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We all have big, bad, ugly temptations we're going to have to face once we reach day 31. I don't know about the rest of you, but I plan to stick around this forum - either on this thread, or elsewhere - to keep myself motivated and constantly surrounded (at least cyber-surrounded) by like-minded folks who all share the similar goal of healthy living. Maybe I'll try to find a local Meetup group too. When I learned that Melissa Joulwan of theclothesmakethegirl.com lives here in Austin, I admit I wanted to look her up and see if we could be BFFs. ha! Maybe not BFFs, but a local Whole30 support and advice source.


Yesterday we went out to dinner and I ordered ceviche - which seems to be my go to restaurant meal these days - and I told my husband that I planned to stick very closely to the same eating plan once my thirty days end. His response was, "if it makes you feel better, then that seems like the smartest thing to do." That's his logical mind working. My mind, however, tends to follow my taste buds' love for sweets and tortilla chips. I admit I was jealous of the swirled frozen margarita he was drinking as he made that statement, but he's right, I do feel better, and I need to stick with it. 


Deb, I'm glad you made the comment about needing to peel yourself off the mattress every morning. I do the same thing and had worried about that since everything says I'll have "bounding energy." I go to bed early enough to get my full 8+ hours of sleep, but boy is it tough to get up in the morning. I sleep like a rock though, and like you said, once I'm up, my energy starts to soar and then I'm hungry within fifteen minutes upon waking. According to the book that's normal though - phew!


Today's daily Whole30 email couldn't have hit my personal nail any harder on the head. I know this isn't about weight loss, but that's obviously a side effect I am eagerly anticipating. I need to stop focusing on how loosely my clothes are fitting - or not loosely fitting - and stop over scrutinizing myself in the mirror on a daily basis and just be happy with myself for choosing to be healthy.



I will stick around too. I am also quite concerned about day 31, I dont want to backslide. Still have quite figured out what i am going to do. At least I know what I am NOT going to do, that is a "cheat" days. I will aslo try the whole9 flowchart to "offroading". Holidays, that i have not figured out yet. Pepper, well done for staying on track!





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HAHAHHAA!!! Pepper I have totally thought the same thing about finding people I admire digitally in real life to soak up more of what they have to offer. Melissa would definitely be on the top 10 of my list too!

After the Whole30 is done its a lot harder to stay put. The reintroduction phase is hard for me because I don't have health issues.  I always feel healthy whether its eating grains and dairy or not.  For me its more about what fuels my body better and what keeps my "indulgences" in check. I live alone so I have decided to never drink alone. If I'm out on a date or with the girls then I'll allow myself a "treat" but no more at home. I just might allow cheese back into the house, mostly because I don't indulge on it and I usually only eat mozzarella and goat's cheese. Grains I will continue to stay away from because I have no way to control myself. The "healthy" grains like rice and quinoa I don't really prefer and I over do it on whole wheat every time. Also, sugar has to be a no go for me as well, which most grain based products have. My sugar demon can not be pacified with a little here and there. Cookies are a thing to be looked at not touched like fine china or art. A cookie cannot be consumed by me. It always turns into a box of cookies. No mas! 

Perhaps I will loosen the reigns on myself once my weight is in a healthy range but for the time being I need a tight grip on these things. Keeping in touch with people who share my convictions has for sure helped me complete this.  Its afterwards that I am going to need to vigilant. 

Hi Deb


You plan sounds sensible, "modration" trips most people up, as this article by the whole9 team explains http://whole9life.com/2013/08/moderation/





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I feel okay today, not as irritable as the last three days, energy up a bit. My pants are starting to fit looser too. I think I am starting to feel the 'tiger blood" stuff that the Whole30 timeline talks about. My caffiene habit is still there, have not started to work on that yet. I thought of replacing my coffee with green or white tea, or tapering the strength of my coffee. Will keep you updated. I am happy with my progress so far, babysteps!


Twenty days completed, good going guys! You have helped me a lot!





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Ashley, I'm so glad that I did not log on here over the weekend or I probably would have thrown in the towel. Sunday was BY FAR the hardest day I have had staying compliant. I was just grumpy, grouchy and did not want to cook/prepare anything. I came () this close to stuffing my face in a plate of sushi. In hindsight, I know it was 100% hormones, but it was brutal.

Nonetheless, I'm still here! Starting to get bored with everything I'm eating. A little over a week to go! Ashley, please stick around!

Okay, I have not read ISWF (shame on me!) Can someone tell me how to transition on day 31? I'm scared!

Almost there!

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Ashley, you don't have to leave us completely just because you're starting over! Your menus were enough to make all of us drool and keep us all motivated.

awww thanks pepper!!! lol I've been checking in this forum still, because I feel connected to you guys now! lol If that makes sense... 


And I love seeing all the triumphs! And relating to the struggles as well. :) 


Yesterday was definitely a win, and I already feel soooo much better! I had a huge fog in my head most of the day, and today I woke up tired, along with yesterday. But I'll get there!


Yesterdays foods were...

