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Fat portions...

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This confused me too! I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be doing a thumb-size of the cooking fats AND the portion size of the eating fats, or if I was supposed to be doing a thumb-sized portion of the cooking fats OR a portion size of the eating fats.

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I would love to hear an expert weigh in on this one too! I wasn't (and still don't feel 100%) sure about how to add things up. So, if I cooked my protein (which I'm also not considering a fat source for purposes of this exercise, although really it would have fat in it too - either animal or egg), in a thumb-sized portion of cooking oil/fat, should I also not add an eating fat like avocado? So, if I cooked some eggs in a thumb-sized portion of coconut oil, do I not eat a half avocado with that meal?


Thanks - the answer to this will be SUPER helpful!

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Not an expert by any means.  I'm on my 2nd W30 and can share what works for me.  I eat a minimum of two thumb measures (or equivalent) with every meal.  I adjust fat content based on how I feel or how well I was able to go between meals the last time I ate the meal in question without getting hungry.  For example, if I have two fried eggs in the morning then I need another fat source (usually 1/2 avocado for me)..if I eat 3 fried eggs, I do not need additional fat, although I sometimes eat it anyway.  This is based on my personal experience.  Some fat sources don't work for me at all.  I could eat an entire bag of nuts and never feel sated.  Other fats I just don't care for (clarified butter, ghee).  I do try to mix the fat sources up a bit for variety.  


The above was a wordy way of saying:  If you eat the lower amount of fat in a meal and can't make it to the next meal, then up the fat content the next time.  Healthy fats are your friends:-)



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Most of the advice I've seen on the forums is not to count cooking fat, because most of it stays in the pan, so you don't consume it. 


This topic gets discussed a lot, many, many people have qualms about the amount of fat allowed on the plan, so here are a few threads that have addressed it, to give you more information (the best way to search the forum, especially for three-letter words that the site's search engine doesn't like, is to google Whole30 and whatever term you're looking for, in case you want to find more threads, since these are not anywhere near all of them):





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