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Jenny C.

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I'm only on my 2nd day of this and I really feel awful. Yesterday was fine. Today -- awful. The worst thing? I"m really constipated. With all of the vegetables I've been eating I wouldn't have expected this, although I bouts of constipation are not unusual for me. I hate to use a Fleet enema. Somehow that feels like I'd be missing the whole point of the Whole30 -- not to introduce anything into your body that, in some ways, is not that good for you. (I've read that Fleet enemas can be bad for you, and to be honest, I've probably been abusing them. Any advice?

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Sometimes eating a lot of fiber/veggies makes constipation worse. Think of it as an increased volume of waste trying to find the exit and getting jammed up. Ultimately, the veggies will make things better, but the adjustment period can be difficult. :) I recommend taking a magnesium supplement like Natural Calm to help you get moving. Until you become accustomed to it, taking a magnesium supplement tends to give you diarrhea. If you take a big dose of Natural Calm, you are likely to get past your constipation.

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Good luck! The first week is difficult, and don't be surprised if the constipation is replaced with the opposite problem (if you know what I mean :P). But at some point very soon you will start to feel amazing. Just remember you're resetting your body, and part of that means all the crud needs to circulate to get out of your body. But during that period of moving it out, you probably won't feel very good. Trust me, it's temporary and hopefully you agree it will be well worth a lifetime of health! :)

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Thank you all for the feedback. I took Natural Calm, as Tom suggested, and all is well. :)


I'm just finishing my 3rd day. Yesterday was awful, but today I actually felt really, really good. I know that the next few days could be a bit crazy. But I really was relieved to have a good day today... Just take it one day at a time, I guess.

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Sometimes eating a lot of fiber/veggies makes constipation worse. Think of it as an increased volume of waste trying to find the exit and getting jammed up. Ultimately, the veggies will make things better, but the adjustment period can be difficult. :) I recommend taking a magnesium supplement like Natural Calm to help you get moving. Until you become accustomed to it, taking a magnesium supplement tends to give you diarrhea. If you take a big dose of Natural Calm, you are likely to get past your constipation.

Question about Natural Calm. I purchased the only one they had in my local health foods store - "Natural Calm plus Calcium." I assume it has the same effects? Its not clear from the bottle really what it is supposed to do...

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