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Holy H2O Batman!!

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I am not even sure where to put this....as I am not fully on my Whole30 yet, that will be Friday.


But this weekend I did axe grains and dairy and I am making a concerted effort to ramp up into my Whole30 this week.  There have been no artificial foods in my body for 3 days.


So, anyway.  Water.  I can not get enough water.  I am pretty much chronically thirsty.  I am trying to keep it to 10 glasses a day - but, seriously I am dry-mouthed thirsty pretty much from the time my eyeballs open until they close.


Is that normal? Was I just chronically dehydrated and now that I am getting in a glass every hour or so my body is screaming at me "don't you dare stop?"  Could it have something to do with my spastic thyroid? 


It's not like I am running to the bathroom every thirty minutes either.  I just don't know.  I don't eat a tonne of salt (I cook with it but that is it) so I don't think that is the issue. 


I know that you aren't "doctors" and such but, is there anyone else this has happened too?

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Our recommendation for water is 1/2 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day, which is a lot higher than most people drink and it is fine to drink as much as 1 ounce per pound... So, you are not drinking too much. I don't know why you feel so thirsty, but there is a lot of good that comes from drinking plenty - better blood pressure, better performance, flushing waste, etc. 

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The salt thing is true....if you are not getting enough salt in your foods you need to add about 1/4 teas per 20oz of water or so.  I just rest in on my tongue and take a drink rather than 'drinking' salt water.  and make sure its a good Celtic Sea Salt not the yucky store kind...that is really processed.

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We use Himalayan and Sea Salt....we haven't used "normal" salt in years.  I always cook with it so, maybe it is just a flux thing. 

I will try adding a little more through the day. 

Maybe it will go away....I drink anywhere from 3-4 litres of water a day (I have no idea what that is in ounces 120-130 maybe)  I can't drink more than that or I get headaches - unless it is really hot or I have been working out.

Oh well, at least I will get this sorted out first.

Thanks for the help.

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