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Still feeling like crap day 19

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I seem to not be able to get enough sleep, I am a type 1 diabetic and my sugars have not really improved that much.  I have not lose any inches, I know this because my clothes are not fitting any different. I did not do whole 30 for weight loss but to loss body fight and lower my over all sugars. WOD's suck the few I have been able to go to, no strength and no stamina.  The only thing I can say is a have done some fruit with every meal....and I was addicted to caffeine before whole 30 (diet mountain dew). But it all I can do to gag down a big mug of coffee with plain coconut milk in it.


I am so disappointed with my results I almost said F**k it and just went back to my regular eating





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ok, full confession, I felt like crap most of my W30. But not as bad as I've felt at times eating a SAD. It does take time to see positive improvements, especially if you cut off a lot of foods you were used to eating and you are going through withdrawal, especially with caffeine. Give it more time. You've put in the hard time, stick to it to reap some of the benefits.

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Have you been eating the same meals for all 19 days so far?  Or are you mixing it up a little bit?  Fruit with every meal isn't the best idea and probably contributes to the still high sugar levels?  When my energy is really low, I make sure to get some dark, leafy greens and sweet potatoes in at least 2 meals a day, better if I can get all 3.  A nice juicy steak is great too! And make sure you are staying hydrated!  Good luck-don't give up now!  You are 2/3 of the way done.  You can do this!  Keep going!!!!

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detoxing off caffeine.. (and diet mountain dew has nutrasweet and sodium bezoate to detox out as well) ... might keep your energy down for a long time.  Have you tried unsweetened tea?


If you google mountain dew you will see a whole range of icky stuff they put in it (citrus drinks made to look yellow-green / 'orange' drinks are often the worst)




PS - I don't feel fantastic on Day 19 either.  I have had a couple good mornings though....


And read this thread... you're not alone!  Great Winston Churchill quote:  If you're going through hell. . . keep going!



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It's a bit early to be talking about results: it's a 30 day program and you're not 2/3 through yet.

No need to suffer through coffee and coconut milk if you don't like the taste. There are other compliant drink options. http://whole9life.com/2012/10/quench-your-thirst-whole9-style/

Consider posting 2-3 days of your food log so folks here can give you input on possible tweaks to make.  On the fruit, you want to limit it to 1-2 servings per day with your meals, where a serving is the size of your fist. 

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What are you eating? Are you eating enough? Without knowing anything about your diet, possible causes of low energy/feeling like crap include:

  • Not enough food. If you think 2 hard-boiled eggs and a side of steamed asparagus is enough for a meal, you're wrong.
  • Not enough fat. I suggest slow-cooked pork belly as the tastiest possible remedy for this problem :)
  • Not enough carbs. Sweet potatoes and other root vegetables are good sources of W30-friendly starch, and a lot better than fruit, which is higher in sugar.
  • Not enough salt. Salt is not the enemy! If you cut out processed junk you'll need to add some salt to your food.
  • Not enough iron or B12. Unlikely on the W30 so unless you've had previous problems with this I wouldn't get worried.

Maybe that can help you try to troubleshoot?

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I felt pretty bad throughout my first Whole 30 a few months ago -- and i was really discouraged. In fact, I felt worse at the end than I did at the beginning. It's very, very difficult to read about everyone's successes and how good they feel on day 10 when you're still feeling poorly on day 19. And I know that when you're in the thick of it, each day seems like an eternity.


At the end of my first Whole 30 (I'm on my second now) I stumbled onto this -- http://chriskresser.com/paleo-diet-challenges-solutions . If I hadn't read this, I'm sure I would have decided that, once again, there was something so crazy unusual about my body that eating as well as I possibly can makes it feel worse. After reading this article I was convinced that my body was doing a lousy job of detoxifying itself. So what I did -- and I'm not saying that it's what you should do, but just that it worked (remarkably) for me -- is order the Adaptaclear that Kresser and Wolf are selling through this web site. And in about 5 days, I started noticing that I felt better.


I'm not saying that you should rush off and order some supplement. And as someone said here, maybe in another week (when you're closer to the end of the 30 days) you'll start feeling better. But as Kresser says on this web site, "The transition to Paleo doesn't always go smoothly." And it helps to get some insight into why that might be...


I hope you start feeling better soon!

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