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Skin not improving


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I'm on day 18 and my skin hasn't cleared up at all.  I don't always struggle with acne but for the last three months I've had bad breakouts on my forehead.  Lately, it's painful deep cystic acne.  I've read online that maybe coffee causes skin issues, is this the case with anyone?  I'm concerned since I've cut processed foods and dairy from my diet, what could it be? 

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Deep cystic acne is often hormonal.  Please visit your dermatologist for some topical skin care than has minimal ingredients.  Sometimes, even a light topical Retanoid (like Tazorac .5%) once nightly can clear up those painful breakouts.  Also, an excellent daily and even moisturizer is key for acne maintenance.  I am so sorry to hear you are suffering - I certainly know your pain.  While proper diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management are vital to having healthy glowing skin, some of us need a little extra.  

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I am also not having success in the skin area. My skin is usually pretty clear but now I have two enormous zits and I am on day 17 when everyone is supposed to be commenting on how great my skin looks. I really haven't seen much change during this whole time. I hope it's not coffee because that is my only treat during the day. I only have about 1-2 cups of decaf. 

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Sometimes things that have hot qualities can exacerbate acne and skin eruptions. Try cutting out coffee (black tea is fine) and spicy foods (both hot and pungent - so chiles and ginger, for instance) for a few weeks. I'd also make sure you're eating a lot of dark leafy greens (I drink a greens supplement when not on whole30) as they're cooling for the body. 


With this whole30, you can have hormonal shifts, which can play funky with your skin. With any luck, your body will settle out after a cycle/month and you'll fare better.

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I am also not having success in the skin area. My skin is usually pretty clear but now I have two enormous zits and I am on day 17 when everyone is supposed to be commenting on how great my skin looks. I really haven't seen much change during this whole time. I hope it's not coffee because that is my only treat during the day. I only have about 1-2 cups of decaf. 


Even decaf has those hot qualities of coffee. Skin eruptions are normally caused by heat in the body (think heat rash, etc.). But still, if it's not a systemic thing for you, perhaps the coffee is incidental, and the hormonal shifts caused by the whole30 are the temporary culprit.

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I'm on my fourth whole30 and have experimented with what makes my skin flare... Coffee, even decafe is the worst culprit and takes 12 days of abstaining to clear up. Coconut and nuts also have an effect, and cocoa too. And if these items coincide with hormone peaks from my cycle it has a compounding effect..... So sad!

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