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Quinoa Question


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I recently read:


"Quinoa is commonly grouped with grains such as wheat, oats, barley, and rye because it is typically consumed the same way. But in all actuality, quinoa is a member of the same food family as spinach, Swiss chard, and beets—a chenopod"


Does this mean we can eat Quinoa?  What is W30's take on this information.  Thoughts would be much appreciated.

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Quinoa: No

Quinoa is another one of those pseudo-cereals. While it might not technically be considered a grain, it contains properties that could be similarly problematic to your body, which makes it off-limits for your Whole30. The same guideline applies to buckwheat, amaranth, and other gluten-free grain substitutes.

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Thanks all.  I was aware it was forbidden on W30.  I guess my real question was why?  Because it isn't in the grain family and the latest research shows it actually has anti-inflammatory properties, like the other members its family.  It's physiologically not even a pseudo-grain. 


I really wanted to understand the science behind the exclusion to understand if it is based on old or new knowledge.



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Quinoa has the same anti-nutrients, phytic acid, lectins and saponins as grain, and it doesn't provide anything beneficial that you can't get from better sources (ie. vegetables). Of course you can choose to eat it outside of a whole30 if you wish, but, IMO you can do better. If you DO choose to include it post-whole30, I would consider soaking and sprouting it first.

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