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A New Lease on Life!


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Hi everyone! I haven't really posted much on the forums, but I did look at some of the topics quite regularly during my Whole30 journey. My husband & I did this together and are continuing this together, but I will tell my story and a little bit of his.

I have yo-yo'ed pretty much my entire adult life, and considering the fact that I'm turning 40 in a couple of weeks I really wanted to put a stop to it. I know that my constant struggle with food was wrecking my body. A chiropractor that I was seeing for ART on my aching feet really encouraged an anti-inflammatory diet. I did some research on what exactly that meant, as their definition was no processed foods. I joined a weight loss plan (the one you count points) I figured if I got some of this weight off it would only help my foot situation. Well, I lost almost 20 pounds, but was really struggling with it. That's where my cousin Jill (she's posted on these forums) comes into play...she was posting messages on FB about her first 6 days, and how so many wonderful things were happening to her from eating this way. I thought I would give it a shot, I mean really, it's only 30 days...I can do that! I got my husband on board with me...he actually read the success guide that I downloaded. Which if you knew him, you would know that was something short of a miracle! Generally, if it's not something business related or the sports section of the newspaper he's not interested!

We started on a random Friday and our 30th day was this past Saturday. When we first were telling people about what we were doing, they thought we were crazy. Typical responses were, "It's summer, why would you want to start now?" My reply was, there's never a good time, so we just have to do it! We are busy people like a lot of others. My youngest son played baseball this summer as well as being in club track. This meant being on the road most weekends for track meets as well as gone to the ball diamond a couple nights during the week. We still made the committment and stuck to it for the full 30 days! No excuses!

I feel so much better that I can't even imagine turning back now. Things that I've noticed: my mood is SO much better...I had gotten so heavy that I just didn't want to live life anymore, which makes me very sad to admit that. I just didn't want to be around (not in a suicidal fashion), but I just wasn't living my life. I feel that the weight has been lifted and I'm engaging myself in my life again. I've started walking and being more active. (I actually just got done with a 5 mile walk with a friend in our lovely 100* weather we are having!) The best thing I've noticed...no more acid reflux, or heartburn. I have Tums stashed everywhere...my desk at work, my desk at home, nightstand, kitchen, track bag...you name it, they are there! Well, my supply hasn't dwindled at ALL during these 30 days. It's been amazing! I figure the money I'm saving between Tums and my Diet Mt. Dew habit I kicked during these past 30 days we'll be able to afford the grass-fed beef from a local farm that we found! :) I have been sleeping like a rock most of the time...my snoring has gone away! (Unless my husband is just sleeping through it since he's sleeping better now, too!) My morning cough that I had for months is gone. I'm not sure what to attribute the cough to (allergies, asthma...not really sure, but it's gone and I'm glad!). My clothes are fitting much better that they did 30 days ago. I even was able to put some pants on from last summer and they feel loose! I have a long way to go as far as the weight in concerned, but with feeling better and having more energy I have no doubt that I will reach my goals in time! (I lost almost 11 pounds during the 30 days) More importantly, I went down 4 inches in my waist & hips! Yay for getting rid of some of the bad, bad belly fat! My husband, being a man has lost 22 pounds (without any exercise at all!)...but it's all good. We are on this journey together to get healthy in the hopes of not having to turn to a lifetime of being on medication and all that yucky stuff!

Sorry that this is so long winded...I truly feel like I have a new lease on life! This has really been a blessing to me & my family! Thank you Melissa & Dallas for being so passionate about what you do, it means the world to me!

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Fantastic! I love that you're thinking long term ("...not having to turn to a lifetime of being on medication") and not only the short term (4 inches!! That's awesome!). You have a great perspective and it sounds like you really enjoy life. Hopefully now you have a little more energy to enjoy it with!

Great work!

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Great Success Story Alycop :)

Congratulations to both you and your husband. Your results are fantastic! And the decication to your new healthy lifestyle is inspiring, even when you had other committments, you managed to stil stick to the full 30 days.

It really goes to show how powerful fuour bodies can be when fueled with the correct sources.

Good Luck with the rest of your weight loss journey :)

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Thanks all for your kind words! This has been a wonderful experience. So many more changes than I expected...too many to mention! :) I pointed my sister to my success story and she was teasing me about it being long.


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