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Whole30 September 1 2013


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@Hayley and @DJ Thanks for the resource help! We both appreciate it. We're shopping for new health insurance as well, partly to escape the troglodyte mentality of my wife's current health plan when it comes to immune system conditions. Hoping to find a little more enlightenment in the Affordable Health Care Act Age. 


So here's a snapshot of yesterday (I post this stuff in my own topic in the logo section but it gets lonely over there)  :wacko:


Meal 1: My wife named this the Meta Omelette: chicken inside eggs. Get it?  (It's really just leftover pulled chicken in an omelette w/salsa but the cool name makes it even yummier...and way more hipster)


Meal 2: ButtUglyLeftovers Lunch (Shepherd's pie, more shredded chicken, a stray GF hotdog. Apple. This meal looked a lot worse than it tasted. Mostly. 


Meal 3: Unintentionally Oven-Baked Chicken. After marinading some chicken breasts for 24 hrs. in a lovely lime-chile marinade, when I popped it onto the grill it caused a rather large and scary flare-up (maybe owing to my not having cleaned the grill's spill pan in a few weeks). The chicken got seared nicely, but I had to abort the rest of the grilling session and finish the chicken in the oven. I also transferred the 6 foil-wrapped sweet potatoes I'd intended to cook on the grill, into the oven, and roasted some zucchini which my wife looked at and commented, "Yummm...grilled banana slugs." Excuse me? 


Exercise: I hear some people do. Actually there's a dirty air advisory due to a major brush fire in the area (and possibly my grill) so I'm laying low. 


W30 for the Soul: Dumped our current CSA and re-upped with Planet Organics. First delivery on Thursday, otherwise known as Day 12. Fun fact: The recently fired CSA delivered the produce box around midnight every other Wednesday. We discovered this as was I jolted out of bed by the sound of a van door opening on our driveway, little lightning bolts from a flashlight beam dancing through the house and loud thumping on the outside stairs. I almost grabbed the antique fish bat I keep in my nightstand and called 911 thinking it was a home invasion robbery, which I'm glad I didn't do. Assault with intent to commit produce delivery? Way embarrassing. But really? Midnight? I was ready for the next delivery two weeks later so I turned on the porch light for the guy as soon as I heard the van pull up, which I think spooked him. He still used his flashlight which, I'm sorry...just says, "I'm a criminal". So I opened the door just as he was dropping the produce box on the door mat and said, "thanks, man!". He didn't turn around but instead, cat-like, he bolted down the stairs like a parkour ninja guy. All I saw was the back of a hoodie slipping into the van and pulling away. Note to CSA: Delivering vegetables should not look this much like jewelry theft! And it makes it hard to trust that the veggies I'm about to eat haven't been stolen out of someone's garden!


Sleep: Meh. Had a wicked nightmare about an hour after going to sleep that my bed was eating me. Maybe reading suspenseful fiction after watching Dexter on the DVR isn't so good for the sleep hygiene? Yawn. 


What to bring to Day 10: Clean the damn grill!!

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So this morning I had a major "I'm over it" moment. I was ready to go down to the store, buy a box of doughnuts, and say screw the whole thing. I was cussing about having to cook... yet again, having to go to the store to buy food... yet again, and I think I'll kill someone if I have to eat another #%*!?~^ scrambled egg.

So, I came on here and read some in the forums, cooked a batch a egg "muffins", and went to the seafood market to buy fish. I'm also going to have my husband grill a batch of Best Chicken You Will Ever Eat from Well Fed while he's grilling the fish so the major part of dinner tomorrow will already be done. I think I'm better now. I thought the "over it" moment wasn't supposed to come until day 21 or so? Guess I'm ahead of schedule. :)

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Shalla, I know what you mean about the grocery store. At my go to store you have to pass the bakery to get to the produce! The smells are EVIL!

We actually had plantains tonight. I used them to make "tostada shells" for chicken tacos.


Those sound delish Mary, I'm gonna have to try that.


Ugh, Day 10. I'm kinda blah today. Some of it is probably just it being day 10 and some of it is a hangover from my fragrance allergy induced headache yesterday. Still doing good on the food front and have done meal planning for payday shopping on Friday (short ribs, yummy!)

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Crap day.  A student burned herself in the lab (not my fault in any way) but she was in pain and embarrassed by the police officers that have to come to fill out the report and left before I could talk to her.....and now I just want to eat.  Wow.  Stress=comfort food response big time.  I wish I could get out of the house but all the neighbors are here playing.  I think I'll go to the laundry room. 