Breakfast: fried egg, sauteed kale, peppers, carrots, broccoli, and cabbage in coconut oil, avocado, and a Monkey Salad


Lunch: a mini meal because I wasn't extremely hungry but had to have something before dinner. hard boiled egg, cashews, and carrots


Dinner: chicken taco salad... cooked chicken in the crockpot with cayenne pepper, garlic, cumin, seasoned salt, chili peppers, and put it on kale and spinach, tomatoes, avocado, hot sauce, peppers, and a 1/2 cup of cantelope


Breakfast today was also delicious!! Fried egg on top of a pork chop, small sweet potato with sea salt and pepper, peppers, and hot sauce, and then a fruit salad with kiwi, grapes, banana, oranges, and almonds. I ate at 9 am and am still feeling satisfied! It's awesome having the foundation from before :)


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Ashley, I'm so glad that I did not log on here over the weekend or I probably would have thrown in the towel. Sunday was BY FAR the hardest day I have had staying compliant. I was just grumpy, grouchy and did not want to cook/prepare anything. I came () this close to stuffing my face in a plate of sushi. In hindsight, I know it was 100% hormones, but it was brutal.

Nonetheless, I'm still here! Starting to get bored with everything I'm eating. A little over a week to go! Ashley, please stick around!

Okay, I have not read ISWF (shame on me!) Can someone tell me how to transition on day 31? I'm scared!

Almost there!

I think you all have convinced me to stick around! lol That's awesome you didn't give in! I really wish I hadn't, but it is what it is. And I can't dwell on it. Just gotta keep moving forward!! :)


I haven't gotten to the part in ISWF about post 30. I didn't even know about the book or this program until my grandpa brought it up. He let me have the book. It's a good read, and pretty easy to understand with the way they put things! I'd highly suggest investing in it or finding someone who has it that will let you borrow it! It might even be at the library :)

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Ashley, I'm so glad that I did not log on here over the weekend or I probably would have thrown in the towel. Sunday was BY FAR the hardest day I have had staying compliant. I was just grumpy, grouchy and did not want to cook/prepare anything. I came () this close to stuffing my face in a plate of sushi. In hindsight, I know it was 100% hormones, but it was brutal.

Nonetheless, I'm still here! Starting to get bored with everything I'm eating. A little over a week to go! Ashley, please stick around!

Okay, I have not read ISWF (shame on me!) Can someone tell me how to transition on day 31? I'm scared!

Almost there!

Hi Carolinagirl


I have similar worries about day 31. I dont knw what i will doe xactly, but I know i wont:


Have treat "days"

have 80/20 rules etc. all this in ISWF


I will eat non-paleo food when it is special, perhaps once a week with my wife. limit my booze to that meal.


On holidays I will eat whatever I want, within reason (using my "common sense"), after a long holiday I will likely do a 30 day clean-up. hope that helps a bit, tell me if you think I am off target here.





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Ashley, I'm so glad that I did not log on here over the weekend or I probably would have thrown in the towel. Sunday was BY FAR the hardest day I have had staying compliant. I was just grumpy, grouchy and did not want to cook/prepare anything. I came () this close to stuffing my face in a plate of sushi. In hindsight, I know it was 100% hormones, but it was brutal.

Nonetheless, I'm still here! Starting to get bored with everything I'm eating. A little over a week to go! Ashley, please stick around!

Okay, I have not read ISWF (shame on me!) Can someone tell me how to transition on day 31? I'm scared!

Almost there!

Have a look at this http://whole9life.com/2011/04/whole9s-guide-to-nutritional-off-roading/

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Ashley, I'm so glad that I did not log on here over the weekend or I probably would have thrown in the towel. Sunday was BY FAR the hardest day I have had staying compliant. I was just grumpy, grouchy and did not want to cook/prepare anything. I came () this close to stuffing my face in a plate of sushi. In hindsight, I know it was 100% hormones, but it was brutal.

Nonetheless, I'm still here! Starting to get bored with everything I'm eating. A little over a week to go! Ashley, please stick around!

Okay, I have not read ISWF (shame on me!) Can someone tell me how to transition on day 31? I'm scared!

Almost there!



well done on avoiding the sushi!


I haven't read the book either - I have it, but haven't had time to read it!


by transitioning on to day 31, are you talking about a reintro? I'd highly recommend it! you've spent 30 days free of many things, and reintro is a good way to see if/how these effect you. The suggested timeline goes like this:


Day 1: dairy reintro

Day 4: gluten grain reintro

Day 7: non gluten grain reintro

Day 10: legume reintro


You would introduce the reintro'd food at all three meals on one day, then stay 100% compliant for at least 2 days to monitor any reactions. Some may be immediate, some may take a day or two to become obvious. You can reintro all or none - for example, there's no point doing a reintro of gluten grains if you don't plan on eating them again. Some people choose to make their reintro more specific - like introducing corn on its own, or rice on its own. Sugar is also something people often test on its own!


