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Missing food group?

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So I do Beachbody programs, and am currently in a Beachbody group. I go to my coach for advice and we post our workouts, struggles, triumphs, etc in the group for support and encouragement.


Well, I posted about how I was going to be doing the Whole30 and how excited I was. The coach, however, says that he would not ever do it, because you couldn't drink Shakeology and Almond Milk, and that the Whole30 eliminates whole food groups altogether and is a "fad diet". Just curious, is there any food group missing? It doesn't look like it to me... we get proteins, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats. We don't need dairy, and we don't need wheat. Soooo... what is he talking about?


I'm honestly just aggravated by it. And the people in the group don't seem to be concerned with foods, just the workouts. And we all know, healthy living starts in the kitchen!

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Yes grains, dairy, legumes, sugar and alcohol.

My question to him would be what is he gaining eating these food groups?

This absolutely is an elimination diet that lasts 30 days. After that, you re-introduce items to see how/if they affect you.

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So he's worried about missing food groups and calls that a 'fad diet' but he drinks Shakeology (whatever that is) and almond milk that has all sorts of bad ingredients in it?


Yeah, thanks but no thanks coach.

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Here's my issue with Beachbody coaches: they are so obsessed by their beloved shakeology that they can't accept any other fueling methods. I personally think shakeology is filled with junk, not to mention its waaaaaaay to expensive for only getting a month's worth at a time. I am not saying this is true for all Beachbody coaches, but all of the ones I have encountered have very much of a "my way or no way" attitude.

There is nothing "fad" about eliminating processed foods and only eating foods that make you healthier. If you ask me, drinking a shake that costs $80/month when all you're buying is the name (because let's face it: you can buy protein powder for much cheaper than that, and that's all shakeology is. Period.) is more of a fad than anything else.

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Hadn't heard of Shakeology but just Googled and it seems like a heck of a lot more of a "fad diet" than whole30! I'd rather eat my nutrients than drink them (along with a bunch of other crap), honestly. 


Recently had to explain Whole30 and Paleo in general to a few people at a party and came across one very bullheaded guy who just couldn't come to terms with the fact that grains aren't the only source of carbs. That was a fun conversation  :rolleyes:

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Hogwash!  I say just go along with him and at the end of your 30 days say BAM... Look at this bod and how good I feel! :) 


I think sometimes people and trainers alike get "food groups" mixed up with "food pyramid" - And the food pyramid is slightly frightening anyway. 


I'm on day 16 and when they say Tigers Blood - They mean it, I have way more energy than I've had in a very, very long time, if not ever.  Can't imagine how this life change cannot be a good thing considering we are putting *whole* good foods in our body.   :)

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Glad I'm not the only one that has thought all the things you all have said!! I've drank Shakeology before, because I used to be a Beachbody coach. I saw though, that most of them were very "my way or the highway", like one of you pointed out. And if their clients weren't buying Shakeology or a Beachbody program, they'd kick them out of their group and wouldn't help them. I honestly wanted to be a coach just to help people see that through diet and exercise, they could achieve their dream body and gain more energy, cure some ailments, etc. 


I'm thinking he meant the grains and dairy, as food groups being eliminated. Almond milk has a bunch of crap in it that I prefer NOT to put in my body (unless of course it's homemade, which i know he's not doing). And I don't feel we need grains or dairy, because we can get their "benefits" (i use that word VERY lightly, since I see no essential benefits) through other means, from fruits and veggies and lean meats, and healthy fats. Those 4 things are all we need! As long as if it's balancedd.


I've since been focusing more on a Whole30/Paleo motivational group for support. ESPECIALLY since the people in the group ONLY focus on workouts and sometimes shakeology. There is very rarely food being discussed, unless someone ate fast food because they were too busy... even though you could easily go home and prepare something in 10-15 minutes and it's WAAAAAY more flavorful, and provides nutrients our bodies need.

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Also, Shakeology has at least 16g of sugar in each serving, whey in some formulas... and before, they were saying they did not have a vanilla flavored shake, because you couldn't get a vanilla flavor through natural products. However NOW they have come out with a vanilla shakeology... kind of hypocritical if you ask me. I do believe in the programs and that they DO work... but none of their supplements. 


I've been posting some of my foods in the group, just to show people that they truly can have yummy foods, and a well balanced diet with this program, that is OBVIOUSLY no fad! 

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Just took a human biology class and the only true food groups are fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Then you can get into what vitamins and minerals we need, but like others have said there is nothing in dairy/grains/sugar that we can't get elsewhere (mostly from veggies).

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