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I almost gave in this afternoon, too, because of student stress, Helen. I forced myself to go to the gym instead and now I've had dinner and feel better. I can't seem to find ghee anywhere. I wish I had thought to pick it up when I was at WF, but even then it's an hour drive home from there. Maybe next weekend. 


Hope everyone had a great day! 

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I almost gave in this afternoon, too, because of student stress, Helen. I forced myself to go to the gym instead and now I've had dinner and feel better. I can't seem to find ghee anywhere. I wish I had thought to pick it up when I was at WF, but even then it's an hour drive home from there. Maybe next weekend. 


Hope everyone had a great day! 

They have ghee at Trader Joes but it is so easy to make.  Just buy butter and cheesecloth!

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Yes I agree we are in recovery. The tricky thing with food is you can't just lay off it completely  :(

I am very good with strict programs, if I cannot have something I won't have something, but when something is 'in moderation' or something I go overboard, I do not know my limits  :(

Good thing there are clear limits in this 30 day program!  I guess I don't look at it like I'm limiting "food."  I don't drink alcohol, consume grains, dairy, legumes, or added sugar.  One day at a time.  

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Warning:  I am talking about poop.


I learned today that raw apple does not agree with me.


Two bites and 10 minutes later, it had left my body.  In the same form as when I swallowed it.


In other news, My DD is on day 2 (Yay, DD!), and DH and I are on day 9.  I noticed that my skin looked and felt good today.  No bumps on my face, and I swear it looks a little younger.  DH has lost a belt-hole size.  No headaches for either of us.


I don't think I'm losing weight, but I don't care! (much)  


Did I mention that I bought half a pig?  I did it!  But it was bittersweet= sad because I was talking with the butcher how I wanted it cut up while it was still running around outside a happy animal, and happy because I get to eat a happy animal.

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@misshannah @sdoucette...Updates you shall have (I'm such a glutton for approval). 


Sounds like a lot of us are struggling a bit. I'll see that "blah" and "crap" and raise you a "this sucks", which I recall happening around this time last W30. So this W30, I'm trying new stuff to power through when I'm having a moment, including doing the following Quarterly Report (albeit a few days late) which is about measuring progress, paying attention and not being vague. I tend to make goals and then forget them. This time I actually "made" goals, like spent time drawing/illustrating them (see below) which helps reinforce them, and I've posted them all over the house. So now I'm checking in:




Goal 1: Kinda started off on the wrong foot in W30 2.0 by placing too much emphasis on weight loss. Moderator @GFCHRIS gently pointed this out, so instead of worrying over losing the weight, I lost the scale. 


Goal 2: A bit behind on this (only ridden once so far). I blame my training partner who's been away on business.  ;) Will add kettle bell in there, too. 


Goal 3: Doing well with the walking. 


Goal 4: Pretty much becoming a habit. Yay. 


Goal 5: At least. 


Goal 6: Only Family event so far was canceled, so no chance to test. But...anniversary coming up on Day 28. Stay tuned. 


Goal 7: MUCH better, although eating W30 alone almost guarantees better sleep eventually. Finding that no iPad, earlier turn in time and a good (paper) book, hot shower and/or hot tea cools the jets nicely. 


Goal 8: Honestly, haven't actually tried to meditate BUT accidentally got in a good sitting one day while trying to nap. I really do value this but have a hard time executing. There's a great quote out there that I will now butcher, but that goes something like: "All the problems of the world come down to the inability of one man to sit alone in a quiet room", or words to that effect. Take the "man" out and replace it with "person" and we got some truth happening here. 


Goal 9: Not bad. A few down moments, typical while detoxing. Generally, between these updates, the W30 Daily, some "gratitude" breaks, doing pretty well. Being positive = not my default state. 


Goal 10: I love these hippie-dippie sentiments from the 70's. No, really, I do. Sometimes there's hard truth in the woo-woo. Bottom line is I can't say I'm exactly "enjoying" the process yet, but that's because my brain still wants sugar. Especially after dinner. Funny story though...last night my cat Eddy crawled onto my lap for an epic snooze session that lasted well into my usual crave and beyond. I didn't have the heart to move him so I just kinda went with it and before I knew it, the craving was over, just like my dad said it would be (see Day 1) So...all of you post-dinner sugar-a-holics, take one lap cat, call me tomorrow. 


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I think #10 is a good reminder for people who are, by nature, goal-oriented.


But as one for whom goal-setting is a struggle, I'm actually enjoying setting and reaching goals during this process. Small successes are reinforcing for me, and give me the confidence to believe I can achieve bigger goals. 


