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Whole30 September 1 2013


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I was having an 'eff all things' kind of day yesterday too. Bad.  Long, hectic day (won't go into it all) but mostly it was just my mood.  I did yoga which usually shifts my perspective and it did but shifted back quickly to 'bad mood.'  They have these 'free movies outdoors' on Market Square which is in our city center and I love going downtown so my husband and I ate our dinner so we wouldn't be tempted (smart planning Helen!) and went down there.  I forgot snacks for the kids so we were just going to get them popcorn while we ordered a pizza from this awesome place (kind of gourmet healthy homemade place) for them but no popcorn and everyone else had the same idea so we had to wait an hour for the food.  My mood was getting worse.  My five year old was hungry and complaining.  I was on edge.  Then the movie started and it was 'Despicable Me'.  We were outside.  The pizza finally was ready and the girls ate (well youngest ate the whole thing, my kids and food is a story for another day).  Halfway through the movie I finally relaxed and the end?  I cried.  Just what I needed.  A good cry over a kids movie.  I know this is corny but I really have been trying to write gratitude lists every day because some days it is so easy to get so caught up in the muck that I forget how much good stuff there is. 


Anyway, slept GREAT last night.  Drinking coffee (not giving it up I don't think) and taking a bunch of 5 and 6 year old girl scouts on their first hike. 


@cclarkthirty~~ I also love the mayo.  I prefer buying light olive oil.   I use it all the time.  I think regular mayo is the devil's spread and being from the South it is in everything but this mayo I like.  I made it once with regular and it had a weird flavor to me but I still liked it.


Happy Saturday y'all !!   Keep going strong!!

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I am so digging this "mandatory" 9 hours sleep. Never in my life have I slept through the night. I lay in bed for eight hours and sleep for the first two and the last two. Now I put my head down, fall asleep, and wake up 6 hours later, pee, and then back to sleep for a few more haha. It's amazing. It's day 15 for me today. Officially my halfway mark and I feel great. Being a babysitter and nanny makes it really hard to diet when you're working. I always feel deprived when I get to the house and can't have anything, but with this program I haven't felt deprived. I just don't eat it and I don't feel like I'm missing anything. 


Yesterday was the first day I worked out since starting the challenge. I met with my trainer and basically spent the entire session telling her about Whole 30. She said at the end that I seemed a lot happier. My mood was stable throughout and so were my sugars. I had ground beef and a half a sweet potato at noon and met with her at 230 and was fine. Usually my energy slumps mid way and it's hard to finish, but not this time. It was awesome. 

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Day 14, doing a lot of cooking but not having a good day. All I want right now is sugar. Like, I would eat sugar straight from the bag. I can't think about anything but sugar. It's not even specific sweets, just straight sugar. I can do this...

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Day 14, doing a lot of cooking but not having a good day. All I want right now is sugar. Like, I would eat sugar straight from the bag. I can't think about anything but sugar. It's not even specific sweets, just straight sugar. I can do this...

I really want a beer.  An IPA. Specifically a high gravity one on tap.  Sigh.  But I was outside all day today and that helped a lot.

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a beer (or a bag of sugar!) might do the trick for a few minutes but it wouldn't last long.  And all the un-doing you'd be doing...


Hope you rode out your cravings and got some good sleep HELEN and SHALLA and COUNTLESS OTHERS.  I'm a visual person so for me, it really helps, when I have a craving, to picture a big ocean wave.  The craving is the wavet--it gets really big and hard to ignore right as it crests, but then it loses it's oomph and crashes on the beach.  Unfortunately when you're just "quitting" something, the waves sometime come one right after the other.  For us here on day 14 or 15, we're dealing with sneaker waves! Any other surfers here?  Just kidding.  I'm not a surfer.  I wish.

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Today I have an inkling what that Tiger blood might feel like. I had a very bad night's sleep but I do feel ok with plenty of energy.

I made bacon, had it curing for the last week and tried it this morning. Was pretty good!!!


I do not post here a lot, simply do not have the time but I do read all your posts. I find it comforting to see that we are at the same stage and feeling pretty much the same.

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a beer (or a bag of sugar!) might do the trick for a few minutes but it wouldn't last long.  And all the un-doing you'd be doing...


