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Can anyone explain why this is so bad?  I'm just curious. I see it even on products that  claim to have no preservatives listed as "Carrageenan (derived from seaweed)" as though since it is from a plant it can't be considered a preservative. 


I've been trying to find lunch meat without this and it's been impossible.  I've looked at my local organic food store, Whole Foods, Turnip Truck, & Kroger to no avail.


I'm wondering if Boars Head meat might be compliant?  I can't seem to find an ingredient list for that. 

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Answers here (including a response from Melissa): http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/963-confused-about-carrageenan/

If it's too difficult to find compliant lunch meat, find another complaint protein. There are countless options. 




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A great benefit of the Whole30 is learning to eat real, whole foods. Looking for lunch meat is contrary to the point of the Whole30. Come on! Break free and eat foods you have not been eating before. Try it, you will like it.

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A great benefit of the Whole30 is learning to eat real, whole foods. Looking for lunch meat is contrary to the point of the Whole30. Come on! Break free and eat foods you have not been eating before. Try it, you will like it.

I found a recipe that had bacon, avocado, and sliced red bell pepper wrapped in turkey and I thought it looked fantastic for lunch. I wasn't trying to not eat real food and I'm sure there is a meat out there that would work for this recipe and would be WHOLE30 compliant.

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I found a recipe that had bacon, avocado, and sliced red bell pepper wrapped in turkey and I thought it looked fantastic for lunch. I wasn't trying to not eat real food and I'm sure there is a meat out there that would work for this recipe and would be WHOLE30 compliant.

Just be sure whatever bacon you use is compliant: no sugar, sweetener, or other nasties.


For that to be a sufficient lunch, you'd need at least 1 cup bell pepper and 1/2 avocado, along with 1-2 palms of protein.

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