I'm historically terrible at setting goals, and slightly more awful at following through on them. This process is really helping me change that.

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It's my 14th anniversary today and we are celebrating Whole 30 style ~~ yin yoga class (this proves my husband really loves me) and dinner at Earth Fare hot food bar.  We don't want to spend the $$$ on a real restaurant meal since we are over budget this month. 


jpketz~~love the goals and the drawings!  I struggle with #4 as I'm a dirty hippie kind of chick and I only work 3 days a week.  Love 9 and 10 too.  Awesome!!

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I am in awe of the artistically inclined. I pretend to be. I love creating, but can't draw to save my life. What do you do for work?


Our anniversary is on the 16th and I think we will be forgoing the typically restaurant scene for a picnic in the park and a walk about town with the camera in tow. All rides on how the Little Lady is feeling. I don't want to leave her with my mum if she isn't feeling good. She didn't sleep more than 20 minutes at a time last night and every time I put her down she climbed right back up on me. She'll see her ped. this afternoon, but from the conversation we had this morning she thinks it could be an ear infection. I am torn about antibiotics. I want to take away her pain as fast as possible, but the infection could very well resolve itself....


I was home alone for the first time since starting and the little voice inside told me I could have a scoop of ice cream and no one would be the wiser. But I would be, and then I would be miserable, both physically and emotionally. So I cheated by weighing myself instead. I know....bad, bad. I've lost, which is good and my clothing is starting to fit much looser, which is bad because I have nothing else to wear and I'm tired of hefting my pants up every time I walk a few feet. Yes. an investment in a quality belt might be a good idea.


Dinner last night: Bacon-wrapped meatloaf. Delish.

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@misshannah @sdoucette...Updates you shall have (I'm such a glutton for approval). 


Sounds like a lot of us are struggling a bit. I'll see that "blah" and "crap" and raise you a "this sucks", which I recall happening around this time last W30. So this W30, I'm trying new stuff to power through when I'm having a moment, including doing the following Quarterly Report (albeit a few days late) which is about measuring progress, paying attention and not being vague. I tend to make goals and then forget them. This time I actually "made" goals, like spent time drawing/illustrating them (see below) which helps reinforce them, and I've posted them all over the house. So now I'm checking in:




Goal 1: Kinda started off on the wrong foot in W30 2.0 by placing too much emphasis on weight loss. Moderator @GFCHRIS gently pointed this out, so instead of worrying over losing the weight, I lost the scale. 


Goal 2: A bit behind on this (only ridden once so far). I blame my training partner who's been away on business.  ;) Will add kettle bell in there, too. 


Goal 3: Doing well with the walking. 


Goal 4: Pretty much becoming a habit. Yay. 


Goal 5: At least. 


Goal 6: Only Family event so far was canceled, so no chance to test. But...anniversary coming up on Day 28. Stay tuned. 


Goal 7: MUCH better, although eating W30 alone almost guarantees better sleep eventually. Finding that no iPad, earlier turn in time and a good (paper) book, hot shower and/or hot tea cools the jets nicely. 


Goal 8: Honestly, haven't actually tried to meditate BUT accidentally got in a good sitting one day while trying to nap. I really do value this but have a hard time executing. There's a great quote out there that I will now butcher, but that goes something like: "All the problems of the world come down to the inability of one man to sit alone in a quiet room", or words to that effect. Take the "man" out and replace it with "person" and we got some truth happening here. 


Goal 9: Not bad. A few down moments, typical while detoxing. Generally, between these updates, the W30 Daily, some "gratitude" breaks, doing pretty well. Being positive = not my default state. 


Goal 10: I love these hippie-dippie sentiments from the 70's. No, really, I do. Sometimes there's hard truth in the woo-woo. Bottom line is I can't say I'm exactly "enjoying" the process yet, but that's because my brain still wants sugar. Especially after dinner. Funny story though...last night my cat Eddy crawled onto my lap for an epic snooze session that lasted well into my usual crave and beyond. I didn't have the heart to move him so I just kinda went with it and before I knew it, the craving was over, just like my dad said it would be (see Day 1) So...all of you post-dinner sugar-a-holics, take one lap cat, call me tomorrow. 


The second part of 8 made me laugh out loud.  This is a great illustrated list!

