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Eating plenty, but still getting hungry


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So, I feel like I've been eating plenty on this whole30, but I still get hungry every 2 hours or so. This is what today looked like for me...


Woke up at 6am

Laid in bed for 30 minutes "snoozing"

Made breakfast around 8am (I know, not within 1 hour of waking up, maybe that's a reason?)

Breakfast was 4 shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and diced, a handful of diced bell pepper (maybe 1/4c.) 1 scallion, diced, and a handful (maybe a cup) of baby spinach wilted down and scrambled with 1 egg into about 1 tbs. ghee. Then I mashed half an avocado and spread it over top and fried 2 more eggs over medium in about 1/2 tbs. ghee and put it on top. I also ate some sweet potato pancake (shredded sweet potato with shredded onion and some egg fried in coconut oil)


I started to get hungry at 11 and got a headache that felt like eye strain

at 12, I made lunch which was about 4-6 ounces of chicken on a salad with a handful of black olives and the "classic pantry vinaigrette" from ISWF. I used the whole recipe on my salad (at least 2-3 cups chopped romaine) and that's 6 tbs. olive oil. I also had a handful of grapes


At 3 I started getting hungry again, but stuck it out until 4 and got a snack of 2 strips of bacon and about 1/2 cup of baby carrots.


For dinner at 5pm, I made a hash with 4 ounces ground beef, 2.5 carrots, diced up, 1/2 an onion, and 1/2 a bunch of kale chopped up, browned in 1/2 tbs. coconut oil, then drizzled with about 1/2 an ounce of coconut milk. right after dinner I had 6 raspberries and 4 or 5 blackberries with a few spoonfulls of coconut milk (I could drink it right out of the can)


I go to bed about 10pm


I put all this into a calorie calculating website (just out of curiosity) and came up with about 2300 calories for the day, 106g protein, 122g carbs, and 156g fat. 


Now, I know we're not supposed to count calories and such, but it just seems like I'm eating so much food, and still getting really hungry. The last time I was eating paleo, I was eating about 1500-1600 calories a day and was never hungry at all, not even before meals, and I was working out daily. 


Any ideas on what's going on?

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I don't know what's going on - maybe your body is still getting used to being fat adapted?

A few thoughts:

- are you staying sufficiently hydrated?  Shoot for drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
- yes, try eating breakfast within an hour of waking up. 
- avoid bacon as a snack (plus check to be sure your bacon doesn't contain sugar).  Strive to use bacon more like a condiment on a W30.  http://whole9life.com/2012/03/bacon/ Your snack should be a mini meal including a healthier protein and fat.

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The bacon was the only protein I had that wasn't frozen, that's the only reason I grabbed it instead of something better. I probably do need to drink more water. I have a 24oz. water bottle, I fill it about 3 times over the day, but that's only 72 ounces, when I should be drinking closer to 100.


I think I might cut back on the fruit as well and see how that goes.


thanks for the suggestions.

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This is what I would suggest:

- Eat your breakfast within an hour of waking.

- Increase your veggies a bit more as your protein and fat seem fine to me.

- Your fruit servings look fine to me, just 2 handfuls today right?

- Definitely keep back up protein around. Bacon really is a fat not a protein.

- Stop counting your calories. If you plug in all your cooking fats into a calorie counter you are probably over-compensating as you don't actually consume all those fats.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The same thing is happening to me. I eat a fantastic W30 meal and then am hungry a few hours later.

I work out for 75-90 mins in the am and burn about 800 cals in my work out.

Thanks for posting thing, I'm 2 weeks in and feeling good.

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