  Just found out I'm pregnant.  We have been trying.  Not sure if all the snacking is due to that.  Any advice?  Today is the first day I'm going to cut out all snacks and only have 3 meals a day.  Should I start over because of the snacking?


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Day 14 and WOW can't believe we are almost half way through! The last week really has been pretty steady for me; no cravings, no food dreams, normal energy levels... Just on the tail end of my period though and kinda waiting for the bloat to subside so I can feel back to normal again, urgh! After going a bit overboard on tahini and almond butter a few days ago I've cut those out, and also tried to limit fruit such as apricots and prunes to mainly breakfast...still get worried every now and again that I've slipped up and eaten something non compliant lol but I haven't eaten out except from a lunch from Whole Foods in the last week so I doubt I have. I'm going on a four day trip to Chicago next week and I've started to think about that... What snacks to take, where I might eat, what I can bring back to the hotel room etc etc, its a little daunting!

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I can't beleive it's almost half "over" already!  I haven't had hardly any cravings, even when we went out last sunday for an early father's day for my hubby I didn't even blink twice at the gelato cone he got, and i LOVE pepermint gelato!  Some how i've managed to cut out all snacks and even cut Way back on my usual coffee intake (i'm down to a black 8oz cup with breakfast and that's it). 


today I went grocery shopping and walked through the bakery sections, perused the goods and picked a treat for my husband for sunday that's just enough for him and I really wasn't interested in anything for myself.  All in all i'm so proud of what i've accomplished so far and I feel so great because of it.  The fact that I haven't had any twinges in my hips is a big deal for me and that I can comfortably wear a pair of shorts that's always been a little "tight" for real comfort.


Even better news is I think my best friend is going to try another W30 with me after we get back from our 2 week vacation!


Bring on the next 16 days!

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O.M.G. Well Fed's Ginger-Lime Grilled Shrimp. Perhaps the best shrimp I've ever tasted in my life. 


It takes me way more than five minutes to juice a lime, mince garlic, grate ginger, and mince cilantro so I think the 5 minutes of prep she indicates is a tad off. But, no matter. The results are to die for.


I served them with roasted peppers and mushrooms and a salad made of arugula, cucumber, and melon in a lemon/EVOO/garlic dressing. 


Looking forward to using the same marinade on scallops. Yum!


We have never eaten such good food - for daily meals - as while doing this W30. Really. 


Glad to hear a good review on it! I should try it this weekend.

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Congrats on the new baby, opt-out! How exciting1


Yes, eat if you're hungry! Definately make a point to stick to the meal template for snacks as well as meals but I wouldnt worry too much on the fruit.


There are some good Whole30 blog posts on pregnancy too:





Enjoy and good luck!

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Congrats on the pregnancy...eat if hungry (:

I just finished making the Paleo mayo.....it looks great. I used my Vitamix and drizzled VERY slowly like the instructions said...looks like mayo, so that's good. Will have tonight with artichokes...and Thai curry from earlier this week. Tomorrow I will tacke making the chocolate chili. Again, being new to cooking...this is exciting when things turn out like they're supposed to....LOL



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Day 14

Took the day off. Slept in. Feel pretty good - even energy. Don't know why I was super hungry today...had snacks...usually don't since starting Whole30....don't feel like I have lst any weight but it has only been 14 days....on to day 15!

M1-omelette, tomatoes, zucchini, guacamole, salt/pepper, cantaloupe, coffee w coconut milk

Workout-30 min elliptical

Snack-LARA BAR (cherries, dates, almonds)...supposed to have a protein but didn't

M2-spinach, yam, shredded chicken, EVOO, balsamic vinegar, guacamole, mineral water, strawberries

Snack-strawberries, LARA BAR (cashews, dates)....no more LARA BARS FOR A WHILE....TOO DANGEROUS

M3-artichokes w Paleo mayo, Thai curry chicken/veg, strawberries

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Megamac- no magic energy here for me either! My house will be much better off when I finally feel the magic.

Didn't plan well today. Had to leave work at lunch to meet hubby at dr with kids. Jetted back to work, but had nothing to eat. Rather than give in to the "Hell with it, get a coke and candy bar"... I stopped at gas station on the way. They had fresh fruit and refrigerated, packaged boiled eggs.

Definitely a non-scale victory to manage to fight off the urge to go the easy route.

No food dreams, but recently I dreamed I was pregnant. We already have three boys and are done. So it was freaky for me to have that dream. I was happy to wake up!

Best wishes to you all!


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