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Our anniversary is on the 16th and I think we will be forgoing the typically restaurant scene for a picnic in the park and a walk about town with the camera in tow. All rides on how the Little Lady is feeling. I don't want to leave her with my mum if she isn't feeling good. She didn't sleep more than 20 minutes at a time last night and every time I put her down she climbed right back up on me. She'll see her ped. this afternoon, but from the conversation we had this morning she thinks it could be an ear infection. I am torn about antibiotics. I want to take away her pain as fast as possible, but the infection could very well resolve itself....


I empathize.  My oldest had ear infections and never slept.  She would nurse all.night.long.  Hope she feels better soon! 

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Hi Guys!

I am having some weird cravings right now. I'm stuck mulling them over and afraid I might cheat. It's weird, I don't think I'll cheat but usually at this point I do. I don't even know what I'm craving. I just want something, anything. I had a weird day eating wise. Usually, I try and sit down to eat and do it slowly and try and make a connection with the food. Last night I steamed two sweet potatoes and I did it for way too long and then completely forgot about them and left them out all night. I had to eat breakfast in the car this morning because I was driving from one job to the other and was sitting in traffic. It was a bit rushed but I still tried to really enjoy each bite. Lunch was fine but it also felt rushed. I had the sweet potatoes and they were super mushy (the two year old liked them though :) ) and just not as satisfying as I thought they'd be. I don't think I had enough protein to be honest. I had a pork chop but by the time you get the meat off the bone there's not as much as I need there. And I had a quarter of an avocado for breakfast and lunch, and usually I have a half for each meal. So I'm just craving things. I had a snack because I did have hunger pains and I have a long time till dinner. I rolled turkey around small dill pickles (compliant) and a few pistachios. My problem is after each meal today I've wanted to binge. Like really eat everything, and I've had to hold myself back. It's day 12 for me and I know that this is how I usually feel after two weeks of being "deprived" - I'm not being deprived but my brain thinks it is.

I need to figure out how to control these cravings. I started Whole 30 because I have been an overeater my whole life. I was even in OA in college. And I want control. I don't want to be addicted to food. I want to be strong. I love half marathon training and powerlifting and I know that if my nutrition matched my trainings I would feel so much better. I don't know. Today I'm in a funk I guess. Hopefully, I'll make it out alive.

Didn't mean to bring the thread down lol. I guess I didn't know I felt that way till I wrote it out.

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I need to figure out how to control these cravings. I started Whole 30 because I have been an overeater my whole life. I was even in OA in college. And I want control. I don't want to be addicted to food. I want to be strong. I love half marathon training and powerlifting and I know that if my nutrition matched my trainings I would feel so much better. I don't know. Today I'm in a funk I guess. Hopefully, I'll make it out alive.



Alex:   ;) You having been in OA, as well as you understanding the chemical/hormonal chaos that's happening right now, you will understand when I say, take it easy, and eat as much compliant food as you need to feel full, right now.  You've been STARVING today!  Understand, that until the magic happens (and maybe after), you're powerless over what your brain and body are telling you. Unless you have superpowers, no matter how hard you try, you are not going to beat the biological processes that are happening to you right now.  Not your fault!  Strength is feeling the pain and doing it anyway!  Rock on!


Just remember, this too shall pass.  This too shall pass.  This too shall pass!   ;)


Set up your toolkit for tomorrow to include plenty of emergency protein and give yourself a break!  You have not fallen face first into a box of donuts, and that is AWESOME!  Hang in there, Alexasaurus!


It is so cool that we're not alone, but amongst friends.  Whenever anyone posts about struggles, it makes me feel less all-alone-in-the-world.  Thanks!

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I too had a difficult day today. I let myself get way too hungry a bit ago and I wanted to give in to the quickest thing I could find. I also failed to plan for dinner tonight. I got too busy with other things today that I forgot to put my roast and veggies in the crockpot.


Instead of giving in and ordering pizza I made the Waldorf Tuna Salad from Well Fed. I had all the ingredients on hand for once! YAY! And it was so good and hit the spot and I didn't sabotage my progress. I plan on stopping at the store when I go pick up D1 from gymnastics so I can have it wrapped in lettuce tomorrow for lunch.


I am struggling emotionally today as well. I woke up late, again. Apparently I'm tired and needing the rest. So, waking up late put all of us in a rush. I hate being rushed. Today (and most days) I just feel like I can't keep up with keeping my house clean, laundry, kids' homework, my homework and research, running them all over SE Georgia to activities. I am beginning to feel overwhelmed and I just want to crawl under the covers and cry. I know this will pass and I will get through it. I.JUST.WANT.TO.DO.ALL.THE.THINGS! WAHHHHHHH!!! 


Ok. I'm done. Thanks for letting me get that out.

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