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My stomach gets/is gianormous


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I just finished my Whole30 yesterday.

I have not gotten on a scale as I know I haven't lost weight and I want to continue for a total of 60 days.


I have a question.

I have a lot of fat around my stomach and I really would love to see it go away.

Also, when I eat my stomach get huge!  Especially the top portion.

Any suggestions on how to loose belly fat and what to do about my stomach bloating.

Ive read a bunch about digestive enzymes but it seems the NOw Super Enzymes are no longer compliant....what to do?

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A few things...just because it feels like you haven't lost weight doesn't mean you haven't ...especially if you're bloated or retaining water. Is it near that time of the month(sorry if that's personal)? Also, you can't spot reduce so losing body fat overall is the only way to lose abdominal fat. Lastly, javelin you tried eating fermented foods? Avoiding gassy/difficult to digest veggies (cruciferous veggies are hard on some)? Are you getting enough water?

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Non cruciferous would be carrots, snap peas, bell pepper, squashes, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, green beans and asparagus. So you'd avoid broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and kale. There are other cruciferous vegetables but people seem to tolerate the ones I didn't list a bit better than these ones. I hope this helps.

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We avoid recommending specific digestive enzymes because we never know when the manufacturer may change the formulation. But here is a good place to start looking... http://whole9life.com/2012/09/digestive-enzymes-101/


Eating fermented foods every day may be enough for you. I personally try to eat sauerkraut or kimchi and kombucha every day. 

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"belly fat"is a tricky one, because first off, it might not be fat at all. You might have bloating issues or digestive issues that cause your stomach to appear distended. That doesn't mean there is too much fat in that area. Second, if it is actually fat, that is an area that would be most effected by stress and hormones. So, if your hormones aren't balanced quite right or if you are experiencing a lot of stress (and yes, that includes the stress of exercise), then it is not uncommon to put on weight around the middle.


It sounds like you might have all of these going on right now? As hard as it is to do, taking a break from effort directed at the problem may be the real solution, meaning, rather than stressing on top of stress about your percieved belly fat, take a break. meditate. breathe. digest. give yourself time and grace. You may find after a while that you don't care so much about it anymore, or, after a while you may notice that your stomach is slimmer. Both of these are good outcomes. Both take time.

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