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Eat Right For Your Blood Type

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What are your thoughts on this? My parents have just read the book and visited a holistic naturopath doctor who advises his patients to follow the blood type diet recommendations.

I've read up on it just a little...

My dad has ankylosing spondylitis (sp?) among several other heart and health conditions and is looking for the optimal way to eat. They read ISWF and now are looking at the blood type theory.

Any experiences with this?


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They read ISWF and have already moved on to the next new, shiny thing! They've hardly had time to do a Whole30.

I think the blood type diet is complete nonsense supported by wishful thinking, but hey, that's me. The problem with the blood type diet and many other approaches is there will always be people who report success following any program. However, when studied by scientists, these programs don't work. The approach of ISWF has been tested by science and the experience of 1000s of people...

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Are either of your parents type O? If so, yes. If not, ignore it.

Actually, you should ignore it anyway. The science is flawed, the basic premise is flawed, and it's quackery. Here's a good criticism of the author's premises: http://donmatesz.blogspot.com/2010/12/blood-type-diet-primal-perspective.html?m=1

But if it works for you, by all means keep doing it. Maybe have them do a 30 day comparison with each one and see how they feel on both

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Thanks. I just wanted to hear from someone else. The reason this came up...they both started a whole 30, my dad came down with another infection and landed in the hosptial, but right before that they visited this doctor. I agree - type O sounds like Paleo. The others? I kind of doubt it. My dad has had so many health issues and is in a lot of pain from his spondylitis disease that he is always looking for something new to help.

ISWF is so full of the science that backs it all up. Not sure about this other guy.

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I am a Naturopath for 20 years & find that most different 'styles' of eating will benefit most people if they follow it because it means they are cutting out all of the junk they normally eat. The only recommendation I give these days is paleo.

I followed the blood type diet-I am A- but didn't feel great on it.

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I'm a type A and followed that diet's recommendation years ago. Being a vegetarian, I believe, threw me into a battle with depression that lasted for years. A vegetarian diet did not provide me with enough amino acids to support my brain and make my much-needed seratonin and other mood elevating hormornes. Nor did it provide my brain and body with enough healthy fats to thrive. I think the only reason why some people feel better on ANY diet plan is that for the most part they have cut out junk food and processed carbohyrates.

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I had a nutritionist who advised the blood type diet, insisting I could not be allergic to milk according to the diet, and recommended I drink it in a shake every morning. I followed her recommendations for a while, and my health deteriorated.

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Hi, I have ankylosing spondylitis (AS) too. I have treated mine with a high doseage of fish oil (i take around 12 capsules a day) and no wheat, diary or starchy products, minus a few starchy vegetables here and there.

I have reduced my pain significantly, and only get attacks maybe once a year. The more active i am, the better my attacks are. Depending on the level of his AS he may not see the changes immediately, but over time his syptoms should reduce.

My specialist actually got me onto the fish oil, so maybe a change in naturopaths, doctors is in order. Or do some google research, there is a ton of information about AS and treatments.

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