Hope you rode out your cravings and got some good sleep HELEN and SHALLA and COUNTLESS OTHERS.  I'm a visual person so for me, it really helps, when I have a craving, to picture a big ocean wave.  The craving is the wavet--it gets really big and hard to ignore right as it crests, but then it loses it's oomph and crashes on the beach.  Unfortunately when you're just "quitting" something, the waves sometime come one right after the other.  For us here on day 14 or 15, we're dealing with sneaker waves! Any other surfers here?  Just kidding.  I'm not a surfer.  I wish.

Me too.  One day I will live at the beach.  My husband grew up surfing every day.  He really misses the beach.  I love this visualization.  I won't cheat but I don't like the fact (as I've mentioned before) that in my mind I am thinking 'No IPA until October 1st or October 15th or whenever.'  I just want it to be a non-issue.  Beer is why I gain weight.  I really like it and the social nature of it in my life so trying to figure this out.  If I drink beer after Whole30 what else can I give up.  Or what else can I do to earn one.  For example, run or some other type of cardio, etc.

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I like beer way too much too! That is mainly what all of my weight gain is from. It is slowly coming off since everything seems to be fitting better and I am less bloated. Yesterday, I ran the Tunnel to Towers 5k and passed on the beer at the end. My friend had one and felt bad for drinking it in front of me while I ate my two bananas and drank my water. It truly is one of those items that I definitely over indulge in and realize now.

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Me too.  One day I will live at the beach.  My husband grew up surfing every day.  He really misses the beach.  I love this visualization.  I won't cheat but I don't like the fact (as I've mentioned before) that in my mind I am thinking 'No IPA until October 1st or October 15th or whenever.'  I just want it to be a non-issue.  Beer is why I gain weight.  I really like it and the social nature of it in my life so trying to figure this out.  If I drink beer after Whole30 what else can I give up.  Or what else can I do to earn one.  For example, run or some other type of cardio, etc.

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I got an americano at a drive-thru coffee stand yesterday and there was a treat on the lid-a chocolate covered coffee bean.  I froze.  It was just the way I dreamed it, where I pop the something into my mouth before I realize what I'm doing.  I seriously picked it off the lid like it was a bug.


My cravings are vague.  I'm not craving sugar, per se,  The food I've been making is delicious... I'm just so sick of the labor-intensity of it all.


But my food-obsession hasn't waned at all.  It's all Whole30, but I can spend half the day planning and cooking.  In that sense, food-obsession is worse, not better.  I've been planning game-day food all week.


Also, I have always had the most energy in the morning, but my mornings feel draggy the last few days.  I'm unfocused... except on food!  


Eh, it's all good.  I still feel better than I did two weeks ago.  DH is having great results, and has gone from whining about diet soda to tiger man.  Luckeeeee (said like Napoleon Dynamite)


I'm going to try coconut chicken nuggets.  There's also instructions in the Primal Blueprint Cookbook for deli-style roast beef, which I thought I'd try.


Anyway, Happy NLF Sunday all!

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Today I have an inkling what that Tiger blood might feel like. I had a very bad night's sleep but I do feel ok with plenty of energy.

I made bacon, had it curing for the last week and tried it this morning. Was pretty good!!!


I do not post here a lot, simply do not have the time but I do read all your posts. I find it comforting to see that we are at the same stage and feeling pretty much the same.

If you want a cheaper bacon alternative, if you have

Complaint proscuitto-- bake it in your over at 300-305* for 15 mins, turning over halfway between. It's amazing!!! And goes great with a lot of food!!

Keep going group!!!!! Halfway!!! who's got Tiger Blood yet!? Give us a shout!


Cheers mates!

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I found the tiger's blood! It's day 16 for me. I have been working straight since Monday. Today is my first day off. Woke up 9 hours to the minute after I fell asleep. Got up and made breakfast. I cleaned out my closet. Brought up some fall clothes from the storage locker. Cleaned out my dresser. Organized what returns I needed to do. Removed my AC from the window and tried and failed to put the screen back in. Vacuumed and made my bed. Then I went an ran half the errands and came back to make lunch. Last night I made curry. It was so easy and so delicious. I can't wait to make it again. This time I used chicken strips but next time I'm going to try mini turkey meat balls. I think those would taste so good. Off to run the rest of my errands and redye my hair. Apparently the dark didn't take too well to the lighter hair so I kind of look like a zebra but it's not too bad. 


How are you guys doing??

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If you want a cheaper bacon alternative, if you have

Complaint proscuitto-- bake it in your over at 300-305* for 15 mins, turning over halfway between. It's amazing!!! And goes great with a lot of food!!

