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Bok Choy

Laura B

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Ok, I got some bok choy at the farmer's market and I am pretty excited to cook with it. I know I can find recipes using the all mighty Google, but I wanted to hear from my W30 friends what they recommend.

Do you have a favorite method or pairing for bok choy? I have an entire bunch...should I cook it all at once?


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I bought baby bok choy & cooked it yesterday. The official taste tester (my hubby) loved it & so did I! I cooked about half of the package (a couple cups). With this recipe, you could cook as much (or as little) as you'd like. Modifing the directions on the package, this is what I did: I heated a tablespoon of coconut oil in a pan (ghee would work too) & sauteed a minced clove of garlic for 30 seconds (you could add some minced ginger too). I added the bok choy & tossed it with the garlic & oil. Then I added a couple tablespoons of water, covered the pan with a lid, and let it steam for 2-3 minutes (until the bok choy is tender & bright green). You can also add some protein to it with a bit more water if necessary & stir until warmed through. I seasoned the bok choy with a tiny pinch of sea salt & freshly cracked pepper & it was crunchy, tender & all sorts of delicious! Super quick & easy to make! ;)

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I just tried bok choy for the first time as well. I found that I liked it better just chopped up raw in a salad - cooked, it wasn't really my thing. But my roommate said that it's much better if it's in an Asian-type dish with the right spices, so could've been that I was just "doing it wrong!"

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I ended up throwing together a stir fry with carrots, leeks, mushrooms, bok choy & some spinach in coconut oil. It was really good, but I probably should have chopped the bok choy up a bit more. Thanks for all the suggestions, I have more in the fridge to play with :)

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