After your reintros, you can then choose whether you want to include these foods in your diet based on your reactions. If you had a bad reaction to gluten grains, that slice of pizza you were craving may not be worth the pain!

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Reminds me of this story of the famous mathematician Paul Erdos. A friend bet him he could not quit his Benzedrine habit.......






Just read the piece on Erdos.  Today he'd be diagnosed as having Aspergers.  Actually I think Aspergers is being dropped in the next version of the DSM....

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Just read the piece on Erdos.  Today he'd be diagnosed as having Aspergers.  Actually I think Aspergers is being dropped in the next version of the DSM....

The DSM....... anything that is at the tail end of the distribution these days is a pathology!





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I have started cutting caffeine, and I expected to feel blah, but I feel more enrgetic currently. Likely to be the effects of the Whole30 kicking in now. Woke this morning without an alarm clock. Also, i have started to notice that I feel sated after a meal, which is quite a new thing, have not felt that in a while. We are on the home stretch!





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It's so much easier to start this time! I already have my energy back! And am waking up better, sleeping well. Not caring to snack. No headache or crankiness. I love it! 


M1: hardboiled egg, baked eggplant, peppers, kale and zucchini, and cashews. I was told to eat within an hour of waking, so I tried it. I just wasn't hungry AT ALL, and could barely stomach this. I only had about 1/2 cup of veggies, and 1/2 handful of cashews. And I've decided to just stick to what worked before.

M2: moraccan meatballs, baked veggies, and tomatoes, olive oil and vinegar dressing

1st 1/2 M3: almonds, hardboiled egg, dates

2nd 1/2 M3: kale and spinach salad with peppers, sausage and hamburger, cauliflower, avocado, lemon juice, salt, pepper, small orange


This picture below was my lunch. Those meatballs are AMAZING! Here's the recipe http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/03/05/mmmmm-moroccan-meatballs/

I didn't make the sauce since I didn't have time yesterday, but the meatballs by themselves are worth it.




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It's so much easier to start this time! I already have my energy back! And am waking up better, sleeping well. Not caring to snack. No headache or crankiness. I love it!

M1: hardboiled egg, baked eggplant, peppers, kale and zucchini, and cashews. I was told to eat within an hour of waking, so I tried it. I just wasn't hungry AT ALL, and could barely stomach this. I only had about 1/2 cup of veggies, and 1/2 handful of cashews. And I've decided to just stick to what worked before.

M2: moraccan meatballs, baked veggies, and tomatoes, olive oil and vinegar dressing

1st 1/2 M3: almonds, hardboiled egg, dates

2nd 1/2 M3: kale and spinach salad with peppers, sausage and hamburger, cauliflower, avocado, lemon juice, salt, pepper, small orange

This picture below was my lunch. Those meatballs are AMAZING! Here's the recipe http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/03/05/mmmmm-moroccan-meatballs/

I didn't make the sauce since I didn't have time yesterday, but the meatballs by themselves are worth it.

Ashley, I'd really encourage you to keep up the breakfast mini meal first thing. Many people in your position find that they actually get an appetite and start to wake up with hunger. If your body isn't used to eating early, it's not going to give you the appropriate cues!

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It's so much easier to start this time! I already have my energy back! And am waking up better, sleeping well. Not caring to snack. No headache or crankiness. I love it! 


M1: hardboiled egg, baked eggplant, peppers, kale and zucchini, and cashews. I was told to eat within an hour of waking, so I tried it. I just wasn't hungry AT ALL, and could barely stomach this. I only had about 1/2 cup of veggies, and 1/2 handful of cashews. And I've decided to just stick to what worked before.

M2: moraccan meatballs, baked veggies, and tomatoes, olive oil and vinegar dressing

1st 1/2 M3: almonds, hardboiled egg, dates

2nd 1/2 M3: kale and spinach salad with peppers, sausage and hamburger, cauliflower, avocado, lemon juice, salt, pepper, small orange


This picture below was my lunch. Those meatballs are AMAZING! Here's the recipe http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/03/05/mmmmm-moroccan-meatballs/

I didn't make the sauce since I didn't have time yesterday, but the meatballs by themselves are worth it.

I know that you will nail your Whol30 this time around, now that you know what your trigger is. Good luck Ashley!





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Ashley, I'd really encourage you to keep up the breakfast mini meal first thing. Many people in your position find that they actually get an appetite and start to wake up with hunger. If your body isn't used to eating early, it's not going to give you the appropriate cues!


Would it be okay then to just eat a very small meal in the morning and then wait until I'm hungry to eat again?

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Ashley, I'd really encourage you to keep up the breakfast mini meal first thing. Many people in your position find that they actually get an appetite and start to wake up with hunger. If your body isn't used to eating early, it's not going to give you the appropriate cues!


Would it be okay then to just eat a very small meal in the morning and then wait until I'm hungry to eat again?

I am also confused with this because I NEVER wake up with any sort of hunger. Do I eat a small meal and wait to get hunger or do I force a decent amount of food in my stomach until I'm balanced enough to feel hunger? 

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