Keep going group!!!!! Halfway!!! who's got Tiger Blood yet!? Give us a shout!


Cheers mates!

Compliant Prosciutto? I think making Bacon out of Organic porkbelly is cheaper. I do not think I could find any compliant Prosciutto here :-)

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Hi all! I'm feeling encouraged that there are reports of tiger blood out there! I'm finishing up Day 11 and did better this weekend than I thought I would. Even "enjoyed" a salad at a place known for their pizza and beer. I still feel like I think too much about food and am shopping for it or prepping it all the time. I had a food dream last night - I was shoveling delicious beans into my mouth. Beans! Who craves beans? Although if I had to pick between beans and chicken here, I'd go with beans. Suddenly,I can't stand chicken anymore. Any awesome chicken recipes out there that could make me interested again?

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Hi all! I'm feeling encouraged that there are reports of tiger blood out there! I'm finishing up Day 11 and did better this weekend than I thought I would. Even "enjoyed" a salad at a place known for their pizza and beer. I still feel like I think too much about food and am shopping for it or prepping it all the time. I had a food dream last night - I was shoveling delicious beans into my mouth. Beans! Who craves beans? Although if I had to pick between beans and chicken here, I'd go with beans. Suddenly,I can't stand chicken anymore. Any awesome chicken recipes out there that could make me interested again?


Check out the possibilities at http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/recipes-index

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@misshannah Made your roasted butternut squash and roasted pepper soup yesterday. Wow. Incredible. Delicious. I divvied it up and put it in the fridge right after dinner because husband kept going back for more and I was planning on eating it for a few breakfasts.


I'm happy to see that so many of you were right along with me for "eff all the things" day. Saturday was pretty craptastic too. But I think I turned a leaf mood wise yesterday.


Loving curry with eggs over easy and green beans for breakfast. My new go to.


Still feeling like crap. Horrible cold. Little sleep because the Little lady is congested too and keeps waking. But I'm awake. I did realize this weekend that if I was eating my SAD ways I would barely be functioning given my life at the moment, but thankfully I'm able to truck along even with this horrible head cold.


Anniversary day today. Six years today and we still tolerate love each other. :wub:


I'm getting better at prep day. Which I've taken the pressure off and told myself that I can do a little prep every evening to lighten the load. That and I don't have enough room in my fridge if I cooked everything up... The Whole30 should come with a mandatory bigger kitchen.


Cheers to day 16! Stay awesome my friends!

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Hi all! I'm feeling encouraged that there are reports of tiger blood out there! I'm finishing up Day 11 and did better this weekend than I thought I would. Even "enjoyed" a salad at a place known for their pizza and beer. I still feel like I think too much about food and am shopping for it or prepping it all the time. I had a food dream last night - I was shoveling delicious beans into my mouth. Beans! Who craves beans? Although if I had to pick between beans and chicken here, I'd go with beans. Suddenly,I can't stand chicken anymore. Any awesome chicken recipes out there that could make me interested again?



I tottally understand you! I was used to have beans all the time, so I crave beans.... I imagine them really yummy and homemade, really soft, the perfect match for rice! 


On the other hand I am starting to fell overwhelmed with eggs in the morning...

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Happy Anniversary sdoucette!  How are you doing your curry with eggs?


I grilled a ginormous amount of chicken thighs and breasts last with Well Fed's recipe (not The Best Chicken You'll Ever Eat, but these are a close second and so simple).  Then this morning I'm making three different sauces to have with it over veggies for lunches this week.  If I don't do this kind of thing on a Sunday, I've learned I'm in trouble.


My mood is definitely better.  Hope you are all turning a corner too.  ;)

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Congrats to those that have hit and passed the half-way mark!  I'm right behind you! This morning I prepared the basil recipe from ITWF (which I think is actually from Well Fed) except I used walnuts (which I burned) and I peeled the garlic (which I also burned).  Will give it a try at lunch with some chicken.  Oh goodness, just writing all that depressed me.  Oh well, per the timeline, I should be in the boundless energy phase.  I sure hope it hits soon because I have a mountain of dishes (and laundry) to conquer today.  And food prep.  Always food prep.  Not to give too many details, but I am having some tummy problems that I wasn't expecting.  Would this be normal on Day 12?  It hit me during the hangover days of Day 2 and Day 3 but I thought I would be past it.  I may just need to focus on more fiber - went on a bit of a fruit binge yesterday.  Happy Monday, all!

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